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Zoe G 3d
you're gone and the world seems to slow
the plants and the creatures bow their heads low
they can see and they all can feel
that a place is empty, you are missing, they know

it's not altogether ideal
that the world has stopped, it's quite unreal
but it knows exactly what's wrong
the very earth, the dirt, the air, can feel

the little birds miss your gentle song
and sadly now they move along
because their chirpings nevermore
will feel quite like they belong

the world stops for one moment or four
the sun shines brighter, and furthermore
the waves hug the sand as they wash ashore
a farewell to you not here anymore
for a friend.

written in the style of robert frost's stopping by the woods on a snowy evening because i love that poem to death and i didn't quite realise that i was mimicking it until i finished it
Zoe G Feb 20
How to feel
How to express love
Tell me what I feel

Who am I
Who am I
Who am I

Tell me who I am
I can't think for myself
I watched a boy use ChatGPT to write a Valentine's card to his girlfriend and it unlocked a seething rage within me. This is what I imagine he must have been writing. It's not so much a poem, this one, as the most elegant way I can express my anger.
Zoe G Feb 20
Existing outside of myself
Waiting in the line
Flash photography

- You look great!
She called me ugly in Year 7
Does she remember?

- You’re taller than C., I think
- Go back to back?
- No, you’re shorter

Existing outside of myself
Standing in the line
Height order, group photo

I will never see them again
Do you always miss things when they’re leaving,
Good or bad as they were?
School photo day always gives me a weird sense of community, everyone checking each other's hair and fixing each other's jackets. I wonder if I wouldn't notice it so much if I was actually part of it.
Zoe G Feb 13
Could not thou have claimed me, too
When with intent you came.
Took her soul and off you flew
And left I ne’er the same.
An unfinished poem I wrote to incorporate in a story I was writing at the time. Maybe I'll come back to it one day.
Zoe G Feb 9
I live too much inside my head
I don't know how to get out
When I'm gone they'll say they never knew me
That, I know without a doubt
Zoe G Feb 9
They give me a candle to walk
Tell me, march!
Your light will pave the way for the lost and the mourning,
But what path of my own?

Selfish! They jeer.
Erred, you have, strayed away.
Thinking for yourself, for yourself.

They give me a candle to walk.
Tell me, halt!
Little children come past, with the lost and the mourning,
To warm their hands and souls.

Thank you! They call,
And wish me good health,
While their own sinks and withers.
Thinking not for themselves, never themselves.

I light my own candle and walk.
Tell myself, go on!
This light has yet to warm myself,
But for the lost and the mourning?
I wrote this two years ago and found it while going through old files, I think it has better place here.

— The End —