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Touching my
heart making
spilling your
deep in my
beautiful colors
sparkling hues
bonding connections
love so true
a web weaved
love and desire
tangling of threads
beauty and fire
always moving
twisting and turning
forever entwining
hearts touching
forever burning
touching my
heart making
by spilling your
deep in my
As I drift off to sleep
its beauty I see,
swirls of light
surrounding me.

The guardian of dreams
guides each step,
as I enter the world
where dreams are kept.

A land of beauty
that has no end,
a place where we meet
and our dreams blend.

Opening my eyes
I’m touched by grace,
as I find you waiting
in this magical place.

This world of color
in starlight glow,
entwines our souls
as our dreams flow.

Beautiful heart wishes
that two hearts pursue,
from dreams to reality
forever to come true.

In the shine of moonlight
and starlight gleams,
we’ll meet in that place
of our forever loving dreams.
wordvango Sep 2017
to be a word
the poem of the day
or perhaps a leaf
on an elm tree
the dew on the lawn
in the morning
or the frosty vignette
on a window cold
or a  refreshing drink to some
parched soul
someday a remembered
orange glow on some
long distance horizon
or kept
just my name
in a chain
in a locket
on some
beauties neck
wordvango Sep 2017
when you die
or I
one of us left
shall we dance
wordvango Sep 2017
just in my vehicle
on my way home
like anyone and
blue lights flash

I am red
I am mexican
I am black
am I scared

why **** yes!!
they got guns ! Dude
I get through this I may buy one
wordvango Sep 2017
Right On Mike!!

Here's a strategy
Surround yourself with Generals
old glory and the anthem
Pick fights with ethnicities you don't like with twitter rantings
Trump is an Emperor there is no doubt
A self absorbed narcissistic caricature born of empirical arrogance
Government is no longer in entity that needs to be studied
All you have to do is run it like a business and reject the proclamations of Jefferson and Madison as mere *******
Banksters become Patriots creating wealth on Franklin's printing press with interest
While Paul Reveres ancestors boo the players who protest
White privilege never ends
White privilege never sacrifices it's position
Instead deflects by omission creates hallowed traditions
Calls it history or sacrifice
ghostly heroes
rise from the dead
Gory glory hallelujah
Congress raise your fists
Your purple stained fingers plugging your ears
Social and economic justices
fell behind and now are in arrears
And there is hell to pay
In this American way....
Written by Angstrom to a comment by Mike Marshall on a comment on a Daily!
wordvango Sep 2017
lauren elise  Normally I wouldn't instigate like this, but NFL players aren't simply taking a knee for the fun of it. If you want to go as far back as Normandy, let's talk about the forced migration of slaves to the United States, the colonialist division of African nations, and the pillaging and ****** that accompanied that. Let's talk about the forced separation of black families as they were sold off like livestock, the rapes of slave women, the beatings of slave men. Let's talk about the implemented indentured servitude after slavery was abolished, that kept free black people enslaved and poor because they had no resources, no money and no dignity. The lynchings and the discrimination. Let's talk about the de jure segregation that divided school districts, neighborhoods, and deprived people of color of access to equal education and job opportunities. How about the exclusion of black women from women's rights movements? They did not receive the same rights at the same time as white women. When segregation was abolished, how about the de facto segregation, the redlining, the defunding of black neighborhoods that sentenced them to poverty and disqualified them this American notion of "equal opportunity?" What about when the poverty and lack of education increased the crime and drug activity that has led to the mass criminalization of black communities? The school to prison pipeline? Think about the fact that people of color have not been legally "equal" to white people for even 100 years. The police brutality today mirrors the police brutality of the Civil Rights era. Everything that black people face on this day is a result of the dehumanization and discrimination that white people imposed on them from the start. This is not coincidental protest. This is not ungrateful. Our soldiers have fought for our rights from the start, but not always for the rights of people of color. Peaceful protest is an American right. Plus, let's not talk about disrespect for American soldiers and veterans when our very own "President" is the first person to disrespect them.
LaurenElise  well written. This needs to be seen.
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