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K Apr 2013
There once was a man with a bowtie

And a little redhead girl

I'm gonna tell you the truth now

She loved him and he loved her.

They sat around the table

With fish fingers and custard, ice cream

They talked about his big blue box

And her family

In the middle of their midnight snack

An alarm rang from TARDIS, blue

He told her he would be back

In just a minute, or two

He accidentally missed his mark

Twelve years had gone by

But he just sauntered out

Waving and saying "Amelia, hi!"

Twas the first time they saved the world

When Amelia was just nineteen

Two years later he picked her up

On the eve of her wedding

But then the cracks in the universe

And all of space and time

Consumed the Doctor, all of him

But that's not the ending rhyme

The night she and Rory wed

Amy jumped out of her chair

"I remember you!" She shouted

And the Doctor appeared there

And so the Raggedy man came back

No more in the crack in the wall

Amy's imaginary friend

Bowtie, suspenders, and all

Later came an astronaut

Her name was River Song

She lifted her hand and against her will

Killed the Doctor, gone.

But, hooray!

The Doctor wasn't dead

It was wibbly wobbly, timey wimey

Stuff messing with their heads

And Amy had a daughter

Name? Melody Pond.

But the only water in the forest is rivers,

So she was really River Song.

Subtract love,

Add hate

Daleks scream


Angels, Angels everywhere

Take a little blink

In the ground and in the air

And then they took Rory

"Come along Pond, please!"

He said with a cry

She turned to him and said

"Raggedy man, goodbye!"

"No!" He shouts in despair

"It can't be true!"

He stands over their grave

Oh Ponds, he loved you

He sits on the steps

Letting River fly

Too grief stricken to hurt

Or even to cry

Dreams are broken

Time stands still

The Doctor runs up

A small rocky hill

Afterword, it reads

By Amelia Pond

We love you Doctor

And we're sorry we're gone

There's a girl waiting in a garden

She'll be waiting for a while

So go to her

She needs a smile.

Tell her she's a fairytale

Known by many, loved by more

Not best in the universe,

But most important in the world.

She went with him and took his hand

He showed her the stars and distant lands

Together they ran, their spirits high

Until they day came when they said goodbye

Goodbye, Ponds.
Charles Barnett Dec 2012
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." -The Doctor in "Blink (2007)"

"Remember that time we.."
Her voice calls to me from tomorrow.
From yesterday. From a flat in England
in 1969, all **** carpets and counterculture.
All go-go boots and ginger hair.

"Can't wait till we.."
Her voice calls to me from today.
From nowhen. From the bed
a few blocks down the road.
All apologies and heretos
and whyfors.

She says with a smile
that cracked on her face
yesterday and ends
Stark Mar 2019
i like it when my vision fills with color
kaleidoscoping into hybrid hues

or when skinny fine lines
grow into weathered wrinkles

i like it when borders border on nonexistent
and everything blends together

i like it when lines grow bold
the strokes of a paintbrush gaining confidence
with every motion

i like it when lines are crossed
over and over
into a tangle of yarn
everything connecting
a ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff

i like it when lines are blurred
and reality breaks down
letting my imagination roam wildly

i like it when things don't make sense
because i always know
that i can find that line
that leads me back home
just a poem about lines, guys.
MissNeona Aug 2023
Why you're excellent, as you be
Back data assets up & rebooty
Whatcha building over there?
Performative nicety vs. Authentic, genuine care
De-meaning words doesn't strip content of potency, accuracy, just shows a lack of imagination, creativity, care and clarity
Lords of the land were supposed to provide, not take money and chide
Vortexial resonance fields vs. Resistance
Hieros Gamos herostratus and burnt bridges
Hail Mary not pass her like a go-round, no wonder lede was buried instead of being lifted off the ground
Multitask, switchtask, background processes outlast
Self determinaton, loose will, neuromuscular triggering labours past
Anything not bringing ease is a labour, and deserves wage fees if benefitting other deities~
Ancienne previous
Nothing is actually mine
Pop a Placebo fx 2 see
Kaliki Golden Dark Horse Energy
Iku-tihku Emuu Tavatar
Star avatars
Like cutting down a tree to make woodrose
If we're all just a mirror hallucination of eachother, what do you think/say about other people?
Not comprehending something doesnt mean there isn't something profound there to be learned.
Preference of another, is momentary, but crucial
That might involve friction, challenge, and confrontation of a situation
Articulation, translation, communication
Jokes for me, heyoka for yew
Devi takes the W - yew enjoy deviw
If you think I exist amazingly in suffering, I will be brilliant when in capacity and happy... as we all will be...
Multiplayer co-op, not a pvp~ complex single player co-op, actually, where your judge is actually the best form of yourself that knows everything.
If you say so, but why you say it so?
New blood type found, kin
Filleth cups over, use surplus - don't use and discard humans like batters, maximum efficiency and pull energy from excess
Dynamic flow hyperpower
Gimme back those wyrds, spellcasting songs
Palindromic poorroop, soonoos operepo infinifni
When did nerds
What if? (deities song)
"That sounds like a personal issue" preferences vs. judgements, comprehension in communication.
Lemme honour the ancestors by being phi-nominal, matrilineal matroshka polka
Add a yet to it
Immortality vs. Immorality
The Garden of Idun, Yew Tree, Asherah - Pomme de Sang
Tryna be your friend
Kira mari kin, what's your name?
Eagles are pretty vultures that are known by the sound of a hawk.
Heibai try-angles
Wicked faeries and loyal opposition
The mandlebrot set crux point - the chosen
Buoy oh boats
Original thot
Tmesis Pie
What do you want?
Yet to cry, sing or shout at full volume - I care about others around me more than myself, cause I can handle disappointment.
The art of self-deselection
Packets of neuronic bundles
Sympathetic resonant frequencies
Waiting at the finnish line, for another laplander
Standing in the way of flow makes the ******
monkeys comprehend disparity - fight for fairness, rules and bananas
Praise, flattery, advice & criticism
Clarifying Questions~
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, heaven in the astral field
Don't insult your spirit, (can't you hear it?) By copying others.
Can't fool aether, just lie to the self, system be as it is...
Phi-bonna-chi arch and phi-nominal, additionally
Notice what's around
Add what came before
Songs for childish humans
Would a purehearted child stick around to watch?
Perpetual children
Pitch For Kin
Betta zen Mama
Biblios, early facebook, deities spelling it out
X-pyred corpse used to be a nest
Sometimes we have to hear a concept 1000x before it clicks.
Gender is temporary, spirit is not
Pjeunian paradise pleasurecraft
Diff between humans & computers - strange programming languages
Horoscopic cylons
A boy named Susanoo and the story of the sun & moon
Neutrinos and Muons they do what they wanna - Snarky Quarky Boogie
Timey Wimey Jeremy Beremy Hobson Jobson
kulukuset & kolokola: tintinambulation
Can I talk around it?
In the spiritual caste system watchers are worse than golems cause they are everybody's follower, thus lowest wrung... eye in the sky, if it's a wicked eye, is basically just perspective... they are beneath all, just egotistically trapped

High praise:
Ultrasonic Wavecore
Doo be dabbas, da double dragons
Electric eels of sol
Big dumb babies
Wild child doom baby
Perpetual Unicorn of Learning
Pounding Piano Puppies

Two dudes in the cornah touchin tipz, too busy with the space en-forcah heibai brudderhood to care for diz.

Accidental Leakage:
Ron noR recappin ** down
Buttlenecked middlemen chugging diarrhea in a filthy trickledownz system
Sassy rebukes in the moment instead of beta ****** gossipers when a person can't defend themselves...
******* singing
Cause 7 8 9
This is my poetry/song presentation list from my memo of thoughts for the YouTube streams.

— The End —