Versions of me skip tracks like a scratched cd... Who am? Who do I wanna be? Memories of myself flash forward as I push them way back... Youngest person ever; at risk for heart attack. Cardiac arrest, organs seldom rest. If God grants me tomorrow, I will try my best.
Black bodies from the grave will have their day. Future inheritance and bloodlines, Their grieved souls will slay. Visits to evil racist their unrest spirits will pay. Black ****** is a game racists win and play. Karma may seem slow, But she never forgets her way. When she gets to America, She's welcome to stay.
Savage start Gave birth to a savage heart. Times of cold, Caused me to carry a heavier load. Times of abandonment, Made me question where love was from and if mercy would be sent. Teenager in the wilderness, I came of age with bitterness. Now an adult woman; I'm a dark merciless tornado and no meteorologist can report which way I'm coming.
You don't know my rage, Or my age. My name does not define my game. U can't feel my pleasure, Or know my pain. Days I'm yin, Night I'm yang. Earth inflicts me, But in space I reign.
It hurts to care, So, I claim I don't. It's takes trust to share, So, I decide I won't. It takes work to relate, So instead, I imitate. Some call it fake, Still, honest effort it takes.
It use to hurt, To gain nothing but flirt. It was simply lust. Ego, pride & possession all in a rush. To see, to feel, to experience something real. With nervous hands, I would have given my heart. Glad you didn't take it, Real F×××ing Smart