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178 · Sep 2022
Stop it Stupid
I was so stupid, I was a fool
But they didn't teach me this in school
'Stop it, stupid!' had I told myself
My stupidity would have ended with this tool

We all get angry, we all do fear
We are idiots, year after year
How can we stop this misery and pain
How to stop being foolish, again and again

The first step is to realize our ignorance
The second is to put a stop to it
We must tell our mind to stop
We must make this a habit

The mind is a monkey, a rascal our mind
It wants to make us suffer, we find
But we are not fools, we know, don't we?
How from this rascal, can we be free?

'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!' repeat
Till the monkey mind can feel the heat
Then, watch it, catch it, latch it, secure
So that it does not repeat the thing anymore

We all are stupid, we all are fools
And to overcome stupidity, there are simple tools
The most important is to realize the truth
Who are we, get to the bottom of the root

We are not the stupid Body, Ego and Mind
We are intelligent, this truth we must find
This realization will stop us from being a slave
Will liberate us from misery, before we reach our grave

For pain and suffering is only for those
To go on a quest, who did not choose
They live with misery, they believe in the myth
They continue with ignorance, till they die with it

So, we must Ask, Investigate, Realize the Truth
**** the rascal mind, the monkey, the brute
Transcend the Mind and Ego that says, 'ME'
Till from all stupidity we are free

We must be still and live in Consciousness
If we want to put an end to all the mess
When we are fools, we must stop and know
And overcome the stupidity before the end of the show

But many of us are stupid till we die
We look up at the sky, cry and ask ,'Why?'
We don't use our intellect to stop our stupidity
We just live with stress, worry and anxiety

Some of us want to end this mess
We don't want misery, we don't want stress
The Mantra 'Stop it, stupid!' we put to use
And with it, an end to all abuse

So what must we do, what is the trick?
What will end our misery with just one click?
We must be stern and tell ourselves looking in the eye
Till to that repeated stupidity, we bid goodbye

I did it myself, I share with you
I stopped my stupidity, this is true
To end my foolishness, I found a way
'Stop it, stupid!' to yourself, please say

And till you stop being stupid, repeat it
Don't feel bad, it's better to erase it
We have a choice, acknowledge stupidity and then rise
'Stop it, stupid!' is the way of the wise

Some people are heartbroken, they cry in love
They break their hearts, and then look above
They cry in love, they suffer in pain
They are stupid, again and again

Some people are attached, this brings them tears
The misery is not short, it lasts for years
If only they use this Mantra of happiness
'Stop it, stupid!' it can give peace and bliss

'Stop it, stupid!' a Mantra I share with you
Use it and you will stop feeling blue
Realize your ignorance and to make amend
Say, 'Stop it, stupid!' and put your misery to an end
Why should I worry, it was just a Dream
It is not real, no need to scream
A Dream is an Illusion, though vivid it may seem

But Life is different; Life is real
Don’t we all suffer, don’t we all swirl?
Very few go deep to discover the treasure, the pearl

What is this Journey of Life on earth?
What is the Purpose of our human birth?
Is there a way to live with Joy and Mirth?

We all live with suffering and strife
We laugh, we cry, we endure Life
But we don’t cut through to the Truth with a knife

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Very few of us get this Realization
We don’t use our power of Discrimination

Just like what happens in a Dream is not true
Life is nothing but an Illusion too
I am not ‘I’ and you are not ‘you’

Little do we realize what is our role
Dreams and Reality will take us to the goal
Which is to discover we are but the Soul

When are we going to start our Quest?
Not just Dream, but get out of our nest
Realize Life is an Illusion, get to the crest

Just like Dreams are not real, so is Life
Needlessly we suffer, we cry with strife
With misery, pain, sorrow, life is rife

But we can be Happy if we Realize the Truth
Overcoming sorrow, getting to the bottom of the root
If we realize it’s a Drama, we can enjoy the fruit

Do you worry about the Dream that you saw at night?
You wake up to realize that there was no fight
Life is good, it's shiny and bright

But Life is different, we continue to cry
We suffer, we question, we look at the sky
We cannot differentiate between the truth and the lie

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
It is a long Dream that ends in disillusion
Because of ignorance, there is no Illumination

We think Life is real, it’s not just a Dream!
And so, we suffer, and so we scream
When we realize the truth, life will flow like a stream

If only we Discriminate and open our eyes
Life is just an Illusion, once we realize
We can be in Bliss with nothing to analyze

Life is a Journey, we come and we go
Little do we understand this earthly show
Our goal is to realize the truth, and not just know

We are not the Body that goes to sleep
We are not the Mind that makes us weep
Nor are we the Ego that wants everything to keep

When we realize what we are not
In Thought no more will we be caught
The Truth in front of our eyes will be brought

The Journey of Life has a Purpose
Not to jump like a clown and make Life a circus
Once we realize the Truth, we will never be nervous

We all commit the Greatest SinWe don’t realize that God is within
How will this battle of life we win?

When Dream and Reality, we contemplate
And the difference between the two, we discriminate
We will arrive at heaven’s gate

Did you decide your human birth?
Did you decide how you came to earth?
No, it’s Karma that governs the earth

When we realize that the earth is a stage
The Drama unfolds by Karma, page by page
Then, we will be free from the misery cage

Those who realize that Life is a Drama
Those who discover everything is Karma
Realize that just like a Dream, there is no trauma

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Once we get this Divine Realization
We will know that everything is a Manifestation

We are different Souls, so do we see
The Truth is that weare Divine energy
Everything is one, there is no you and me

Life is like a Dream, when we realize this
Like after a Dream, there is no unhappiness
But for this, we need Consciousness

As long as in ignorance we are bound
We will suffer as we live on the ground
Till the ultimate truth is found

What is the Purpose of reading this book?
It is to change your Life’s outlook
But first, you must be free from the ignorance hook

So, it’s time to start
And pull the myth apart
And this is to learn the Spiritual art

The Ultimate Truth is everything is an Illusion
Even Science has declared with Discrimination
This world is nothing but a Manifestation
152 · May 2022
Give before you are gone
Give, before you are gone, for you are sure going to go.
This world is nothing more than a drama, a show.
Give, for you don't know when the death whistle will blow!

Nothing is ours, did we bring anything with us?
We will leave everything behind, then why all the fuss?
Isn't it better that we give away our surplus?

This world is not real, it is a Cosmic Illusion.
Man is a fool, he gets caught in his possession,
The ultimate goal of man is to get Liberation.

There is great joy in giving, have you ever tried to give?
If you haven't ever given, you haven't started to live!
Nothing is more important than to give as you live.

We spend our entire life, first to learn and then to earn,
Whatever we earn, one day, others will burn!
This is a simple truth, but this, when will we learn?

Nothing is ours, it is just a Trust, just like a loan.
We have to leave everything behind, even our mobile phone!
People who don't understand this, don't smile, they groan.

It is certain that every 'body' must die, none can escape death,
You may have wealth, but soon you will lose your breath!
Therefore give, before you are gone, the wise men have said.

Life is made up of a few years, don't try to add years to life,
Add life to your years and give to those who are in strife,
Don't just keep your money, for your family after your life!

Those who are ignorant, think everything is ours,
They have a lot of money, but are caught behind these bars,
They don't realize the truth, they are zapped by the stars.

They do not give what they have, because they live with fear,
‘What will happen if I give away everything, my dear!'
They sing this song, until they die, year after year.

They don't realize it's all Maya, a cosmic projection,
They don't realize it's a Leela, a show in higher dimension,
They spend their life, doing nothing, except in wealth collection.

They did not spend time understanding their duty or Dharma,
They did not realize the truth of the Law of Karma,
Nobody told them that their goal was Moksha.

The Law of Karma is simple, what you give is what you get,
Karma makes no mistake, you can be sure, this is a bet!
If you don't get it now, it will come after you are dead!

For all this, you need, what is called, Self-Realization,
Overcoming ignorance, and getting Liberation.
When we give, we will get the Divine revelation.

For God is not someone who lives up in the stars,
Not in a temple or church, not even in Mars!
God is in every living being, in birds, animals and flowers.

We don't realize that when we give, we actually give to God.
Every human being is a manifestation of the Lord.
We just follow the herd and are caught by the fraud.

Whatever we earn is going to be a complete waste!
This truth is bitter, but we must ensure that this we taste.
If we don't give, we will be gone and everything will be erased.

A man who dies rich, in reality dies very poor,
For if he did not give anything, he will suffer for sure.
All his life, all he did, was to want more and more!

Isn't it the truth, empty-handed we come, and we go?
We must learn that we must give before the end of the show,
What we give, will come back to us, this we must know.

But what we don't give, we leave behind, others will ******,
We have no option but to give, did you get the catch?
If not when alive, after we die, everything will despatch.

So, learn this simple lesson and Give before you are Gone,
If you don't learn this, you are sure to be reborn,
You will suffer again and again, and this will go on and on.
151 · Dec 2018
Life is a mystery ‑ We can’t track its history
It may seem to start at birth and seem to end at death
But what seems to be life’s end…
is but a bend to transcend

Body, mind and soul are what make life whole
But then comes death and we lose our breath
We mistake Happiness to be life’s goal
Until we realize – No! We must liberate our Soul

The saddest thing is we don’t know the meaning of Life
We live and we die with sadness and strife
We want this and that to be Happy and Glad
But we end up being miserable, greedy and sad

Life is a journey ‑ Like a river, we must flow
From God we came and to God we must go
Life is a Drama ‑ we desire and we crave
But nothing will be ours when we go to the grave

We foolishly think we are the body and mind
Till we get the “Aha”, we are the soul we find
We don’t know where we came from and don’t know where we will go
The Goal of Life is to reach the other shore

Most people don't live life; they just seem to exist
The cravings of the body, they just can't resist
They are so busy, no time to go on a quest
To find out who we truly are, putting life to a test

Of course, we are not the body - in the end, it will die
Are we the mind and ego? No, at death, they will fly
We are the Life Energy that departs at death...
We are the life itself that gives us our breath

We live in ignorance; the truth we don't find
We forget that we are the soul, not the body and mind
The God that we seek in a temple or a church
Lives inside our own hearts - a place we don't search

We are not this, not this....we are that!
Not the body, not the mind, the soul, in fact
The purpose of life is to realise this Goal -
We are not the body and mind. We are the Soul!
As I move forward in my mission
To help people Realize the Truth
After I have evolved myself
And have got to the bottom of the root
I share a way to eternal peace
To bliss and happiness
And show in a noisy, material world
How Divine a Spiritual life is

Spirituality is not that complicated jargon
That mystery we learned in school
Spirituality is not giving up the world
You can't do it, O fool!
Spirituality is discovering the eternal Truth
We are not the ego, the body, the mind
Spirituality is discovering who we are
The Divine Soul we find

Don't we suffer many a crisis
Caused by desire, passion and greed?
Don't we often get disappointed
Trying to fulfil our need?
Don't we get caught in the struggle
Of duty, lust, and shame
Chasing money, success, and achievement
Crying every day in this game

Oh! What will people say
It is better if we follow the herd!'
We don't have the courage
To fly like a bird
We seem to be trapped in ignorance
Living with anger, revenge, and hate
These are the real-life stories
That imprison us behind the gate

But some of us begin the journey
We start a Divine quest
We don't accept, we ask questions
Putting every belief to test
We want to know 'Who am I?'
Where is heaven and God?
Are we the Soul? Will we be reborn
And become one with our Lord?

We blindly believe our religion
And follow what scriptures tell
We pray with devotion to our Lord
Hoping to reach heaven, not hell
We get trapped in rituals and superstitions
Not knowing what we do
And soon our life is over
It's time to bid adieu

But what is life all about
How will we get to know?
We learn how to use our gadgets
But what is this life-show?
What is the purpose of our life
Why did we come to earth?
Who will tell us what life is
And the purpose of this human birth?

Then somebody said, 'It's Spirituality'
Let's live a Spiritual life
Let's give up this material world
That is full of misery and strife
But how to discover that Divine Spirit
The Power that lives within?
How to transcend the body and mind
And go beneath the skin?

Everybody wants happiness
Who wants to live in pain?
Everybody wants to make a profit
We want pleasure, we don't want pain
But while we are chasing pleasure
Like shadows in the material world
In the end, all we have are tears
As our life, our years have swirled

We live in this world of love
Thinking love is just a kiss
We create relationships
But True love, we sadly miss
Hearts and hugs and Valentine's
Is not what True love is
We don't discover Divine Spiritual love
That fills our life with bliss

What exactly is it to live
A Spiritual life, do you know?
Will you discover this amazing journey
Before it is time to go?
Will you realize that life is not
Just a crazy race?
And get out of this material prison
Get out of this miserable maze

Life is a gift for us to live
It is all about the 'now'
Can we be happy tomorrow?
Can anybody tell us how?
The only way to happiness
The only way to bliss
Is to live life moment by moment
That’s actually what life is

The fact is that we are not this body
This body will one day die
Though there are so many thoughts
The mind seems to just pass by
The fact is we are the Divine Spirit
We are the immortal Soul
To Realize this Truth is our purpose
It is our life's ultimate goal

We don't have to give up this world
To live a Spiritual life
We can live in this physical body
And cut the world with a knife
If only we discover the Divine Truth
Before we fly in the sky
What is the purpose of coming here
Finding out, 'Who am I?'

Human beings have a Divine gift
With the intellect they can choose
We have been given an opportunity
Which we must not lose
We can just live in this material world
And soon we will be gone
The body will die, but the mind and ego
With Karma will be reborn

But some of us are lucky
We choose a Spiritual life
We are not caught in this material world
With our children and our family life
We overcome ignorance, Realize the Truth
From the material world, we are free
And live a life of eternal Bliss
Being who we are meant to be

So, if you want to find a way
To live with peace and bliss
To escape misery in this material world
And discover true happiness
Then, stop running in this mad race
And get out of the maze
Live a Divine Spiritual life
Live with Divine grace

You don't have to give up this world
To live a Spiritual life
Living in this material world
There is a way out of all strife
If only we discover who we are
And why we are here
We can live as the Divine Spirit
Every day of every year
137 · Dec 2022
Who is God, where is God, what is God? This question is in our head
We pray to God, we go to a temple
But ultimately, we are dead

We fold our hands and pray to God
Oh Lord, our problems you must solve Some of us seek to fulfil our dreams And so, the Lord we involve

But a few of us, our God we love
As we live, for God we yearn
These are the ones who realize God The biggest treasure they earn

God is not a 'he'or a'she'
Not far away in heaven, does he dwell Nor is God of these fairy tales
Nor is there any truth in heaven or hell

God is not God, God is SIP
God is the Supreme Immortal Power God is in you, God is in me
God is in the tree, the fruit and the flower

How do we realize the truth about God?
How do we realize that God is our Soul?
When we realize we are not the body or the mind
We achieve this ultimate goal

The Soul came first, we were created later
In nine months, we were formed, then born
Then ultimately, one day, this body will die
That day, the Soul will be gone

What is left is a mass of flesh
The body is dead without life
But what is in this body, we don't know We just cry with tears and strife

Those who love God with all their heart
They are the ones who do realize
That this body will return to its five elements
It is Divine Grace that opens their Real Eyes

What are the five elements, this world is made of?
Earth, water, air, fire and space
In every molecule of matter, on earth
There is Power of the Divine grace

Every molecule of matter is energy
This is even what science does accept This truth, thus, is not just of spirituality Neither is it some blind belief and concept

Energy cannot be created or destroyed Energy can only be transformed
Every molecule on this earth is Power This truth, we are then informed

So then, if the Soul is nothing but God
And every molecule of matter is SIP
Then, everything is the Supreme Immortal Power
This truth we get to grip

God is everywhere, in everything
God does not live in the skies
When we realize God is a Power, God is SIP
We get over all the lies

Every particle of matter that we touch and feel
Everything that we see, that we hear Everything is God, everything is SIP
We realize the truth, it is clear

Everything on earth is a manifestation of God
It appears as this, but it is that
Everything in this world is made of SIP
This is the absolute fact

When we realize this truth about God
We realize we are none other than SIP
Then, we live with God every moment we breathe
God is in every breath of our lip

There is God, there is nothing else
This world is full of SIP
When we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth
We are on the spiritual trip

What is the purpose of our life on earth
It is to realize God
When we realize who we are and why we are here
We become one with the Lord

We realize that God is SIP, the Soul
We realize that God is POSIEMOM
We realize God in every molecule of matter
To God, we go, and from God, we come

Everything is God, there is nothing else
This world is but an illusion
Every particle of this cosmos is the Power of SIP
Let us get to this conclusion
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why does suffering come to the weak and feeble?
Misery doesn't come to us simply
Whatever fruit we plant, will grow on the tree

Why do we see good people suffer?
They pray to God, but are denied supper
The result is not God's decree
It's a Universal Law, you will soon agree

The bad you do, comes back to you
As you sow, so shall you reap
If you want apples, you must plant apples
Otherwise, there will be no apples on your tree

People think that it is God in heaven
Giving cruel orders from cloud eleven
Is it true that God is passing the decree?
Or is it a law unfolding that we see?

The law is known as the Law of Karma
It is this law that causes all the drama!
If you understand the law, you will agree
That apples can't grow on a mango tree!

There will be no reaction, unless there is an action
There will be no effect unless there is a cause
Apples or mangoes, be it one, two or three
What we plant, is what we will see on the tree

But why do bad things happen to good people?
We hear people question, but the logic is feeble
It is expecting apples to appear on a mango tree
But how can apples grow on a mango tree?

Is this something difficult  to understand?
Is it unique or does it happen in every land?
The fruit you plant, will be the fruit on the tree
Just like there are mangoes on every mango tree

Have you seen a new born suffer?
Some are born fortunate, the circumstances differ
There must be a reason, you will agree
Otherwise, why would this ever be?

We may not remember, but the law remembers the past
Whatever we do, will be counted till the last
Good or bad, whatever be the degree
Will appear as the fruit that we planted on the tree

Some people question, “Is there life after death?”
Or is the story over when we take our last breath?
When we watch some children born with a smile and glee
We realize this is no magic, nothing happens for free

All this happens by a law on earth
There is no luck or chance involved in our birth
Fortunate or unfortunate, doesn't come randomly
The circumstances of our birth don't just happen simply

Who is in charge, who controls our destiny?
Is there a power that is issuing the decree?
Happy or unhappy, can prayer make it be?
Or is it our own deeds that will make our destiny?

Till when will we live in ignorance and cry?
Looking at our misfortune and then asking why
As long as we don't realize the law of destiny
Whatever are our deeds, our future will be

If we want to live in bliss and peace
If we want all our miseries to cease
Our life can be a jamboree
If we learn the Universal Law of the tree

Bad things can't happen to good people, you must know
This is the law that exists in our life show
If there is tragedy, then don't disagree
It is what we planted that is appearing on our tree
101 · Sep 2021
The Spiritual Jigsaw Puzzle
Just as children sit around
For a Jigsaw Puzzle to Solve
We too must pick up all the pieces
In life, for us to evolve
Piece by piece, as the puzzle fits
The picture will appear in bits

Enlightenment is the ultimate goal
Not just to roll in diamonds and gold
Those who are only chasing happiness
Can end their life in a mess
But those who attain Enlightenment
Go beyond Achievement and Fulfilment

Are we the Body? No, it will die
One day we will leave and fly in the sky
Are we the Mind? Let's try and find
Where is the Mind? We just can't find
When we let go of the Ego in whole
We Realize we are the Divine Soul

But how to get to the Divine Truth?
How to reach the bottom of the root?
Confronting us is the enemy, Mind and Ego, ME
It stops us from being who we are meant to be
Until we **** the Ego and Mind
Enlightenment we will never find

How should we start? Must we go on a Quest?
Should we put all our beliefs to test?
What about all those things we did learn?
Is it necessary, that the myth we unlearn?
Yes, if one wants to Realize the Truth
All ignorance, he must uproot

Why is it that we are miserable and sad?
Isn't there a way to be always glad?
Yes, if we realize, this is just a show
We are mere actors who come and go
Then, we will be free from suffering and pain
And from Rebirth, again and again

But for that, this Puzzle is a must
All that's in it, we have to Trust
Piece by piece, the Truth will flow
Till we are Enlightened with the glow
When the Truth we get to see
We will transcend Mind and Ego, ME

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!

Then we will live as the Divine Soul
No more books do we have to scroll
For once the Truth we do Realize
Then, no more must we memorize
Realization will make us know
And to the heavens, we will go

Our Ultimate Goal is to attain God
It is to become one with the Lord
For this, there must be Self-Realization
And then there will be God-Realization
With this, we will end our search
We won't go to every temple and church

For God lives within the temple of our heart
Nothing in this world can take Him apart
In fact, only He is, we are not!
But this in Ignorance we forgot!
We always believed God to be a statue and a Saint
But He is a Power that no one can paint

The Realizations are many, there are One Hundred
They overcome our ignorance from A to Z
Each Realization is a Divine Truth
But we get lost right from our youth
Unless every piece we search and find
Enlightenment, we will leave behind

But once the pieces fit in place
We'll be transported to a new space
We are not Body, we are not Mind
We are the Soul, we will find
Then we will reach our Ultimate Goal
With God will Unite, our Divine Soul

This is the Purpose of our life
Not to struggle with misery and strife
This Puzzle will help us go within
To Realize we are not just bone and skin
Then beyond Contentment and Fulfilment
Will come the 'Aha!' of Enlightenment!
62 · May 21
God Realization
Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Little do we Realize that God lives within
God is not far away, God is just beneath the skin
But because we don't Realize that the way is Self-Realization
We live and die without God-Realization!

Some question, 'Is everything about God, a bunch of lies?'
Others blindly believe that God lives in the skies
Then, some people Pray and live with Hope
They need God so with problems, they can cope
We Pray, we Chant and we all live with Faith
We believe that one day, we will go to Heaven's Gate
And so, we live, waiting to meet God face-to-face
We don't Realize God, we don't get Divine grace!

Only the one who lives with Love and Longing for God
He Realizes God who has a Yearning for the Lord
He questions his religion and puts all beliefs to Test
He wants God so much that he begins his Quest
He doesn’t believe the'Big Bang' and the Theory of the Ape
He Realizes God is in every Soul and things of any shape
His journey of God is a journey of God-Realization
He Realizes God after his Self-Realization!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power that brings life to our Lip
Because we believe in lies, most of us slip
We don't love God enough, we don't get a grip
We are lost in this material world on this earthly trip
We don't go in Quest of God,
We don't go aboard the Divine Ship
When we start to live with the name of SIP on our lip
Then we will begin towards God, our

To Realize God, first, We must Realize, 'Who am 'I'?'
We must Realize that one day, this body will die
We are not the mind that we can never find
We are not the ego, Let's leave this lie behind
If we are not body, mind and ego, then, who are we?
We are none other than God's Divine Energy
When we Realize that We are a Spark Of Unique Life, the Soul
Then, we will Realize God, We will achieve our Goal!

It's strange but True but God stops us from God!
The belief in 'our' God stops us from Realizing our Lord
We just blindly believe in the religion we learned in school
And so, We don't Realize God, We live and die a fool
All Religions are good but we need Spirituality
Like after school we graduate from a University
We must let go of the myth that the Scriptures tell
If we want to Realize God, We must get out of this spell!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power. Let's learn this and flip
God has no beginning, God has no end
God is birthless and deathless, Forever, he does extend
God is the Soul that gives life to You and Me
God is in every molecule, God is energy
This world is nothing but God, Everything is an Illusion
Everything in this world is God's manifestation!

— The End —