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Kes Long May 2016
She came into my life,
Loved me despite my flaws,
Brought me up when I felt weak,
Gave me love, oh so deep,
Took the time to understand all the things that make me what I am.
Took my breath and made me deliberate all the thoughts of us my mind could sustainably take.
With her heart, I see clear.
Holding her hands, all my doubts disappear.
Loving her has made me see that all the things she does, matters to me.
All the things I thought I could not be, with her, feels achievable, suddenly.
My one true love, eternally.
Kes Long May 2016
You are the essence of my smile, the epitome of my being and the one I want to come home to everyday, for the rest of my life; my wife.
Kes Long Apr 2016
I will always cherish you.
Even in my darkest, most trying days; I find myself comforted just by the thought of you.
Coming home to your smile after a hard days work is the greatest blessing ever.
Through you I have realised the depth of love one can feel.
You are such an amazing and selfless person and I feel so lucky to have you in my life.
Darling, There may be many fishes in the sea but there is only one you, for me, in this life and beyond.
My everything. My soul-mate. My wife.
I love you.
Kes Long Apr 2016
To my dear wife,

I promise to love you,
to care for you,
to protect you from all harm,
to dote on you,
to cherish you,
to always be here for you.
To cuddle you,
To keep you warm.
To keep you safe throughout the nights.
To come home each day and give you the same amount of love as the day we first got together.
To hold your hand and walk with you.
To always remind you the reasons you are perfect to me.
To never take for granted the depth of love you have for me.
Until we both grow old and laugh with our wrinkly faces as we look back at the life we have had.
I love you so much for you are my wife.
Kes Long Apr 2016
As the days get closer,

I find myself missing you more;

I find myself elated at the very thought of being able to protect you and care for you everyday for the rest of my life;

I think it's no secret that I'm falling deeper in love with you;

I will always love you;

I look forward to the next chapter of our lives.
Kes Long Mar 2016
You complete my life.

You make me a better man.

When I think of the future,

all I see is you;

Your velvet touch,

Your loving eyes,

your soothing voice,

your nurturing concern.

You by my side, facing the storms of life, together.

We may face difficulties,
but I will never lose my patience;

because for once in my life,

I realise that I've found the one person,

so genuine,

so true,

so selfless.

I will always think of your needs before my own.

I will never leave you alone.

I will walk by your side;

I will not let you fall.

I love you.
Kes Long Mar 2016
There is always a tight feeling in my chest,

The moment we have to say good bye till we see each other again,

It hurts so much loving you and having to bear days/weeks without seeing you.

You have brought endless sunshine into my life and have colored it with your beautiful pallet of love.

You have shown me a depth of warmth and concern so genuine, so ethereal, that it can only come from you;

My angel;

My love;

My life;

My all.

I love you and I want to be with you every single day of my life.

One lifetime is too short; several lifetimes are too fast; forever seems not enough.

Being next to you I have found my heaven on earth.

I see the good seeds I have sowed in this life seem to have beared fruit through your eyes.

Your voice is like a beautiful symphony to my ears.

Through your being, my purpose on this earth is clear;


I love you so much, Thirak.

ผมรักคุณมากกว่าอะไรทั้งหมด Nattida Liyeekay
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