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Do we have any idea?
Have we even got a clue?
Can it be that we don't give a ****
what others are going through.

Are we so wrapped up in selfish mode?
So devoted to our own.
That we should sit back and watch
as others are gnawed down to the bone.

Should it be that our own offspring
if they were cast away so far?
Would we worry about that pipeline
bringing fuel to run our car?

Or would we stand aloft in horror
as they were thrown unto the ground?
Or for fuel thats cheap and plentiful,
is it ok to make no sound?

We hear about disasters.
Tsunami strikes upon Japan.
Earthquakes raging out in Haiti
Watch death befall our fellow man.

Throw donations in a bucket
at the supermarket doors,
then forget because of shopping.
but we have paid towards their cause.

Could you ever even fathom?
Your children crying as they play,
not for Barbies or Play-stations
but for the pain to go away.

Never asking for the latest
made by Hamleys or Mattel
rather just an handfull of food
to help beat the starvation battle.

Wash it down with poison water
from a river filled with ****
or collect in rusty tin cans
from a worn and stagnant pit.

If this was the plight of our children
things would surely be said.
We would try to move a mountain
rather than our young be dead.

Could you ever really imagine?
Could you ever really get,
that a million hits on You-Tube
turn endangered species into pets?

What if someone could ask on face-book
about your daughter or your son,
saying"It looks so cute and cuddly,
"go on e-bay and buy me one."

If only we could all be happy,
not feel a need to own the place.
If we could learn to be contented
by a childs smiling face.

Treat the world with awe and wonder.
Treat its creatures with respect.
Treat each other in this same way.
Treat nobody with neglect.

Then perhaps we may push together,
make our Governments do right.
Let's lead the World with people power,
no more starvation or blight.

Let's be less materialistic
let us have a life of worh
Not by owning all we see,
rather sharing this our earth.
26th January 2012
Let Me Be A Child
by Mirriam Mk Salati

shartterd-self-worh with blows and knocks
a "good" child keeps quite never talks
let me know when i make you proud
help me to have pride in my own accomplishments
and let me earn your trust
\trust me and i wont let you down
let me try my wings,sour through the sky
touching every cloud
if i fail let me know its ok then encourage me to try again
let me know that you love me with a pat or a hug on the back
let me tell you when iam sad and blue
let me tell you when iam angry even at you.
let me know that even on my worst days...
your love is unending always
let me dream......
share with you when my dreams come true
share my tears when they dont.
and pretend that everything is alright..and then encourage me to try again
Gerald Campbell Nov 2015
Fish is the worlds problem
Fins and gills a and poisonous jelly
Resting in the crevices of their more vulnerable kiddy-make-cry
To slice at young flesh is exquisite
Knowing the scar you're leaving behind
Will vanish within hours
Will remain fire-hot and ******
For the rest if the kid's fish-hating life
It's a small pond they took you to
The deepest water beneath a lunky wood and metal bridge
Which creaked and groaned begging to give in
We say on that bridge, poisoned legs hanging and dangling
Looking at Aunt Terry coming up out of the water much too quickly
Gravity deciding it wasn't through yet with her swimming suit top
We laughed from emberassment
But even the rowdiest among us clammed up
Breathing harder and deeper than they had ever done before
On the cusp of puberty every single *****, heretofore shrunken and shriveled from the unfortunately cold water in that unnamed pond
Every flaccid, dripping **** , when the brain sent down the message concerning the incredible size and girth of Aunt Terry's ****
Ever little immature Ramma Lamma Ding **** got a fresh infusion of prime hemoglobin straight to the juju
All we knew to do was hide in bushes
Pretend we're taking a **** while in reality we were expending the last couple of minutes it took to coax out that tiny gelatinous goop.
We spit it out of our manhood, unconcerned with where it may have
Eventually fallen. It had lost it's novelty long before we hacked it

Terry was embarrassed, to be sure
She knew what the boys were doing
It didn't bother her at all
There was a time when they fought for it. As if were spoils of war
That delusion didn't last for very long

What could she do? Her swim shirt was ruined. She had to get out
They jerred her as she found her way to the door
On one side freedom, albeit bogged down worh mamy many secrets

This could be the last time anyway
Rumor around town is that the slaughterhouse bought the land and all it's water ways. They planned to use it as  a reservoir for newly killed swine within six months you would not have recognized the ole fishing hole
The hooks baited with frozen shrimp
Grown ups helping sons find minnows gone, ahh, long gone, like the best years of our lives
We stood up as one in order to survey
The carnage, carnage even at this early stage wasa harbinger of bad omens to come
In every inch of the pond, diluting it if possible,
Pig's blood swine blood
The rats that ran with the pigs
As if they too had been specifically sent to insure that enough blood was let into the swamp
Dead swine, harder than a hobby horse, eyes still open, hopin' there's been some mistake
A lack of regulations combined with forced apathy kept us from caring
Much about what e believed was an injustice . We were children. It was enough hell to see the clean waters replaced by pig blood, pig guts. offal, intestines and other items that remain inside the body for a very good reason

May you find streams and brooks
Lakes and. Oceans
Of baptizing water
May you remember with great fondness your toes playing in the sand
Remember, my children, how crystal clear and pristine were the waters
Good, well tended salt water for catfish
Not a pool full of crimson stench.
This is my childhood. Shouldn't someone have let me know a long time ago that you were planning on turning it into the slaughtered pig open grave
It can't be
It just can't be

(And yet, it is)
Based on a true story
Fenix Flight Jun 2015
Our love is like a bull in a china shop.
Where your words are the bull
And my heart is the china.

You tell me
"I love you"
"Youre worh waiting for"

the words "I love you"
Isnt enough anymore
Every letter every syllable
Sears into my heart
Cracking it like glass

I need you here with me
I need to feel your touch
To remember what its like
Before my shattering heart explodes

I think i finally understand that song
The one where she sing
"Killing me softly .. With his words"

I wont give up, I never will.
I'd rather die inside
Then let you go.
Im just terrified
Thats just whats going to happen.
nick armbrister Mar 2018
Away From Them

I like to get away to the hills and mountains

For there I feel free and have no worries

There is no stress or crazy demands up there

Only localised dangers like getting lost or falling

These can be planned for and precautions taken

Unlike the bitter backstabing people in the cities

Not to mention the overpaid lazy bosses busting our *****

When out among nature I am part of it and belong

Not trapped in a concrete townscape and choking traffic fumes

I look up at the blue sky and marvel at the views

Miles and miles of nothing but greenery there before me

The pain of aching legs and sore feet is worh this

Being at the top of an 800 metre mountain

For a few hours of timeless freedom and smiles

This little moment is priceless...
Mateuš Conrad May 2018
/an invested man, said so little; hyper-autism in the format of solipsism... something in the chance of an Afghan of gamble... G... rolls counter B counter R... and the rest remains: Praha.*

to invest
in a microcosm of
of feelings,
is to shy mind
a warsaw
witch say in
3rd voice passing:
i'll keep him...
you, my *****,
the chemical engineer
soviet scoops...
and worh minding:
            THE *******
have idiot-spazz or
will retards build
the bridges?!
  retards build the bridges...
                   well done,
democracy overturrns
    "bolshevik swine"....
    nature and "man"
god and "etc."
                        aren't the prized

                Nicaragua is not China...
sunset ******* Val Kilmer
   boo-yah... gang...
International women's day

Spended time apart
when time came became mother
When time came became aunt
When time came became a sister
When time came became grandmother
When time came became work
Whe  time came became loving
When time came became whole
Sometimes its was rough
Sometimes  nothing works out  right
Whe  time came woman took it all day or night
Known as  *******
Known as crazy
Known a ******
But always got the job done
Over time the world became to take that woman are strong a s wonderful
A d the men would be lost worh out them
Woman we are

— The End —