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Syblle Grinch Nov 2016
Bones to ash,
ash to dust.
Crush the ones
you love the most.

Haniging from a hollow tree,
sleeping for eternity,
forgive me.
Syblle Grinch Oct 2016
Maybe someday,
When nostalgia won’t be my only friend,
When my life won’t be solitary confinement,
My mind my cell,
My body my capturer.

Maybe that day,
When i will again feel
something other than a palette of sadness,
I will tell you i am happy.

And maybe on that day
or the first time in forever,
It won’t be a lie.
But that day is not today (i’m sorry).
Syblle Grinch Dec 2015
They asked me what I want for christmas,
I told them I wish for silence,
but that is an impossible desire,
that one cannot acquire.

They looked at me confused,
they couldn't comprehend,
silence is not something
a human can command.

You can silence people,
you can silence the entire world,
but voices in your head will stay,
you will forever be their prey.
Syblle Grinch Dec 2015
The flowers are wilted,
and so is my soul,
what once was pretty,
lingers no more.

— The End —