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Someone spontaneous
2. Someone who can read my smiles
3. Someone who will laugh at my indecisiveness
4. Someone who knows the difference between 'then' and 'than'
5. Someone who will hold me tight without holding me back
6. Someone whose soul, if converted into writing, would read 'humanity'
7. Someone whose laugh sounds like the echoes of smitten giggles between mountains
8. Someone who tastes like drinking wine while the sun is going down and the moon is coming up
8. Are those stars burning through my couch or are those your eyes?
8. Did I drink too much wine?
8. "There's no such thing as 'too much wine', darling"
9. Someone to love with a soul set on fire
10. (Cupid, please don't ***** this up)
it's the smallest voices that scream the loudest
I've never been a fan of the trending hero
or the underground superstar.
slam poets make me sick.
your attitude is a well concocted ploy
to touch indie hearts and
I hate it.
I love the ignored
the militants
the trashman painter,
the gas station attendent that
makes ****** artcore ******
in her boyfriend's garage
the sixteen y.o. with a tape recorders
and a circuitbent casio
howling blood into an old
slash and burn
leave your best work sitting
on a park bench for me
ignore the plight and shove
your fingers down your throat.
I love the broken. the hurt.
the misanthropes the schizoids
**** victims
single mothers
drug addicts
if that fire is in your shattered
legs reflecting the age of
billion dead scaffolds
soul of revolution raging
knife in paw
I will fall in love with you
and sigh at the detrious
in your wake.
let me see you naked and crying
my own wounds fester quiet
when everyone else is asleep.
have a drink,
you earned it.
 Jun 2014 catashtrophe
just because you can't see the stars it doesn't mean they're not shining.
 Jun 2014 catashtrophe
The night is young,
Like me
But no one seems to notice that the day is dying.
 May 2014 catashtrophe
Call me insignificant but I’ve been chasing undeveloped photographs
Down these old hallways that we used to call home when the sun didn’t look right
Locked away in closets with my heart stuck under your skin
The same old words buried under your fingernails
Sometimes I struggle to find the difference between hospital rooms and a bed for the night
And I’ve never seen the point of living by the hands of the man-made god that hangs on the wall
But the difference between then and now was that I always saw you in the dark
I traded your broken grimace for her smile and I swear to God I will never regret it
Because she speaks the same words with her mouth sewn shut
And I guess thats something you could never understand

— The End —