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yanci colon Apr 2012
I'm in between good and evil.
Ill care for you till the very end
And if I could I would seal her
Instead I just let it mend
If its not the same you'll be put in the peeler
lets just let it go let it trancend
I have a beatiful woman and I wish I could feel her
If I could I would make it start over again..
In love and love is what could heal her
Your everything and only thing on I depend
She's an ace that im the only dealer that can deal her,
"TRY IT' 'I will defend"
And if she says she's not around it's because my arms and legs conceal her
we're in the room she has lips to tend
Ill tell you the truth I still a bit fear her
But ill just let it go or let it pend
Im still in youth and when it comes down to it I was the one to steal her
Your the only item I posses that I wouldn't lend
Now were together and I automatically hear her
Any other thoughts just started to bend
All my letters start with dear her
And love at the end
This is not what I appear to her
Im probably another boyfriend
Over it now waiting for good moods to occur
So we can make love all over again
like souple Ill settle you down whrn my love stirs
Lets make sure this becomes a trend
And if you need it Ill scream  It if it needs to be reasured
its not longer me, Its now me and her
the mysitc blend...
the end....
Vladimir Lionter May 2020
THE 1st
I have known you not long, believe me
Girl - friend, and I am not joking
You have become so dear to me,
Like a light ray, endlessly darling.
You are warming me by radiant hopes
You are valuing me, my feelings, you.
Your moral aid’s giving me vital force,
You are awake the whole night through.
Being together we won’t die
Our plans to live are plain!
Two stars bright’ll light up in a blue sky
After our dying again.

THE 2nd
Winter has burst forth again. Nature is
Measuring the camisole of snow hard.
“It always happens year in year out”,
Say you and you seem to be right in this.
You say looking at me. What affecting
Tenderness’s your glance containing. You’re almost
The princess in a holiday attire hobbling
When it is so necessary, the horse
At full tilt, don’t quit, be with me longer, please!
Your character, steel will, features are dear
To me up to pain, no one’ll find your peer
I love to be with you, my honey bliss.

THE 3rd
Country meadow as the carpet of camomiles,
A nice girl’s standing in the field.
“Volodya, your poems give me creeps, thus”,
She says without being bewildered.
Her plaits as cornfield have spread over her
Shoulder- blades as a brook. The girl is
Very beautiful, her voice’s ringing so
Clearly as if it were the nightingale’s bliss.
Her eyes are like winter waters
I am enchanted by their depth.
Freedom’s wind secluded corners
In soul. Peace’s in my soul’s wealth.

THE 4th
I’ll sit down by you, my sweet, filled with joy’s
Tune, under crown wood noising by blessedness
You are the most lovable among girls
You are my most true, darling, princess.
Your bust can be compared with ripe poppy-heads,
Your pimples juicy are luring me.
You are my long- awaited berry, my goddess
Pure for my being able to be.
We’ll crown our conjoint life’s happy
Cup by the last straw not being in the cold.
You are ineffably beautiful now, sappy
You’ll be beautiful whrn you grow old.

THE 5th
Hard parting is the wisest of the wise
And the word’s expressiveness’s in my soul.
Oh, woman’s lot, what for are all these pangs?
When will it end once and on the whole?
And what for is this punishment at last?
It is related to sword of Damocles.
The distance separated both of us,
Every night I sob of all days those.
Every day I read in correspondence your
Poems–how sweet is to be Muse! And
I’ve erected obelisks in your honour
I won’t be able to forget your type grand.

THE 6th
Accept me, please, my wonderful girl- friend,
Accept me absolutely and my poems.
And I’m ready to reveal you my yesterday’s
Sins in my rear leisure’s hours.
Understand me, a poet artless, please,
Who’s got used to love so elevated.
My sonorous style’s more terrible than pistols’
Shot, feeling’s calling’s as the vow on blood yet.
I don’t smoke or drink brandy or whisky,
And terrors are often unknown to me.
You are my Angel so dear, close, friendly,
And my idol sung in my poems free.


Я тебя недолго очень знаю
И поверь, подруга, не шучу:
Для меня ты стала как родная –
Ты подобна светлому лучу:
Ты меня надеждой согреваешь,
Мною непомерно дорожишь –
Мне морально сильно помогаешь,
Хоть ночами целыми не спишь!
Мы с тобою без вести не сгинем –
Наши планы – жить – они просты!
После нас, подруга, в небе синем
Две зажгутся яркие звезды!

Зима вступила вновь в свои права
Камзол из снега меряет природа.
«Всегда так происходит год от года» –
Ты говоришь, и, кажется, права.
Ты говоришь и смотришь на меня –
И как же много нежности во взгляде –
Почти принцесса в праздничном наряде,
Что на скаку стреножит и коня.
Не уходи, побудь ещё со мной!
Характер твой, стальная сила воли –
Черты твои мне дороги до боли!
Такая милая, мне нравится с тобой!

Сельский луг как ковёр из ромашек!
Чудо-девушка в поле стоит.
«Мне, Володя, твой стих до мурашек!» –
Мне, стесняясь, она говорит.
Её косы как хлебные нивы –
Растеклись по лопаткам ручьём.
Эта девушка очень красива –
Её голос звенит соловьём!
Её очи – как зимние воды –
Околдован я их глубиной.
На душе снова ветер свободы,
На душе наконец-то покой!

С тобой сяду я рядом, любимая,
Под древесною кроной шумящею.
Ты из девушек – самая милая,
Ты принцесса моя настоящая!
Твои груди как спелые маковки –
Меня манят бутончики сочные!
Ты моя долгожданная ягодка,
Ты богиня моя непорочная!
Чашу жизни совместной счастливую
Завершим мы последнею капелькой.
Ты сейчас несказанно красивая –
И прекрасною будешь старенькой!

Мудрее мудрого тяжёлая разлука –
Невысказанность снова на душе.
О, доля женская, за что такая мука?
Когда она закончится уже?
К чему сейчас такое наказанье –
Оно сродни домокловым мечам:
С тобой нас разлучило расстоянье –
Я каждый день рыдаю по ночам!
Я каждый день читаю переписку,
Твои стихи – как сладко музой быть!
И в честь тебя воздвигнут обелиски –
Я не смогу твой образ позабыть!

Прими меня, прекрасная подруга –
Прими как есть, прими мои стихи.
И лишь тебе в свой редкий час досуга
Готов раскрыть вчерашние грехи.
Пойми меня – нехитрого поэта,
Привыкшего к возвышенной любви.
Мой звучный слог страшнее пистолета,
Признанье чувств – как клятва на крови.
Я не курю, не пью коньяк и виски
И часто мне совсем неведом страх.
Ты ангел мой, такой родной и близкий,
Ты мой кумир, воспетый во стихах!

Translator - I. Toporov
"...And as if I set fire to matches,
I’m pronouncing amorous words.
“For ever”, “honey” and, of course, “dear”
Carrying always in my head the same.
If you touch passion in the man, it’s clear
You will never find the truth again..."
Sergei Esenin, 1925
«...И, как будто зажигая спички,
Говорю любовные слова.
«Дорогая», «милая», «навеки»,
А в уме всегда одно и то ж,
Если тронуть страсти в человеке,
То, конечно, правды не найдешь...»
Сергей Есенин, 1925
shashank karn Jul 2017
As I walked over the Himalayas ,
It started to rumble ,
The gunpowder filled the air ,
As the sots were being fired ,
Everybody started to make unnatural desire ,
As the sound of gunfires took over every other sound ,
The land started to tumble ,
As the war was going on ,
No one was able to grumble ,
No one listened the cry of there ownes ,
The citizens were being killed day and night ,
As my soul was not with me ,
No one was able to stop it ,
As the battle field was there where we were ,
Who knows what were they fighting for ,
For religion or land ,
For greed or power ,
Or was it for freedom or to gain right ,
The whole day it was firing ,
And even whrn the night felled ,
It was not over ,
Thats the way that it goes ,
It doesnt revealed who is right or wrong ,
It only made a winner abd a looser ,
It just brought distruction and sorrow ,
And finally broke the heart of all.    
                                                      WRITTEN BY:                                                  SHASHANK KARN
It is the revealed feeling of soldiers of worldwar
Ankit Dubey May 2019
When I say you,  I am sleepy.
Then you just try to leave me alone so that I can sleep well.
But actually that silence hurts me more that creates more ease in my heart, and then I do never sleep.
When will you understand me ?
Whrn will you come to know what I actually want ?
Have you ever tried to feel that why I again n again say to you that m sleepy.
Wheather if I want to sleep inly without you in loneliness n quietness then I simply can say , please go I want to sleep.
But the fact is it that I want you to be with me.
Beacuse with you I do not remains a simple person. I just become someone else, someone special actualy someone very special.
I know you love me alot. And no one can love me like you.
But please baby understand what I want.

Baby I simply want to say-"  when I say you, i am sleepy. It doesent mean that I want you to go away n leave me alone.
That particular time I actually want you to lay down with me and hug me as tight as u can, so that I can sleep without any fear. Because I know that my world is with me."
And  when you are with me then it feels like-
I and you are for each other for always.
We are different than others.
We are the lovers the true ones.
I feel like I am in the heaven.
It make me feel safe.
I love u. N I want you to love me .
Butore than that it is important that we should understand each others feeling. We should understand what other want from me.
It will make us together forever. You are my angel n always you will be.

I love you

— The End —