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I still want to touch you.
Punish you for what you've done.

I still want your skin on mine.
I can't deny, we've had fun.

I still want to show you things that no one else has.
I still want you to be comfortable with only me.

I want to feel your nails on my skin.
I want to hear your breath in my ear.
I want my hands in your hair.
I want your intense stare.

But it's not enough to want you.
The pain that's in my heart...

You prefer shredded paper over art.

I like the warmth of your body.
I like your hands in mine.
I like how you make me tremble
When our legs are intertwined.

I want to kiss your neck.
I want to touch you there.
I want to laugh beside you.
I want to pretend no one else is there.

Even if it's temporary.
Even if I don't believe in love.

Even if you hate me.
Even if you hurt me.

Right now, I want you.
The world needs more lovers
With rose colored glasses
Forever worn
With glass hearts
And stoneless hands
With roses growing
Down their spines
And stardust
Coating their lungs
The world needs more dreamers
With centuries in their cells
And galaxies in their bones
With fiery passion
Boiling their blood
With trembling voices
And wonder in their eyes
With music in their souls
And freedom on their minds
The world needs more you's
Who are more than a number
And are wildly outspoken
Who have an insatiable lust
For knowledge
Who love endlessly
And dream all day
Who search for the beautiful things
Only our hearts can see
She’s as small, yet beautiful

As the budding spring leaves

She’s as radient and strong

As a summer day

She’s as colorful and calm

As the leaves falling off the autumn trees

Her hairs as white, and her mood as soft

As a snowflake falling on the ground

She's Born budding

And She Dies Soft
I wrote this four years ago
weeds sprout all year round
If I smoke them I will calm
from reality
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