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Big Virge Sep 2020
Ya Know... Yesterday...
A Young Lady said...

"Big Virge, you really
have a way with words !"

It Was A Web Comment...
That She Had Left...
About A Couple of Lines...
In A Poem of Mine...

Called... " The Test of Stress "...

A Compliment PRIMED...
By THESE Big Virge Rhymes...

"We need to feed our minds,
with more than talk of war,
and, crossing swords !"

A Cool Comment Fa' SURE... !!!
But The Poem Was MORE...
About A **** Whose Jaws...
Made My Anger SOAR... !!!!!!!!!

To The Point Where WAR...
Became The Thing I SAW... !!!

But Moving ON.....................
I Think Her Comment Was WRONG...

I Have A Way With VERSE...
That Deals In... TRUTH... !!!

Like Those Who Use HERBS...
To... CALM Their Mood...

So I Guess She Was RIGHT... !?!
Cos' The Lines That She LIKED...
Were Written To RELEASE............................ ..
What Was... SWELLING IN ME... !!!!!

A Wish To SEE...
That *** WIPE... Bleed... !!!!!
Just Like Ladies Do... " Periodically ".........

Okay... Here We GO...
Cos' It's Time To SHOW...

The Ways My Words Flow...
Just Like The GOOD TIMES ROLL... !!!!!

But BEFORE I Impart...
Wordplay That Is SHARP... !!!

Let Me SAY THIS...
From... MY HEART... !!!

I Have A Way With TRUTH...

Because Words I Use...
Are NOT ALWAYS Cool... !!!!!!

SOME Have Called Them CRUDE... !!!
and QUITE A Few Take The View...
That I'm An... ANGRY BRUTE... !!!!!

Whose Words BURST Balloons...
And... BUBBLES TOO... !!!

And As For The Girls...
Well I Speak TOO MUCH Truth...
To Suggest That I'm... " A Dude "...

Who Has... " A Way With Words "... ?!?

NOT With **** Ladies...
Who Wanna Have Some Babies...
But Maybe YES... Just MAYBE... ???

That's Because Big Virge Plays SAFELY...
Cos' Ladies... REAL Slim Shady...
Can Border On Being CRAZY... !!!!!!!!!

See I'm A... CRAZY Lyricist...
When It Comes To FLIPPING Scripts... !!!

I FLIP Em' Like... A CRIP...
Whose BLOOD Is DIFFERENT Kids... !!!!!!!!

My Words Are Used To Sometimes SHOOT...
Who Have The HEART To Hunt In The DARK... !!!

See My Words Shed LIGHT...
On... POINTLESS Fights...
A GREEN Light Sabre... !!!!!

Because My Flavour...
When I PEPPER Vaders'...
... INHALER With LABOUR "...
of That of... A SLAYER...
Who BREAKS Terminators... !!!!!

... " I'll Be BACK ! "...
For YOU... HATERS... !!!

Cos I'm An Empire BREAKER...
As Well As GOOD NEIGHBOUR... !!!!!

DON'T Cross Me Like FADERS...
Cos' Your Name AIN'T... " Roc' Raida' "... !!!!!!

R. I. P.... To THAT Man... !!!

Now You See I'm ADVANCED...
Lyrically... I ENHANCE...

The Usage of Verse...
Through Wordplay That WORKS... !!!

NOT... " Kendrick Lamar "...
Big Virge AIN'T That HARD... !!!

Wait A Minute That's FARCE... !!!

NO DISS To The Yute'...
He's Doing His DO... !!!

But DON'T Be FOOLED... !!!
My Age And My STATUS...
Is WAY ABOVE... " Playas' "...

When They LACK The Game...
To Use Words... THIS WAY... !!!

Poems To Raps...
That Make Campers MAD... !!!

YUP... I AM THAT Man... !!!

Whose Words OVERSTAND...
Humanity's... FALL... !!!

So My Words Make The CALL...
For Us To... STAND TALL...

And USE Words Like Debaters...
Whose Values Are GREATER...
Than Using.... " N-Words "...
Just To... STACK Paper... ?!?

Is THIS What Our Words...
Have Now Become WORTH... ?!?

Because Your Music CHARTS... !!!

You CAN'T Be... " A STAR "...
When EARTH's Where You're PARKED... !!!!!

To THINK That You ARE...

Fame Fortune and GREED...
Has Made Currency FIENDS...
Who NOW FORSAKE Truth...

Just To... " Look COOL "... ?!?

Our Words ARE A TOOL...
That When SUITABLY Used...
To... MIS-INFORMED Children... !!!!!

I DEFEND To The END... !!!
These Things Through Poems...
That Speak On The World...
How People Now Work...
And How People HURT... !!!

And Things Well Observed... !!!
That SHOW Why This Girl...
Was Quite... UNRESERVED...

In Suggesting That I... Have...

... " A Way With Words "...
It's always nice to be complimented, and it sometimes proves to be inspiring, as it was in this case, so thanks again, to the young lady who was so complimentary !
Ha! That catch phrase
     (kid ding lee writ)
     hoop fully goat yar attention
truth be told, (
     no...not by me
     boat some tee else of course)
     mine min (yute) yen
for light banter i.e. badinage,

     (this ***** toad juiced ribbing...
     frog *** about it), yea,
     I know that punning
     while keying (NOT SAFE),
     sometimes dill lutes
     ma serious pickling attempt ren
doors an unsuspecting reader
     (bajillion times out of zero) pen

ultimately probably discourages,
     an increased virtual fanbase,
     rectified by the following asinine
     non-sequitur (a come men
dib bull double
     entendre) totally tubularly
     barbed with Freudian
     slip age, that ken

figuratively grab immediate
     interest of hen
pecked recipients (with pock marks
     to prove such assertion)
     might strongly concur even
without being aware how
     psychoanalysis ***** ******
significance of phallus

     in everyday affairs,
     particularly how peppy
     (even after applying
     WD-40) can rust
and/or atrophy as if cell bait,
     hence thee **** cree,    
     that ******* a must
(as told by this husband
     in a sexless marriage
     as a result, I might
     join a convent) as a lust
result, either that or
     go set me a
     watch woman as mistress
     tubby integrated within
     my private life

     even if one
     needs tubby bussed
from the outer limits of the
     sterling twilight
     zona pellucida ideally,
     where love of c**t tree and
     priapism maketh sea men go bust!
olu 2d
the last of my breddahs i’m just following suit
at the end of the day i’m still that same ol’ yute
twenty one now, i hope you get there too
cuz if you ain’t here, i know you’ll get here soon

and perspective is mad cuz i was once you
an ambitious little boy with some radical views
cravin’ for a chance to receive and shoot
like Laca in the box, cuz i would take that too

but what i would do
just might not be true
to what you would do
but if i asked myself now what would i do
then i’d get the same answer like two plus two
cuz i still got my views

and let’s be honest
i ain’t really changed much
at least i think i haven’t cuz i really ain’t exchanged much
different ideologies and people ain’t been sayin' much
other than this same old same old for these same months

cuz kamala this and donald trump that
is no different to me than what ’16 had
the same old story pulled out the same hat
but we don’t draw the lines to try to change that

we move
and fall into a groove
even though it’s bumpy when we're wishin' it was smooth
life is always twistin' throughout different routes
i guess that’s why we always try to stay close to our roots

cuz if we never have to travel in search of our truths
then we can say the life we lived is closest to truth
am i saying that to say i’m worse off than you?
just because i’ve strayed further than you?

i think it’s mad
and honestly i’m glad
i’ve seen so many cities that i never thought i’d have
the chance of seeing
and instances of being
surrounded by some people that i never thought would be in
my life, and i’m grateful
for what they’ve brought to my table
if my last supper was today then to all of them i’m faithful

too many times we see some **** go south
saying words that shouldn’t leave our mouths
words that turn into action with a  punch in the mouth
and then it’s EMS, ambulance, blackin’ out
and it’s the USA so hospital be cost amounts

of money that we ain’t got
so we divert from those actions and those nasty thoughts
cuz if the cost of death is higher than the price of life
why wouldn’t i try to see the beauty in the strife
and never let some nasty words tell me how to live my life

that's mad
cuz i’ve seen some of my people take that **** real bad
when i’m on the pitch i can’t say i’ve not had
experiences like that
where i’m contemplating whether to abandon match
or to let that pass

but still, i’m here
my body and mind are intact
and i still got these same breddahs behind my back
and this same family to watch my back

and only experience and those people contribute to my repertoire
and only form my skillset when i’m well-aware i’ve set their bar
and those who haven’t done that yet should know exactly  who they are
because they’d know they aren’t far

because i’m only 21 and i hope that i still have lots of life left to give
i hope that my people can sort out their problems like it’s flour in a sieve
i hope we continue to broaden our horizons like Sid Meyer’s Civ
and most importantly i hope we remember to take a deep breath

and live

enjoy, pree more life
find the beauty in the struggle and strife
as we continue to strive
and find ourselves as we get surprised
by the courses of life for which we must improvise

another milestone, and another celebration
offering another chance at self-recalibration
as goals yet to be achieved are still the final destination
or so we hope to fulfil imagination

twenty-one years on this planet and now i'm forced to look in one direction
forced to find my style even when it’s gettin' hairy and i'm facin' deflection
forced to go forward even if there’s a wall with no intention
of breaking down because i have to break those barriers using nothing but a mirror,
my reflection
spoken version available at:
Big Virge Jul 2021
Now It’s Fair To Say...
That The... " Medicine “...  
That Was Written About...  
By... “ Ralph Ellison “...  

Is Something I Now SUFFER... !!!  
The Status of An Invisible Brother...  
Cos' I Won’t Let Suckers...  
Mould or... “ Sculpture “..  
Who I Be...  
Cos' My Medicine DEALS....  
..... REALITY Meals..... !!!  
Medicinal... Attritional...  
Because of The Conditional...  
Need For My Visual...  
In Fact... NOT Visible... !!!!!!  
As If My lyrical...  
For These Individuals...  
Who CLAIM To Be Quite Spiritual...  
When It’s CLEAR That They FEAR... !!!  
Or Gets To Be...  
What’s Heard And SEEN...  
On TV Screens...  
Or... Radio Shows...  
Where Musical Tones....  
Have Lyrical Flows...  
Like Todays Street Teams...  
Youthful Teens...  
On Villainous Missions... !!!!!  
But It’s EASY To Blame...  
When Your Everyday...  
Because of Where You Stay... !!!  
Far From....... ESTATES........  
Or Projects Made...  
To KEEP Black Visions...  
..... “Hidden Away”....  
You Can’t Blame The Youth...  
For Expressing Their TRUTH... !!!  
Or For Making Moves...  
That Most Would View...  
As Being RUDE And Uncouth... !!!!!  
When Hollywood News...  
And World News TOO...  
KEEPS Giving PROOF...  
That WEALTHY Dudes...  
And Quite A FEW In Crews...  
Who Wear Actors Shoes...  
Are A Breed of FOOLS...  
Who Are FAR FROM Cool... !!!  
Who Seem To ABUSE...  
More Than They Eat Food... ?!?  
As I’ve Said BEFORE...  
What Would You Do... ???  
If The Threat of WAR...  
Sat Outside YOUR DOOR... !!?!!  
Are You REALLY Sure...  
That You Would Endure... ?!?  
And NOT Have Others Feel...  
A Sense of What It Is...  
That Is... “Concealed”...  
And Their Media Teams....  
How Things REALLY Go Down...  
When Poor Folks FROWN... !!!  
So Where Are These MINISTERS...  
When Things Become SINISTER... ?!?  
They Seem To Be... "Invisible"...  
When TAKING AWAY What’s CRITICAL..... !!!  
... EQUAL Opportunities...  
For Yute’s In POOR Communities... !!!  
The DARKEST Seeds... !!!  
Who Are ONLY SEEN...  
When It Suits The News...  
That They CHOOSE To FEED You... !!!!!  
BELIEVE Me It’s TRUE... !!!!!!  
Deceivers RULE These Media Crews...  
So Are QUICK To Defer...  
To What THEY Prefer... !!!!!  
A Vision More Light...  
Than Us DARKER Types... !!!!!  
... Of Course I See...  
That Blacks Are Now SEEN...  
On TV Screens And Political Scenes...  
EVEN IN... Western Countries.... !!!!!  
But... " Mister Sheens "...  
Are STILL Trying To CLEAN... !?!  
Some Darkened Skins... ?!?  
Now... Isn’t That SICK... !!!?!!!  
Racist Marketing Schemes...  
And Skin Lightening Creams...  
Give Proof That THEY...  
STILL PLAY The Game...  
of Cotton Picking...  
... RACIST Thinking... !!!  
...... MEDICINE......  
That Should Be BANNED... !!!  
Because It’s LINKING...  
... CERTAIN Hands...  
With The Type of Man...  
Who Currently RUNS...  
... America’s Lands... !?!  
I Suggest You People...  
... THINK About THAT... !!!!!  
As Mos’ Def’ said...  
"Fame and Cash...  
CAN’T SAVE YOU Black !“...  
UNLESS You’re QUICK To SHED Your Skin...  
So That YOU Can FIT RIGHT IN... !!!  
I Guess That’s THAT.  
And Is CLEARLY Why...  
A Man of My HEIGHT...  
And Lyrical MIGHT... !!!  
Whose Able To...  
... Articulately VOCALISE... !!!  
Is Set To Be ******...  
Just Like RALPH ELLISON's...  
..... " Invisible Man "..... !!!!!  
Being Treated As If I Don’t Exist...  
Is NOT A Position That I REVEL IN... !!!  
But Has Been My Lifetime’s....  
..... “ Medicine “.....
Being Dark Skinned Has It's Problems .....

— The End —