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Lexie Jan 2022
You are an open flower
I cannot help but wonder
Is this pure consciousness
Have you closed your soul
So soon
Unburden yourself of the past
She is not today's weight
Lexie Jan 2022
I knew nothing about this would be easy
Lexie Jan 2022
I placed you like a star in my soul-sky,
            and yet when you are of the earth,
                  you hold no place in my heavens
Lexie Jan 2022
I knew you would come for me
I turn my back against the wall
Trying to estimate your angle is exhausting
Anticipating your timing aggravating
God I just loved minding my own business
Nothing of this taste is bittersweet
I find no eloquence in this
I am not fine
Incapable of being refined
Raw and hurting
Stand my ground
My lip quivers
I thought you had pulled
Every last tear I would ever cry
From the corner of my eyes
I questioned once if anything was real
Now I wonder if I am healed
Is this a test of the universe
To see what I have learned
Or are you out for blood
It would not be the first time
You spilled mine
Lexie Jan 2022
When it is hard
Then I know
I have chosen the right path
The universe does not
Need to teach me this lesson again
I learned
I am listening still
To jagged words
My eyes do not betray me
Ghosts of a past life
I am a gentle sinner
Do not bring violence among us
Leave space between us
I am not bitter or angry or burdened
Do not threaten my peace
I fear the screams in the night
Will one day be shuttled
From my own throat
Worse beyond that
I fear they will be silenced
I loved the quiet once
She is tension now
Tension between now and tomorrow
Lexie Jan 2022
I can taste your bitterness
You never did cherish me
I was solid in your presence
Now you name me ghost
Hate and regret
Are cold hands to hold
I will warm my skin
With purer fire
Take a step back
Burning out, desire
I am a giver, a doer
Deep waters
Your shallows still and stagnant
With empty promises
I will harbor nothing against you
I am already in the water
I am beyond this
Don't tell me I deserve the best unless you are giving it to me. You just playing a hand you don't have. Bluffing.
Lexie Jan 2022
You are a soulless cage
Candles burning out
Timber fingers grasping
At a bleak unforgiving sky
You wander to the dark place
Unable to illuminate
There were angels here once
"Fear not" "Do not be afraid"
Carved into the bark
Does anxiety always come before truth
Existential agony before God's bidding
If so, I am ripe, I am waiting
Prune my tree of life branches back
If I am not wick then I am wicked
I am shame bathed in myrrh
Did not former trunks
Hold the great burden of salvation
Is the cross before or behind
My lingering grave
Beckons for me
I do not fear the earth
Only where the mind goes
When the body cannot follow
What armies could kindness muster
To war against the unknown
Crucify yourself against me
The nails in my hands
Filter the light in
I am fighting a losing cause
A thousand fall to my side
Ten thousand at my right hand
Who will bury the dead
I thought only the roots of trees belonged buried
Yet coffins slip into soil
Sins under a night sky
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