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524 · Sep 2016
Social Coma
what a waste Sep 2016
Her cougar tooth grin honed in on my
position like a heat seeking missile out
on a mission; it must be the dead of winter.
My butterfly emissions are erupting like 
some deep space transmission. WOW!
I'm tumbleweed dumb, numb fumbling
my words at every single tipsy turn.
She's calm, confident, toting an armament of compliments, executing my passion with the precision of an arsonist.
490 · Mar 2018
Makes Sense
what a waste Mar 2018
Let me put down the kaleidoscope.
Okay, I could plagiarize the moon
and they still wouldn’t give it a look.
I could literally hand them the sun
and they’d be there looking like,
"Are you ******* dumb?”
As a matter of fact, yes.
So that makes sense.
Where was I?
Oh, yeah. The rain.
It was there in the trees
beneath one dr0p-
my beloved bliss.
487 · Oct 2015
Crossing Wires
what a waste Oct 2015
She asked me
what I did for a living
I told her I was a surgeon
She asked me which kind
I told her I open up hearts
She smiled a white lie
then followed with a sigh
I don't think she realizes
that I meant I was writer
479 · Aug 2016
Fruit Loops
what a waste Aug 2016
I wear my sweater
in ninety degree weather
Not a S.o.S, more a testament
to the hell I'm shepherding
Whether you care or not is irrelevant
The rain drops even If a bow
shows up to lasso the loose ends
Remember that the next time
you go to quote gold at the far end
475 · Nov 2016
Slow Down
what a waste Nov 2016
It's just me and a crow
on some backwoods road,
face to face with no where to go;
a staring contest for the sole.
Hold on, let's go - Slow motion control. Switchblade rotation, high noon,  
Sun down fashion and
we packed pistols for questions.
Yet, we say nothing.
It's stiff lips in either direction.
what a waste Dec 2017
The breeze is always too brief.
If it were up to me, I'd flee this breath and cease to be.
Photosynthesize the seconds through the leaves
then turn them into questions I'd pleasantly grieve.
His peace fits a sheath in case the routine is to deceive.
Man made me think hence I'm broken to the bleak.
Greet silence with a smile like, "Hi, I'm dying to be quiet.
Pull me apart for the slightest, I promise you I wont fight it."
472 · Aug 2016
what a waste Aug 2016
Chatty-Cathies with hunched backs
munch on thick stacks of flashbacks
like giraffes itching for their next fix
but only finding the next branch

Little wooden piranhas in gas masks
laugh as they set fire to your mattress
bet their noses will grow like Pinocchio's
though when the questioning takes root
and the water is sold to a thirstier throat

There's white sharks in my cereal
all teeth no breakers straight visceral
Iceberg crowns cracking surface tension
thirsty, circling veteran victims
Beating down doors like witnesses
No wonder Santa mass produced
guns this year for Christmas gifts

If Xerox Xanax couldn't handle it
what makes you think someone
off planet planning planets could
470 · Aug 2016
Flinging Stingers
what a waste Aug 2016
Go ahead and plant
your flag into my back
Giddyup the chains
dangling from my neck
Archaic cannibals
fist fight over other's flesh
as long as the local mystic
nutritionist gives the consent
So grab your blackjack and
swing as hard as you ******* can,
you neanderthal scallywag
It's best to behave on behalf
of the priest's commands isn't it
Blackjack/Priest = The club used to **** a game fish
what a waste Aug 2016
I'd hold the door open for you
but on the horizon is a battalion
of electronic contraptions
trying to syphon the passion
from my canyon of Jasmines
461 · Oct 2015
1782 Blackburn
what a waste Oct 2015
I'm on the outskirts of hope looking in;
my hand strangling the head of a lantern.
Liquid wax bubbles into descent.
Midnight rain in 1782 Blackburn.
The breath of a behemoth breaks wind.
It reaches past distance and into my skin.
456 · Sep 2016
what a waste Sep 2016
Moving my doodads to Instagram.
451 · Oct 2015
I'm Dumb
what a waste Oct 2015
Down are the words I use
to fill my heart
A blade of grass cut to last
Torn apart - sort the mess

Up is what I tell myself
when mourning starts
A worm contrast the bird can't grasp
Paramount - my up is down

Stick around; enjoy the sounds
Turnaround; my up is down
Stick around; enjoy the sounds
Turnaround; my up is down
422 · Nov 2016
Larval Stage
what a waste Nov 2016
They say to grab life by the horns,
but I've always approached it
like a second rate matador.
I stay with the cloak like
any good Dementor should
Big Bad in Little Red's riding hood
Spouting off at the mouth
'til these words turn into clout
akin to a caterpillar weaving it's crown
Cocoon doom blooming in a room
all he knows is to breathe
in through the tube
417 · Apr 2016
Horse Fly
what a waste Apr 2016
Never played well with others
Got tooth decay blisters for bubbles
Prime numbers fester in the hundreds
like swine flu in the midst of summer
416 · Aug 2016
B-Rated (Berate)
what a waste Aug 2016
I fashioned barbed wire to my demeanor
and I chipmunked enough connon flak to
fill a theater. Warning signs litter the isles
like "This is do or DIE" got people thinking,
"What ever you do don't make him smile",
but this ain't a live action feature for your
little creatures to sink their teeth into.
My reanimated veins wrap around their
boxing ring cage and strain from the sway
of the ropes in the way of the fighters inside trying to regain some terrain.
416 · Aug 2016
Through The Looking Glass
what a waste Aug 2016
I wore a face of sticks and stones
So you could see yourself
And I shouted from the rooftops
So my thoughts, they would be felt
414 · Dec 2016
Guts Pecked Out
what a waste Dec 2016
I see you sitting there with a thumb in your mouth
and you wonder why the words wont come out.
The kid's too stout - he's too proud - too loud.
The type to carry around a pouch of sauerkraut
then pout when everything tastes south. Outstanding!
He's damming the river to prevent the peasants from swimming,
and doesn't realize the only thing keeping him afloat is down below.
Hello? Turn them sky highs into clout, boy- make it snow!

Lord of the purple prose - (what does he mean) who knows?
Not me - I'm too busy dwindling the last of the rations;
irrationally casting matches at a long list of parched cabins.
How can you expect me to feed in an orderly fashion?
I didn't reach the top link to eat without sending a message.
Savage patch kid wielding lightsabers for utensils -
We're a rare breed bred into existence to resist all that is vintage.
Equipped with shark fangs and griffon wings,
we're here to free the underlings from redundent sufferings.
Please excuse the reign, it follows me wherever I go
like a little lost dog caught up under my toe,
gravitating towards my end-all deathblow.
You called it losing my way, I called it leveling up.

Girl you smell great.
414 · Aug 2017
what a waste Aug 2017
I've idolized for some time now
the stone altars which lie numb
Countless sums found their way to zero
for no other reason than to become some hero
Maybe I'm just ******, but something tells me
I'd treat that **** like it's my do or die pillow
I can hear the beat of their drums
running a marathon towards my tomb
Help me help you
I bleed dumb, I bleed young
take me before the night comes

Lock me up and throw away the key
It's kind of ironic the way red compliments
the rocks only when the sun is hung highest
Death to the tyrants I will not be silenced
I'll constantly ***** this corrosive lifeblood
til it crashes 'cross the cosmos like some defiant comet
I do not need a realignment my mind is it's own climate
and I'll keep heading for the highlands
like I'm climbing for the brightest
Forgive me, I'm just farsighted and this here island
looks more like a diamond than confinement
411 · Sep 2016
Food on a Plate
what a waste Sep 2016
I'm commanding a komodo.
--Lord of the Dragonflies.
I'm scraping my belly
against an utter like sky.
-So close you can fang the rainbow.

My enemies look like kangaroos
equipped with brass knuckles.
But they don't know this.
So they keep swinging,
thinking, "Please! Let just one hit."
Little do they know,
you can't hold a candle to a ghost.
**** and I'm up in smoke.

I'm fishing in a fissure.
Fighting off the seizures.
Flinging my gorilla mitts
at them cowardly lizards
like look, this is my tower.
410 · Sep 2016
what a waste Sep 2016
Broken and battered my battering
ram was sacrificed to the tatters
They say it's just another chapter
plastered to my purpose
Yet I can't shake the feeling that
Rapture surfaced for the hermits
And these circus serpents that slither
like syrup worship the wordless
I've got a turtle's curtain on my back
It's only a matter of time before
the surgeon becomes lumberjack
I'd mount a counterattack but
I know for a fact my zodiac
wouldn't allow it
408 · May 2016
The Rat's Tip ( Tar Pit )
what a waste May 2016
Each letter I've built with brick.
Mortar made of my night's lament.
Every poem littered with soot
and tattered footprints that skim.

I've bellowed over the valley's forge;
indeed on through to forever more.
Still, the hours draw with no return.
The phantom's vigil is all for naught
when a crow roosts upon it's jump.

I shall be done akin to the fallen king
who so heavily bears his mangled crown,
with quill in hand pecking feverishly
away at the hourglass's quick sand.

My final few words will be that of a book
reveled by many yet thumbed by none,
I've finally rid myself from this contraption.*"
399 · Nov 2018
How To Kill A Quiet Person
what a waste Nov 2018
Bring me the bottom of a bottle.
Any old dusty, decrepit glass will do.
Stiffer the poison the better.
I've run out of ways of spelling s.o.s
and I want something real to last.
Love comes when you least expect,
but I've long since given up
and haven't found it yet.
394 · Jul 2017
Scrape the Scab
what a waste Jul 2017
How come the only time
I feel real is when I cry?
Stick me in the freezer
and forget me for a while.
Let me perpetually die
via frostbite til my colors
go from blue to a darker hue
you wouldn't recognize.
Maybe then I'd find the piece of mind
I've long denied.
Maybe then I'd feel alive.
If I told you I loved you
it wouldn't be a lie
Truth be told I wouldn't
get the words out fast enough
and by the time they came your way the earth would have turned
and your world changed.
So I sit in place with this
dumb look up on my face
while my heart beats itself
to death inside its cage.
392 · Aug 2016
Secrets for My Admirer
what a waste Aug 2016
I walked into the store today,
saw single roses on display
and thought to myself,
"This would look good on her shelf."
But then the gravity of the situation
hit me and sank in like quicksand;
I wish she was by my side
so I can show her everyday
just how much more she's worth
than a single ******* rose
on some stupid made up day.
what a waste Aug 2016
There's a puff cloud rolling off a dragon's snout and shark teeth scales that fit him like a crown

He's barren on purpose, no need for the surface; he's the hermit of hermits and surely he's ******* earned it

For each step fumbled the earth learnt to crumble
For each burnt verse the forest lurked wordless

His iron-clad claws crawl along the black sands of neverland
He uses lambswool to clense the gutter of his jabber jaw

He never assumed the words he worked into submission would stem into an insatiable obsession
386 · Sep 2017
what a waste Sep 2017
He's backwards - impractical, practically
snapping from the woefully composed laughing.
He's properly combating the raft of phantoms
bathing in his atoms; at least that's
what he tells himself when the
rabbit breaches the furthest fathom.
It's a rerun he's now seen some obscene sum.
The captain is a mad man and refuses to fasten the cannons.
Life lines turned into talons and punctured his rat lungs
leaving him breathless in a land of gasping rascals.
There's no need to speak when factions keep acting
like fractions; can't you see that classes are shackles
meant to keep you distracted via splashes.
385 · Aug 2016
what a waste Aug 2016
Beneath the lines they'll see madness apparently people are magnets
Face to face with matching poles
at least when it comes to metaphors
383 · Aug 2016
what a waste Aug 2016
I wanna swallow a hook
and direct it at the cork in my gut
conveniently corroding the courage
I mustered with a dump truck
Bottle it up let it fizzle then pop

Hello, my name is
The Turn of a Door ****,
The slam that comes after
when time runs faster than
your little legs could master

Nice to meet you
Don't mind my standoffishness
It happens when I feel threatened
A Defense mechanism assembled
by twelve children in a tantrum
383 · Aug 2016
Pastel Poet
what a waste Aug 2016
I live my life like
rock, paper, scissors, shoot
**** I got both hands on the steel
double ******* like a monkey
gripping two banana peels
I'ma land urchin lurking
the muk, thorns up
Demeanor screaming like
a tea kettle's whistle that's stuck
Or dynamite hissing through
a canyon's sawbuck*
Mastered peasantry so
when I overthrow the kingdom
I can bring the real family with me
Sawbuck: A sawbuck is a device for holding wood so that it may be cut into pieces. Here I'm using it as a metaphor for mouth or jaw.
375 · Jun 2016
what a waste Jun 2016
slap jaw crooked smile
Where the wild things crawl

**** an S.
I wear an exit stage left on my chest.
A breast plate displaced by the lashes
of a thousand tiny reclusive phantoms suppressed.
A warning to the weary, starry-eyed tooth fairy running laps around 32 ivory reasons for being.
For when the calamity collapse
and your left wondering, "What's next?"
Here! Here, Sir! "Exit stage left." Watch your next step.

I woke to a wake of buzzards feasting on my ulsers
when all the sudden, I hear something come bubbling up from the vultures, "You need to soul search."
I thought to myself, "Takes one to know one" then proceeded to stick my ******* tongue out.

slap jaw crooked smile
Where the wild things crawl
374 · Jun 2016
Ask Mr. Nobody
what a waste Jun 2016
Loaded jaw - corner pocket eight ball
"Scratch that" lifestyle etched on
the sidewalls of his eye hole like
he didn't already have enough scribble
filtered into his thought bubble
371 · Aug 2017
Send Me Straight To Hell (
what a waste Aug 2017
The war horses came fitted with promises of pleasure
busted down the door then tickled me to death with a feather
I'd let these clever professors pick apart my leather
so long as they remembered to disassemble my temper
The rain clouds look like cyanide capsules turned inside out
I kinda wish they were so I could show you how a turkey drowns
369 · May 2016
This isn't Art
what a waste May 2016
This isn't art it's poetry
Emotion disguised as prose
Letters poised with potency
Hopefulness freed vocally
This isn't art it's honesty
368 · May 2016
The Death of Creativity
what a waste May 2016
My thoughts became a ball
bouncing over preordained dialog
shuffling from end to end
leaving hoofprints condemned
A scattershot of expression
tickling the back of my skull
For the sentences I spoke
fell from my mouth
like a rabid dog dripped foam
and within hung the beat
of a foolish man's sunken soul
367 · Aug 2016
Code Name: Hero-Tic
what a waste Aug 2016
Here's a tip for you late night dissident participants

descendant of denizens belligerent to popular opinion

frantic against the frame scrutinizing street light orbital

for signs of life but only finding examples of ancient A.I

There's Giants inside your rifle ready to fly once fired

your hourglass moon's crumbling and fingertips clench an arsenal

body your thoughts, infect your words, and contaminate the world
362 · Apr 2016
The Little Boy That Should
what a waste Apr 2016
Prime initiative firing
on coke bottle cylinders.
A stitch past wearily;
his cognitive delirium
breeds an alien's barbarity.

No flare for a sailor to see,
the stillborn sea devours
his Saturn Missile pleas
like a herbivore foraging
fields of forever greens.

Castaway calluses stack
for an armor-clad effect.
Think homemade tank flesh
for a rainy day's doom flash.
Clickety clack... he's on track.

The Lotus's control is unknown.
Best take a backstroke anyway, folks.
An avalanche throne only holds
'til the caveman's stone is thrown
Black hole tenacity God couldn't close.
358 · Oct 2015
The Death of Creativity
what a waste Oct 2015
My thoughts became a ball
bouncing over preordained dialog
shuffling from end to end
leaving footprints condemned
A scattershot of expression
pointed at the back of my skull
For the sentences I spoke
fell from my mouth
like a rabid dog dripped foam
and within beat the heart
of a creative man's dying soul
355 · Nov 2015
Work Boots and a Cape
what a waste Nov 2015
I'm losing my mind one
misplaced thought at a time.
The negativity of endless possibilities
surround me like a crowd of zombies
foaming at the mouth with doubt...
as if I ran out.
A misguided soul, fresh outa high school,
too young to know about the real world
and all the people in it
who'd rather see you out than in it.
I must of missed the memo
back when my parents
were still trying to keep things simple.
That was me five years ago, full of hope,
wanting more outa life than a 5 x 5 cubicle.
Time flies when you're contemplating suicide behind fake smiles and white lies -
hollow hellos and forever goodbyes.
Days turn to faces you don't wanna meet,
so you try to run 'n' hide, but can never
get more than a mile before realizing
you're still trapped inside your own mind.
I think of you a lot and all the promises
we made when things got rough;
the **** we said to each other
when we were truly free from thought.
Raw heart beats and ice cream
going together like
peanut butter and jelly...
I used to love you... I used to love me.
It's funny how life can change
due to a simple exchange,
an insignificant display of atoms
rearranging their state
to escape the pain of decay;
not knowing tomorrow
might just be a better day.
I stumble over these letters
like they were I's
connected at the hip
which formed a ladder
and no matter how high I climb them,
all I ever seem to do is blabber.
I can't help feeling like i'm going about this the wrong way.
Am I the molecule out of place
or the simple exchange?
Free write
347 · Apr 2016
A Dwarfed Sun
what a waste Apr 2016
Star soot in the wind
Abandoned planet condemned
Soundless thunder dims
345 · Apr 2017
War with Russia
what a waste Apr 2017
Don't hold your breath
replace that fresh air in your chest
with a grotesque amount of stress
so when they see you they see death
I've been banging my head against
their picket white fences ever since
I broke free from house arrest and
found myself floundering around
this Barnes test like the little lost octopus
who finally found his pit of vantablack
Long live the oppressed, the second guessers
buried in the eagles nest waiting to hatch
340 · May 2017
Dead Air
what a waste May 2017
Is this not death?
The souring of bolus settling its
way into the fringe of my gut.
Air hanging like the noose that it is -
Baptized by morning dew as if to say
"Come on in. Have a little faith"
Street lights take on demonic shape
It's the forever hunt of spotlight eyes
in heat for a soul to mate.
And the faces;
The countless mazes that have
entwined for far too long to form
an improbable labyrinth.
One shoe over the next
Once again today and tomorrow
for as long as the eye can wonder.
Is this not hell?
what a waste Oct 2015
I wore a smile
crafted from negligence
A paper-mache heart
burning at both ends
You asked of the things
that make me tick
to which I replied
The simplicity of it
331 · Apr 2016
Crystal Skullz
what a waste Apr 2016
His life's an ice cream catastrophe
with cannon-ballistic mastery

A sidewalk massacre
to the likes of a child's book

Riding the fine line
chalk-lines and cloud nine

Face plant, change lanes,
gain pace,
reiterate... over and over again

His mind's the wonderland
of a maze
guarded by a Minotaur's embrace

No chocolate for deep space
he prefers
the aftertaste of chili anyway
328 · Feb 2017
Yoshi Express
what a waste Feb 2017
I'm not here for the fame,
you can keep the lights dim.
Tighten up the chains 'til
the night buckles to a bend.
I'll sit and listen to the crickets chip
away at this cellophane tomb
in an attempt to insulate the walls
with a billion little brutes,
like a pack of rabid dogs deliriously
chewing on the moon.
God forbid the covenant ever
summons this slumbering specimen.
He's Megaman turned Neanderthal
via one too many Super Mushrooms.
328 · Aug 2016
We Waited
what a waste Aug 2016
We waited with that
white porcelain cat patience
for what seemed like a generation
of, "Here, take this."
Passing notes through the ozone layers
In a grand game of cat and mouse cadence
326 · May 2017
Body Bag Happiness
what a waste May 2017
**** the early bird
Long live the worm
The devourer of dirt
The inheritor of Earth
Peel back the ozone layers
and you'll see no difference
between us and the ants
stuck playing the clone's dance
A mouthful of worth
no matter the curse
The type to land feet first
even when the hearse swerves
326 · Aug 2016
Writer's Bluff
what a waste Aug 2016
Empty sheets even though
the headcases reminisce
remnants of a commendable place.

If it's half past twelve, well that means
I've been slumbering northbound
for a giant's leap, ouch.

Enough blank face
to chase down a zombie's eek
and still I fail to assimilate
this wool pouch.

Suppose Fury's fangs fixate
on inanimate veins
that would explain this
werewolf gaze I'm harboring.

Too real for the pondering;
A Subspace Wanderer.
You can find me in between
the lines conjuring.
325 · Aug 2016
Milk Money Zombies
what a waste Aug 2016
Saved by the bell; he's just another dead ringer trying to belay the legions of his hell
322 · Dec 2015
Computer Screen High
what a waste Dec 2015
Baby, hit that space bar
one more time and give me
something deep to embark.
You're not the only one trying
to find some peace of mind
locked away behind these
falling lines.

Pretty little words filled
with all sorts of quirky verbs.
They're like Lego's resting on
your chest - building blocks
of distress you could never resist.

Take my hand and fly away
let the keys open your heart
and expose it to the world within.
321 · Nov 2015
New Age Techniques
what a waste Nov 2015
Nations fall.
All in all, we tried.
Countries fail.
All in all, they lied.
Bombs drop like sleet
against a **** stained window
and the ash stacks;
what a beautiful winter.
The unrelenting stale breath
of dispair slithers,
showing the children
true constriction.
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