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Lexie Nov 2017
You can't shut the door
Turn the lock
And expect
Your fear to be on the other side.
Lexie Dec 2015
The fear melts down my spine in rivers
Collecting in pools of anxiety
That tendril to my limbs
I try to hide in the shadow of bravery
But I am not worthy of its cloak
So I quake in the eyes
Of all my enemies, watching me
As I fall inside myself
Drowning in pity
A damaged cavern that crumbled
To bring me down into
A dank hell
We all wish for light in the end
I only want to see less dark
To see the sun is to much
I merely need to make mark
Lexie Mar 2016
My life is like a wind tunnel
But instead of wind
It is fear, howling all around me
Lexie Jan 2019
I have a handful of guardian angels
None of them wash their hands
Before devouring my sins
I am a morsel of madness
Lexie Sep 2020
When you get to heaven
Ask Icarus of the sun
When I get to heaven
I will tell him
Of the brightest light
I ever knew
I will spin him stories
Of golden thread
And he will wonder
Why he did not instead
Chose to fly
Close to you
Lexie Aug 2015
February words and
Unpursued waves
Memories of lies
To keep my story straight

A web so entangled
It snared its maker
Some for now
And some for later

Ankle bites
And goodnight lies
Morning coffee
As black as the night

Sweet and sweeter
A wretched dream
But is it better to sleep
Than to want to leave

A marker tattoo
As permanent as my existence
Traceable calls
To a newer resistance

Spell check those ***** stamps
Is it low enough
Correct all the rights
Where the truth is the lie

And fly your kite higher in the ground
Opposites and confusion
Emotions of dreams
Become as emotionally withdrawn as possible

Or enter the ground
To become a fossil
Lexie Dec 2015
Harsh words (for the freak)
Please sign
Last name?
I wish it was yours.

This cruel world.
Lexie Nov 2018
The inner workings of my mind have become lazy in their toil against the opposition
I am feeble minded and the legs of my stamina crumble
I am bent out of shape
I wish to hide, but I must seek
Yet I stumble about like a fool in the dessert
My oasis is dried up when my heart cries for a river to pour forth
Swallow me up in the night
I will surrender my self
As an angel of the night
Claim me as you do your own creation
Whisper to me where rest may be found
I seek peace above all else
Even as my heart thrums with the aching of the universe
I am so little to feel so much
Lexie Sep 2017
Sad thing
Some of us
Don't even
Have to
Our house
To be

Try that one on for size, I don't to bash men I just want to do the equality.
Lexie Dec 2018
My mind is manspreading
Lexie May 2019
I want to throw unripened avacados at the patriarchy, screaming
Stop making my sisters cry
Lexie May 2014
Is it a sin to let love go unnourished?
Lexie Jan 2019
What good
Does the heart of a lion do me
When I have no claws
To love so large
With such small hands
Lexie Feb 2019
Will you be my valentine?
The one who warms the hands of the broken hearted.
Now accepting.
Lexie Jan 2019
It was with him, he who told me he would die for me
That I fought most of my battles with
Lexie Sep 2020
I have only ever wished to be gentle
And at peace
It has always seemed just out of reach
You never allowed such a thing
So now I shall rage steadily
Against the fading of the light
Spare me your words
I have ached long enough
Lexie Oct 2016
Ever I want to fight the world
How I toil
All in vain
For anger fills me
And I boil over
What is this remorse
You feign to feel
Your lies are poison
You quilt me into
Hating myself
And that is not right
But how can I change
What I was told
Shall come to pass
My head is a box
And my heart must be unpacked
Lexie Aug 2015
To sing my lies into your  soul

So that my truth will make you whole
Lexie Oct 2022
When you touch my skin
I feel it so deeply
That the salt in my oceans
Separate from the water
Lexie Oct 2022
Close your eyes
It is okay to go
It has been a long life

Close your eyes
I will sing to you
Humming gentle melodies

Close your eyes
The music will go with you
Where I cannot follow

Close your eyes
It is time
The angel’s will carry on the harmony
Lexie Oct 2015
I went looking for myself
yet all I found was you
and because I was not my own
I didn't know what to do
Lexie Nov 2015
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you lying?"*

Lexie Jan 2014
I wake each morning from my bed
Trying to subdue the pain in my head

I hold my wrist that does still burn
Will I ever learn

The fire is always stronger
The pain is always longer

The flames reach for my soul
Leaving a burning smoking hole

I cant control this flame
It hurts more than the sting of a cane

In a world all its own
In a world all alone

The fire has its own will
Against a voice small and shrill

It smokes and screams
Against the demons

It is a dark force that still shines bright
A force that haunts me through the night
Lexie Aug 2018
You blew your lies in my face
And it was not just the smoke that agitated me
More the time thay you took kindle the fire
Even though you didn't care how much I got burned
Lexie Oct 2015
Ten million fireflies
Shine like your eyes
In the pale
Lexie May 2019
These embers can only be relit so many times
Who will keep you warm when I am gone
Oh the irony to die out by these ashes
When this is where we have lived the brightest nights of our lives
I became a coal in your mouth
When my only desire was to warm your heart
You can no longer stomach me
It is my own light that will fade
The char of my existence ground into the earth
When you cremate my final memory
I will be nothing
Until you smell smoke
This is the remembrance of me
I will not be put out so easily
Lexie Jan 2017
The stars rose into the sky
And as they died
They fell to the earth
The sand embraced them
Coveting the warmth of the fire
Like kisses of passion
That beat like drums
Into the night sky
They race to the heavens
And the in showers of waves
Like the hair of a goddess
They fall to the earth
And the kisses of smoke
Filling the lungs of the moon
Out of the sky
Into the water
Petals of guns
Roses of the midnight hour
Burning into the souls
Of the mortals below
Who worship the night
And all it contains
Boom. Like a heartbeat.
Rainbows in my veins
They scream through the night
Out of the lungs of the gods
Over the earth
And all it contains
Until they die
Wrapped in the earth
Like a blanket of death
Lexie Sep 2016
I thought about it
And then all at once if consumed me
My mind was filled with thoughts
Wondering what the texture of your lips were

And when it came, so sudden and sweet
It was different that I had expected
But not bitter in the slightest

I didn't expect the cravings
To always hunger for just one more
Your lips, ever present in my mind
And oh how much I long
For just one more kiss, one last time

But now the leaves have fallen
And all I have are memories
I would kiss you again
A thousand times, until I die
But I cannot
For your lips belong to another
As sweet as they are
And as sweet as they seem

So I long now
And teach myself to long to more
For or first kiss was a blessing
And the last a curse
Our first a song
The last a missing verse
Lexie Jan 2014
What is wasn't:

What is was:
Romantic Maybe
Long over due
Worth waiting for...
Lexie Oct 2022
You asked me
If I believed
In love, at first sight
I replied, eyes closed
I do not care much for the beginning
As long as there is love in the end
Lexie Jan 2019
A clenched fist
Leaves no room for dreams
Lexie Dec 2023
Tell me
You find something divine
In my familiarity
As I find peace
In yours
Lexie Jun 2021
here we are again
face to sky
with a full wolf moon

i don't know this road
the journey all to familiar
as the grains of sand under your nails
after a day clawing at the ocean

do you hear the depths roar
or does she whisper to you
i faintly remember her voice

when i am high in the mountains
call out to me
like i wish you would

i have only now
learned of my brokenness
i have only now learned
of things beyond my knowledge

how many times
must i admit my fault
how many times
must i pull my foot
out of my mouth
i do not relish the taste of soil
you know i am a foolish fool
i cannot speak for you bitterness

my truth is different now
though unlived, uncovered, unbound
all but unrelinquished

i am swept under the rug of your past life
the splinters of the floor flaking away from the boards
we too will turn to dust
Lexie Jan 2022
I knew nothing about this would be easy
Lexie Nov 2022
Parasite to my peace
Shadow man
Sinking his teeth
Into my solid living
He is liquid in memory
I, semi-permeable in my strength
Do not let me slip
Pull me from the edge
Lexie May 2014
Of a broken soul

Of a broken body

Puzzles in my head

And untold puzzlement
Lexie Dec 2018
I just become little granules of sugar and salt as the days go by
Is this is the spice of life
Am I a pleasant flavour
That I would linger apon your lips
So that I may die in your stomache
That I would be tasted as a kiss
For but one breath of your life
Lexie Dec 2018
I beheld the lantern sky
It was as if you were born into it
Another candle to warm the desolation
Another light for the desperate
You are already one with the earth
The heavens did not send you
You came anyway
To find in yourself, what cannot be spoken
These dreams and visions given to you
With their seams threaded into the universe, were not meant to find their way upon your tongue
Oh how well your fingers make them know to me
All that you make, as an extension of yourself
Is not in vain
Though wrought in folly
As fools live among us as if they were the wise
How shameful is the way they carry their head
Is there no better place than upon their shoulders
A monsters face will find it's place
As do all things, in the lantern sky
Constellations are eternal, even in the temporary
Can one light hold the nocturnal wraiths at bay
Still you light it
That the fates may see
Searching for wicks, in the lantern sky
Lexie Mar 2020
I feel deep again

The thinner air
At the bottom
Of the gulley

I do not remember
The taste of fresh air
Nor will it return to me
Lexie Jan 2018
Would that I could hide in shadows thick as cloth
I would wrap myself in darkness and never be lost
Though demons and the sun fall from the sky
I may never learn how to dance unless I learn to try
You know not the extent of darkness I carry
But if you understood, then you would be overcome with worry

Lexie Mar 2020
My throat narrows
Vision tunnels
At the sight of you

I am flightless
Beneath the sky
At the mercy
Of a breaking dawn

Have I always been
Shallow waters
Against your ocean trenches
We will go out
With the tide

The smooth rocks
Upon the shore
Will murmur
Of our devotion

Until they too are sand
Lexie Jan 2019
I have water hands
And oh! The life they bring
To many things
Yet be cautious in your drinking
For water can overwhelm so rapidly
Rivers flood in spring
Lexie Nov 2018
Chaos is fluid
We think in concepts
Water is life
And yet all of this is a single stone
Thrown in a chasm of knowledge in this eternity
Lexie Oct 2015
You did not have you own
And so you
A little piece from

All the people
that you

So while they had

To Survive

You would have a

Bit to keep you warm



as they went through life
just a little bit

you found you were
in every direction

For you could not

Your heart.

Because it went to so many
different places at once

And you had no

But neither were you alone

For you were sown in

Wreathed in

Touched by

And all of your best parts remain :)
Lexie May 2018

You aren't responsible for how people treat you.
The reflection of themselves is a mirror you don't need to back.

Lexie Feb 2018
I remember so much
I forget to little
Lexie Nov 2018
Pulling string riddled through my mindlessness
Never took me places I should of gone

I found in the dark
Things wrought in moonlight and tears of lost lovers
How beautiful they would be
Sparkling in the light of the sun

I need you as you are
You changed.
I slept, fool that I am

I am dying now, shuddering to think
That I will live another day
It will be a day I live alone

There is nothing sadder to my soul
Than one set of footprints in the sand
The oceans claims them just the same

In the frailty of my mind
I wonder
Do dreams come true
Or nightmares found a way to sweeten themselves


The night never ends
She just takes coffee breaks
I just break
Break up
Break apart
Drift among the uncertainty
With one hand clasping the necklace around my throat
The other holding a rose pricking my fingers

I shudder to think
So I close my mind
Running circles in my skull
Just wearing out the floor
Just wearing out the floor
Lexie Jan 2016
the truth in your words
makes me regret mine
I bite back my tongue
before it whips out
leashing me to my fate
but to late they strike
like blows already given
and so I must apologize
to ask and to beg
for you to forgive
what I cruelly bestowed
upon you ears
with my foolish follies
Lexie Nov 2015
only fools do what I do
Lexie Feb 2016
only the fools let go
*only the fools hold on
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