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Lexie Mar 2022
I still can't say it
Lexie Mar 2022
Have you heard the sound
The mouth makes
When the heart breaks
So loud it looks like screaming
But it couldn't be more silent
Lexie Feb 2022
If, the daughters of our past selves
Could see us now
They would be in awe
Of our beauty
They know the battle is before them
They know they can win it
Lexie Feb 2022
The smoke has cleared
From your magic show
I can hear the music
It sounds like peace
Don't let it play so quiet
Lexie Jan 2022
I am sure by now
Heaven finds my voice all too familiar
Lexie Jan 2022
some, older than you
prophesied, I would never be cold
all my duties
are to avoid burning
I told you of my temples
you come empty-handed
asking for frankincense, myrh
I knew of this ghost once
a thousand years ago
some, say he will return
humans are so god-awful impatient
some, waiting in white
will never see him
others, shackled at the ankle
say he is still here
I am not one for answers
I pour my questions out
into the street
as if it was a river
more often than not
is it a graveyard
if I do die
bury me shallow
why should I be silent
even the stones would cry out
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