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Ive got to run
Run as far as I can
But in the palm of my hands
Are these letters
And I dont know what they spell
Im a mental dyslexic
Im no good at those puzzles
They puzzle me
I don’t know
Which pieces go where
Like the smell of your hair
And the look in your eyes
When the stars twinkle
In the sky and i
I wish I could hold you this way forever
But my brain says never ever
You’ll always be alone
And I don’t mean to be so sad
But sad is all I’ve ever known

Sometimes I wish I was normal
But you say normal is boring
Im so glad that my messed up life
Is in some way diverting
Sometimes I wish I was normal
And not so friggin numb
You make me smile when I feel like crying
Live when I feel like dying
Breathe when my breath is gone
Make me happier than I let on
You give me dreams instead of nightmares
You hold me tight when I’m scared
Sit and talk with me for hours
Make me in sing in the shower
Because you
You are the light in my life
You make everything right
And every single night
Im thinking of you
I dreamed a nightmare
just last night
I dreamed a nightmare
what a fright
Your hands, they shook
as they gripped my throat
Your weary eyes
somehow seemed to gloat
"Look at my prize"
they seem to say
"I said I'd come
for you one day"
Those words you spat upon my face
like marks on paper, you cant erase
those awful things you did to me
and now you're climbing up a tree
with rope in hand
you tie a knot
and then you say
"Oh, I forgot"
You grab my wrist and pull me close
"Now its time for 'Adios'"
You tie the noose around my neck
bright lights surround, like discotheque  
and as you place me on the chair
I recognize that auburn hair
the way it frames your little face
you're evil but you look like grace
you look into my eyes eyes and say
you'll never see another day
you pull the chair and all I see
are my own eyes looking back at me
I wake up as cold sweats surround
the dead of night, not a single sound
my breath is fast
my face is red
and my mind
it wants me dead
You give color to my days and splendor to my nights
you make my heart flutter
and I smile like an idiot all the time just thinking of you
you are so beautiful in my eyes
and I adore almost everything about you
I love you smile
your sense of humor
and your sarcasm
I love how much you love your siblings
and how much of a mom you are to them
i love that you love to cook
I love that you love to write
I love your mind
I love your heart
I love that you keep me lighthearted
and make me laugh when I don’t want to
you don’t let me take myself to seriously
even when I worry sometimes
I never regret a second I have spent with you in my life
you're tough as nails
and I know that your life is hard right now
but I just know that when you get through this
your life is gonna be so amazing
I am so excited to get there with you
and spend many many years
making a ton of really good memories with you
I kinda **** at the whole love note thing
so I hope this isn’t a jumbled mess
but I just wanted to tell you so you can wonder less
I love you more than the stars in the sky
This poem is written by the love of my life. He sent it to me in text form, I just put into some sort of poem form. I love him so much, I can't wait to be Mrs. Sierhuis. <3
These three words merit a series of actions
at first your eyes light up
your mind is spinning
excited for the opportunity which I so stupidly gave you
next your mouth
oh that wondrous mouth
the corners turn up into a half smile
then it opens ever so slightly
you breath in then run your tongue over your teeth
finally the ****** of these actions
you lean forward and whisper in my ear
one syllable at a time

I wish I could slap you!
You make me smile in way i never though possible!
I wish I could slap you
I think I'll kiss you instead
I never thought, in a million years
I’d be wiping away all your tears
The very tears that come from fears
Fears instilled in your mind from doubt
Doubt in your mind from silence
Silence from my lack of willingness to share
I caused you to cry
I caused those tears
I caused the doubt
I caused the fear
And yet you continue to love me
I’ve never known love like this
I don’t understand
I don’t doubt for a moment that you love me
I know that now
But I just don’t understand what you are
Don't you dare say it
but then he does
"Your boyfriend"
Don't text me
don't call
don't come to my house
dont ask your friends to contact me
leave me alone
I'm moving on
hes so much better...
he actually cares
for more than my body
he will sit
and talk for hours
he will hold me and say its alright
he wont say lets do a quickie
and then leave me sore and bruised and alone
and hurt
he loves me
and I love him
so stop
I'm moving on
you cant hurt me
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