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 Aug 2016 Nekhbet Hermit
It's every time i hear "baby" spilling off lips that aren't his, every time i kiss someone, and it tastes like talking in tongues, because it isn't him. Every time it rains, every window sill, it's delicate, every cigarette, every time I think I see his face, every place, that he loved me. It's every song by catfish and the bottlemen, every metal cover band, every drive, every minivan. It's every beach we never went to, every time the sunset feels warmer in my heart than on my skin. Every time their hands slide down my waist they don't waste their time like he did. Every sip of liquor on my lips, every drug every daze. Every May June July August, every haze. Every word, every bird that sounds like waking up in the morning with him. Every street we made ours at night, every firefly. Every time I pretend spilling ink on a page spelling love as his name will help me bleed him out. Every time I bleed myself dry. Every time I should let go but I don't even try, to. Every time before he left; before I loved him. Every cloudy, overcast seven AM. Everything that reminds me of lust, and love and *** and sin,
Everything that reminds me of him.
i hope i'm not too much
and i hope i'm not too little
i just wish to be enough
and land somewhere
in the middle
constant anxiety makes you feel you can be too much for your friends to deal with and, at the same time, you feel you are no where near enough. But true friends will eat your porridge anyway lol...

i know..that was terrible..  

haha and i'm not even sorry :o) **
 Jul 2016 Nekhbet Hermit
I have never stuttered in pen
misspoken in ink
or choked in my writing
the way I do
whenever I speak
my fingertips always know
the right words to say
my tongue is still learning
 Jul 2016 Nekhbet Hermit
i feel my sadness manifest                  
i tear apart my hopeless heart            
for a shred of what was once            
i want you to obliterate me                                                            
take my very skin and bone                                                    
want the heat of your breath                                            
to heal all of the wounds my love has left me              

fill up the dark caverns of my lonely        
with your condescension and beautiful eyes      
thinking of you      
feels like shards of glass      
feels like the erosion of something holy      
feels like walking the line      
next to something extraordinarily beautiful    
you are
extraordinarily beautiful.
loving you hurts so bad.

— The End —