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 Jun 2017
Paul Jones
I am your low roar     of distant thunder,
you are my intense     flashes of lightning.
18:00 - 16/06/17
State of mind: euphoric; ecstasy.

Thoughts: from feeling - the storm within.

Questions: none.
 Mar 2017
Dr Strange
A single tear drop falls from the forbidden skies <br>
Flooding the earth with the pain from a single guy<br>
His heart betrayed ripped to shreds forcing him to hide <br>
He loved her but now she says bye <br>
And thus the sky continue to rain dry <br>
As he dies on the inside
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
I am a rain drop flopped down from the clouds
I could have landed in a river or the sea
Then merging with the rising and receding waves
I would have been washed down into oblivion

Or could have fallen from the heights
Into a desolate dreary desert
Amid the blistering granules of sand
To be absorbed into nothingness

Chances are there to have fallen on a rock
Lying scorched in the heat of the mid day sun
Then I would have vanished into thin air
Evaporating into non existence

I could have fallen into a muddy puddle
Or perhaps into a filthy drainage
To be contaminated with the sewage
Or be the breeding ground of worms and bugs

But fortunately for me
I happened to fall into fecund soil
Where there lay in wait a few seeds
Hankering for the cool touch of moisture

Arid souls desperately thirsting for water,
They ****** the molecules within me.
As their dry kernel got soaked and puffed,
Slowly they sprouted and grew into life.

Absorbing again the drops that came after me
They, into towering trees eventually grew
Some touching heaven’s azure heights
And giving shade and shelter to many

Now as I see them crested with flowers
And bearing clusters of luscious fruits
I feel I am there in each leaf and bud
And my essence flows through every vein!

As a teacher, what more is needed for me
To feel contented in life?
For the last several years, I have been teaching in a college. Now my students are scattered everywhere in the world! Some of them are so well placed and some adorning key positions in life. Seeing them, I feel so proud and happy! India is a land where teachers are greatly respected. ‘Mata, Pita, Guru, Daivom’ is a sacred credo of our ancient culture. It means next to God come mother, father and teacher!
 Feb 2017
South by Southwest
Leave your imperfections
that I might know that you are human
That your stumblings
might resound a warmth unto my heart

Thy errs find grace
and forgiveness
in the steps I tread
before you

For I was no better
nay worse
than the efforts of your globe
of conjecture

My golden orb
fails in warmth
As I dreams of avenues
and cobblestone alleys

Of love of those
I know not any more
**** , this curse of time's
finagling abomination !

Yet I find hope
in the rebirth and youth
Let two souls come together
and remake the world anew

As for my glory
It comes down to reason
and the hope
that our imperfections remain intact
God made us imperfect for a reason .
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
Growing out from childish pranks,
With the storm and stress of turbulent teens,
I locked within my mind’s cupboard,
A portrait vaguely sketched, but never finished.

Rough it was, though fancifully done,
The silhouette of a masculine figure,
The Gallant who would reach one day,
To hold my hand and own me his.

I had no inkling who he would,
Yet had fallen in love with that phantasmal figure,
He had dazzling eyes and sturdy limbs,
With striking features, ravishing to view,

Elusive ever to sight and touch,
He remained an enigma, abstract to grasp.
At times his contours grew distinct,
But soon blanched out into hazy lines,

When at times a covert devouring look,
Or a pair of intent adoring eyes,
Sent a thrill down my fickle heart,
I forced open my chest nut draw,

And took out stealthily that half done sketch,
Hidden out from world’s staring glance,
To alter the features one by one,
And make it resemble the man I met,

Either within a moving train,
Or sometimes in an elite gang,
Who derailed my thoughts in pensive mood,
And tickled my fancy to heave and sigh.

He made me turn and toss in bed,
And left me, many a sleepless night,
He stroked my heart with gladdening ache,
And made me lose in sweet reverie.

In the nick of time, he solemnly came,
To hold my hand and tie the knot,
With pounding heart and quivering breath,
I found him differ from the man I dreamt.

The fabulous fabric in my loom,
Looked at variance from the one unfurled,
Transfixed between fact and fallacy,
I struggled to hide a falling tear.

Time marched on in silent haste,
And I learnt to outgrow my childish whims,
Sagacity dawned with passing age,
Making me discern the real from the sham.

It made me admire his sanguine self.
On fathomed deep beyond external mien,
I saw him unveiled in taint less worth,
That made my heart ever pine in love.

Piecing together our halved selves,
With the glue of love, our identities merged,
Now he is with me in my blues,
Consoling me with his balmy touch,

He is with me in my joy,
Making it resonant with a hearty laugh,
He is there when storms rage,
Whispering in my ear, not to fear,

He taught me how to savour life,
To meet the slings with radiant cheer,
Now the image is clearly etched deep,
Never to erase, nor to revise!

And the old portrait locked within,
Grew so musty, bereft of use,
In its place, I keep within,
His solid figure in indelible print.
Today 11th Feb. is our 38th wedding anniversary. This is a loving dedication to my husband. As I look back, I wonder how time has fled in sweeping haste! Thank God and thanks to him.... I am a happy wife and mother!
 Feb 2017
Dreams shattered on the floor
she dances on the broken glass
trying to restore her reflection.
She looks in the mirror and sees nothing more
...but a broken girl
Dreams shattered on the floor
He laughs when he sees his reflection.
...he sees a joke of life and nothing more

A girl who lost herself
due to the world...
The world that she loved
and thought loved her
But now when she looks in the mirror
she sees a a lost little girl
with broken dreams...
And wonders will she ever be found
Reflection EP
 Feb 2017
She dances on the sand
trying to become one
with the earth again....*
She has pain in heart
Sadness in her eyes
And a broken spirit
But she still smiles through the pain
 Feb 2017
Out of place
You'll never be enough
**I am enough
 Feb 2017
I feel like im all alone
In a corner by myself
I got everyone telling me what i can't do
But no one is telling me what i can do
I need support
I cant be there for myself all the time
I hate being alone
I try to stay strong
And smile through the pain
But i just can't
I can't do it anymore by myself
I need someone to be there for me
When i need them ......
I'm always there for everyone else
Why can't someone just support me
And be there when i need them?
:( This is it. The last poem for awhile
 Feb 2017
It was just a memory
....a very good but bad one*

Me and him
....strangers with memories

Was it £○v€°°°¿ Or was it love...?

Just memories with an ex. :(
*Strangers with memories* ♡
 Feb 2017
Im still here
Waiting to catch you if you fall
I don't know why I care so much
When I shouldn't care at all
But yet im still here.. waiting
To help you up when you fall
Everybody keeps telling me
To leave you in the past
Because I deserve better than you
But I still care for you
I still.... I still love you
Why am I still here waiting
When I know I should leave
.......But I still care
I still love you

But that... doesn't mean we should be together
Decidation to friend/exboyfriend/friend/exboyfriend know who you are
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
The old man gazed at the sun about to set
And its molten core soon to dissolve in the sea
Scratching his head with tremulous hands
And running his fingers on the stubble of his unshaven face
He held once more tight to his wheel chair

Casually he had a glance at his hands
Those dry, weak and shriveled hands
Gone wrinkled with passing years!
His hands once so busy are now limp
His days once so brisk are now long and dull

He noticed the discolored patches on his skin
Under them the lattice of tortuous veins on the dorsum
They run down to join with the bigger ones
Like small rivulets flowing towards larger rivers

      He remembered how the streams from summits
So vigorously come down with a gush
Also the noisy cataracts somersaulting down,
Leaving reverberating echoes all around
But they produce only a soft musical sound
As they join with the rivers and pass through plains
And finally end in a kind of hushed stillness
Just before merging with the sea!

The old man philosophized;
Life too, is like a river
Fierce and ferocious when one is young
Gentler and sedate after middle age
And slow and sloppy in old age
With this calm acceptance of the need to de accelerate
Wrapping himself in the shawl against the growing cold
He turned away from the window.

Pushing his wheel chair,
He moved forward,
Knowing no haste…..
Towards his bed for another night’s tired sleep!
Though I dread old age, I love old people especially those who are uncomplaining, spending the evening of their life in quiet resignation! I was inspired to write this after a visit to an old man- a distant relative of me, now on a wheel chair!
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