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I used to think men
should be more like books
Both you cannot
judge by looks...

If I didn't want to finish reading
I put it down... no heart was bleeding

A book will never fuss or fight
It will stay with you
through the night...

It doesn't smoke. It doesn't drink.
It won't leave toothpaste
in the sink!

It doesn't binge... it don't eat...
It won't leave up the toilet seat!

It don't forget. It doesn't mope.
It won't hog the TV remote!

It doesn't have to have
The last say...
It doesn't have legs

to walk away.

But it's not soft. It isn't warm.
It doesn't keep you
safe from harm.

Even though it makes no fuss
It can't think. It can't discuss.

Even though it has its charms
it can't hold you in its arms.

It doesn't pine. It doesn't miss.
It can't hug and it can't kiss.

So now I think on it again...
... I think BOOKS should be
             more like MEN!!!

If you are happy,
you're in no position to judge those who are not.
if you are not happy,
who are you to judge those who are?
 Feb 2015 Another Girl
It's a day without a name. A saying
Without meaning.

It's a joke without a punchline. A prayer
Without hope.

It's a wish without a listener. A scream
Without fear.

It's thoughts,

It's my rambling mind
That pushes you, taking you

It's the things

We never wished

We'd said.

Since nothing
Can ever
Be taken back,

We all live with the

We've made.

Time is not a cure
For heartbreak or despair.
There's only the open road
And an uncapped bottle

Of E & J.

Alcoholic Romanticism.

The lipstick smears.
The cheap cologne.
The nibbled ear.
The ringing phone.

Instead of forgiveness,
Seek advancement.
Pursue closure.


Forget the love you had and
Think of the love
You've got to give and
The love
You've got to take.

**** the time
Make your sign.

She said her name.
I laughed and said
It rhymed.

A wicked messenger walked
Through the swaying cardboard doors.
His teeth were as yellow as
Rusted over taxi cab doors. He walked with a gait
That told me he was heading somewhere an'
Couldn't wait.

"Listen to me," He said with a grin, reeking
Of a life of past sins, "I'm the enemy. I'm your man.
That's my woman you're sitting next to and," he
Bit his lip then clicked his tongue, "I want whats mine."

"Take her," I said. I looked at her smooth
Pale white shoulder, a red freckle on the tip of the bone,
"Take what you want."

He laughed.
I shot.

She stayed with me.
 Feb 2015 Another Girl
She fell in love with an astronaut,
their distance lightyears away.
She believes that he fell in love with her, too.
“For the galaxies are beside me, and a vast of possibilities laying
outside the metal surrounding me,
i kept falling back into your pull of gravity.”
And she still does, when she grows old every day, waiting
he stays the same, feels the same, thinks the same.

But she fell in love with an astronaut,
their distance lightyears away.
Everything under her feet moves faster,
And in space - time slows down, Relativity kicks in.
And every day she wishes, that the Earth would stop revolving
the years stop counting, and
she would stay the same, feel the same, think the same.
She hoped, she dreamed, she failed.

She fell in love with an astronaut.
Her nights linger on tinkering on stars
and planets, and space. She wanted to wait,
she grows old, he slows it down, she couldn’t.
He is lightyears away, and time is running out.
She was in love with an astronaut,
and he was meant to be there, not with her,
not ever.
i am trying
 Feb 2015 Another Girl
 Feb 2015 Another Girl
I think I loved you most the winter your heating was broken
And we’d stay inside all morning
Pretending to complain that we couldn’t get out of bed
Our clothes becoming little islands on the floor,
Ones that we could not quite find the courage to visit

Your hand stayed glued to my hip,
Your breath warming my shoulder
Like a long drag of whiskey
That kind that had a home so far away,
In a glass bottle on top of your refrigerator.
The one that would not be opened
Until that fateful day in February,
When everything went wrong

And on that unbearable night
When you joked that you’d freeze to death if I left you
There was a long silence
Like it might be true.

Now it’s warm enough
That I show too much skin when sitting in bars
And you avoid me like the plague,
Whispering in any girl’s ear that’s near to you
Every time you see me watching out of the corner of your eye

We should have stayed inside when the ice began to melt
Because I think
When those doors opened and we finally ventured outside
The world had changed,
And so had you and I.
Her skin smells of the petals of a winter rose,
That the years have turned to stone,
A brutal flower in rocky soil ,
That once was a heart ,
As fair as summer as winters never came,
But the waining of a life's moon,
Brought winter in feeling to soon,
The oceans of youth dried to deserts of age,
And her rosy cheeks now left lines on her face,
The echoes of beauty lost as evening falls,
As bright eyes left dimmed,
That beauty never to be seen again,
And laying down she sheds a tear,
To all the lost and forgotten years ,
When the taste was sweet,
Yet now left bitter and cold,
Oh how cruel it is growing old.
 Feb 2015 Another Girl
I can't get used to not sleeping.
And I scare myself to death,
Every time I close my eyes.
Burned deep inside, the face I never met.
I've come to learn, I'll never be free.
There won't be one single moment of peace
as long as you're forcing yourself through me.
And my backyard is graveyard for cigarettes,
but the grass isn't the one dying of cancer and regret.
And my knees were never weak.
Even when I held you on my shoulders;
and you refused to speak,
your face was screaming every day of the week.
I don't want to feel love through a picture frame,
and telling her I love her never felt the same.

And with it, it feels like I'm bound,
To live a long life without the taste of success.
To walk with broken feet on hollow ground.
And I've lost my way,
Counting blessings in the sky.
Drowning memories and clearing haze
trying to remember warmer days.
And I veer off paths, but never in vain.
While I pave my own, those pale hands kept me sane.
I really don't know what to do with this anymore at all. I've been trying to write it for 2 months now.
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