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Big Virge Nov 2014
When Your Art's Your Closest Friend ...    
It Can Tear You Apart If You Won't Just Bend ...    
To Become A ... " FAMOUS STAR " ... !!!      
But I Guess Like Common Says ...      
" One Day Oh Yes It'll All Make Sense " ...  
The Struggles That We Go Through ...      
To Simply Make ... PROGRESS ........      
Or Taste What's Called ... " SUCCESS " ...      
You See You've ...  
Got To Keep Your Head ...      
When Facing Those With Less ... !!!  
Especially When You're STRIVING ... !!!      
To Make Your Art TRANSCEND ...................      
Even When They're Driving ...      
Their Lexus or Their Benz ... !!!      
REMEMBER ... In The End ...      
TRUE TALENT ... OUTSHINES Them ...      
Because They're ... TALENTLESS ... !!!!!!      
The Fools Who Move With Shady Crews ...      
Who Choose To Use People Like Tools ...      
Usually REFUSE To Face The TRUTH ... !!!!!      
One Day It's True ....  
They're Bound To Lose And Pay Their Dues ...      
Because of Lies They Have Contrived ...      
To Have Their Lives In The ... " LIMELIGHT " ... !!!      
See They're Not So Nice ... !!!      
Whether Girls Or Guys ...      
Guys Who Have NO ***** Size ... !!!!!      
Or Girls Who Like To S p r e a d ... Their Thighs ...      
Tend To Use Their Devious Minds ...      
To Get A Slice of The FIVE STAR Life ...      
By Hitching Rides And Being ...... Sly ...... !!!      
So ...  
DON'T Be Surprised You Tend To Find ...      
That TALENTLESS Mules Avoid Art School ... !!!      
If You Love Your Art ... ?      
Could You Ever Choose ... ?    
To Follow The Path ...      
These People Do ... ?!?      
Would You Choose To BEND OVER ...      
For A NEW ... RANGE ROVER ... !?!      
Or .......      
Spread Your Thighs ... ?      
To Get A Contract Signed ... ?      
See MANY Have Fallen By The Wayside ...      
And Have Then Withdrawn From The Publics' Eyes ...      
Leaving The Public Wondering ............ " Why " ........... !?!      
Some Have Paid The ULTIMATE PRIZE ...        
And Lost Their Lives ... Or Tried Suicide ...      
Before It Was Time To ... END Their Lives ... !!!      
The Price of Fame Is Getting HIGH ...      
Just Like ... PRICE HIKES ... !!!!!!      
What Would You Pay ... ?      
To See YOUR FACE ALL OVER The Place ... !?!      
Would You SELL YOUR SOUL ...      
To Become ... " WELL KNOWN " ... ???      
Quite A Few Now DO And That's NO JOKE ... !!!      
They End Up BROKE With The DEVIL In Tow ...      
Louis Cypher KNOWS ... !!!  
NO SOUL ... NO SHOW ... !!!!!    
just The FINAL CROSSROADS ...      
If You Don't Believe Me ... ?      
Ask ... Ralph Macchio ... !!!!!      
Life It Seems Can Be Like A Movie ...      
What You Choose To Seek ...      
May Become ... " Your Destiny " ... !?!      
So PLEASE BEWARE ... !!!  
What You Choose To ... " Dream " ...      
May Result In ... NIGHTMARES ... !!!!!!!  
Be CAREFUL What You Wish For Cos' It May Come True ... !?!      
The Wishmaster Proves That It's ... NOT ALL GOOD ... !!!      
The World's NOT YOURS ... You're Just A PAWN ... !!!      
So Make SMART Moves And Leave The Devil ... FORLORN ... !!!      
Stay TRUE To Your Art And You'll Get Rewards ...      
You DON'T Have To Be A Star To Receive Awards ... !!!      
Awards Can Be Received In Many Forms ...      
Trust Me BELIEVE If Your Art Has A Cause ...      
One Day You'll See Your Art Form ... SOAR ... !!!!!      
But It May Come From An ... UNLIKELY Source ... ???      
Someone Might Say That ...  
"You've made their day and have changed their ways,      
from a path of hate, to a higher place,      
where their misplaced hates now been erased !" ...      
NO Amount of Pay Can Replicate ...      
That Feeling of Affecting Change ...      
In Someone Who Has Never Met You ... !!!!!      
A Feeling THAT NICE ... TRULY Has NO PRICE ...      
When What You've Done ... Has TOUCHED SOMEONE ... !!!      
Creation Designed Through Reflection ...      
Is Art That Has ... NO Pretensions ... !!!      
HEED These Words And You Will Learn ...      
How To ... CHERISH Your Art ...      
it Can Help You BREATHE ...      
Just Like ... Your Heart ...      
But Can TEAR YOU APART ...        
Like I Said In This Piece ...      
At The Very Start ... !!!!!      
TOO MANY Now ABUSE The Arts For LOOT ...      
A FANCY Car or Designer Suit ... !?!      
Or Just To Prove That They're BETTER Than You ... !!!      
Well Whilst They LIE ...      
Stick To My Guide And You Will Find ...      
That You'll DENT Their PRIDE ...      
Because It's The TRUTH From Which They Hide ... !!!      
They'll Try To DENY Til' The Day They DIE ... !!!      
But One Day They'll Find Their Way To The Light ... !!!      
The LIGHT That SHINES On Those Inclined ...      
To Stay TRUE To The Finish From The Very Start ...      
To This BEAUTIFUL Thing ....      
That We Call ................      
...... " Art " .................
It is indeed, an incredible thing, NOT to be mistaken for entertainment !

Two VERY DIFFERENT things, in my opine !
Brujo Alligatore Mar 2016
Sure we have fun
One time though
I wished we watched more movies
And the wishmaster would ruin it
As usual
And we'd end up roommates
In a hospice ward
Watching a Sylvester Stallone marathon
Vadim Bravo May 2010
How old are you my child?
I said im twenty one.
She said she likes us wild,
She said she likes us young.

She said that every morning,
Before her beauty dies,
She stands in from of mirrors,
Looks at herself and cries.

She told me that one night,
When she was just 18,
She thought she was the light,
She was the nocturn queen.

Same night she met, she told me
A man she didn't know,
He told her all must die,
"Your beauty'll have to go".

Hello, I am the devil,
Wishmaster of the night,
Don't cry my little sister,
I'll make it all go right.

But I need you to help me,
One soul of yours I need.
Imagine every night,
You'll be again 18.

How old are you my lady?
She said she's 51,
And I saw something shining
At corners of her eyes.

I said "I'll meet you some day"
"Not day", she said, "some night
A beauty with no soul
Is shamed to see the light".
(c) Vadim Bravo 2002

— The End —