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Shifa khan Aug 2018
Does pain resemble her?
Or she resemble pain?
A pretty little girl
Lost in the space of occupying thoughts
Made her mind into a powerful magnet with words of sorry
A magnet which ***** pain,
A magnet which never dies
The magnet which remains till the last breath of her life
And yet her soul shines bright giving no glance of pain,
But yet her pain doesn't have a way to go out of her
And yet she is beautiful.
Beautiful things occur in pain.
Shifa khan May 2019
Are we friends!
Are we not?
Do you love!
I hope you not....
Is it ok to talk...
Or does it have no meaning at all now....
Are you scared!
Or are you just limited to your scale?
Do I amaze you!
Or is it just me in a fantasy?
Does leaving me hurts?
Or does it just feels lost!
Am I your world!
Or am I not even a fragment of it?
After all these days ....
You and I
Is it a yes!
Or is it not ?
Lost in the confusion of the confusion itself
Shifa khan Jul 2018
Clouds go, but sky doesn’t leave
The sky is there even when the lightning strikes the ground
The sky never falls
Those clouds which weren’t there with the sky ,was for a reason
They will come back
Shifa khan Nov 2018
Is it happening again!!!
My fears
My reasons
My soul
My gust of love
Why is it always this... That people break all of these
From snap of their finger
Me running away from meaning less love
Searches me back ... Over and over again..
At first it holds me like a candle in a candle stand
There for me all time
Even if  the candle melts all down
It Watches stages of my life
My glow
My flow
My fall
My low
My shine
And goes through destruction when the harsh wax changes its life ....
And then it drops me like a nightmare from its memories
Hoping that i would have never come
I was always scared of meaning less love
And all I got from this world was lust...
It was never wrong for world this way
But it would have been different
If you just knew my past ...
It was never wrong for love this way
But it would have been different
If you just knew me ....
And things are all reappearing now
I think it's just a deja vu!
Or worst, I just hope it to...
Shifa khan Jun 2019
Shooting star doesn't make wish come true
My world of fantasy, is not that fantastic
Meer life of simplicity
Life without nightmares
Nightmares that are so real ... That I fear sleeping anymore
Nightmares that already have come true ...
Hope doesn't fade away with time
Or so they say ...
I hope I could trust the one , the one ment to protect me
To be my leaser sheild
I hope I wasn't the same anymore ... The girl with tied arms
The strings of my heart tangle to my brain
My brain thinks of only one thing ... Fantasy !
The things I do now don't define me anymore ...
It does define my past , my fears
Hope doesn't fade away with time..
Or so they say
But I hope these shooting stars could make my fantasy come true ...
Hate to peace
Life goes on
Hope stays forever
I wait forever
Shifa khan Nov 2018
Make me a person who can still survive
With all those wounds
Not just in my mind....
Will i ever be a desirable wife!
Why Does life go backwards
Is it ok to live
Is it sin to love
Is it rampage to decide what is fair and what is my fight....
Make me  a person who can still survive
With all those wounds
Not just in my mind...
With love at my side this time
My side is afraid to love
Am I devoted to scar myself!!!
Or are the scars are attracted to me
Make me a person who can still survive
With all these wonderful wounds
Not just inside!!!!
Shifa khan Sep 2019
See it rained again...
It is raining since That day
Clouds dance around nowadays
This city of warm sunlight has become a wonderland of breeze
Clouds tend to stay here now...
The clouds seem to love the city now
They posses the happiness of the girl who lay waste in  this barren ground of loveless lost people....
They give me hope of living ,
There used to be days of the light...
When the sun gave hope for the city
When the sun gave you strength to stand alone
Fight for what you believe in
We met contradicting each other
Just like the clouds and the sun
Nd now it's raining again
But this time it's different ....
The girl Nd the boy are together
The dark rain clouds came with the present bright sunlight
Both managed to make it out keeping their differences apart
Their love binded the earth
Moved one step closer to life ....creating a prism of colours blooming out
Each drop of rain giving a hundreds of wonder
Creating the rainbow
It rained again
But this rain was different .
Meer clouds and rain dosent change anything ... The sun stays stubborn .. soon the once dancing rain clouds will pass again...
Shifa khan Aug 2018
Look at the shady sky
The clouds moving with the  north wind making incredible shapes,
Making me remember every single moment with you and your gentle hands
Making me so comfortable
That even your small hands can become my large blanket
The shade of the tree falling on just our faces….
Our Hearts completing each other’s heartbeats
Feeling your every single breath as mine
Do you too remember me??
I wish you were here,
I wish we were here together
Looking at the clouds through each other’s eyes
Feeling the love in the north wind
Loving each other
No matter what tragedy life gives me ,
You will always be there with me
Under the same tree
Staring at me.
Let love grow in the meadow....
Shifa khan Sep 2019
Today something inside of me
wants me to just run
And do what my soul strives to do . ...
I wanted to stay in that touch for as long as my life permits ...
One flow of current strikes me all koncked down ...
I feel my life is eased and handled when his arms are around ...
I lose myself with him...
Nothing moves same..
I do things I never did ..
I go with a flow which u take me in...
I used to have peaceful heart ...
Now I see my heart breath shearling...
U destroyed my peace
U took the one element away from me ..
The element of fear ...
The fear of falling ..
The scare of losing ...
Cant resist the whole of you ....
You make be vulnerable ...
For once I step off of the warrior uniform to wear my princess crown ....
I love when u come close to me
just to wishper some words like a beautiful song....
My thoughts may have gone very far...
But u and I we are still here ....
Deciding which road do we chose ..
the one with the thorns or the one with the stamped grass .....
Let the silence live....

— The End —