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Sydney Victoria Feb 2013
A Unique Sight To See Are Summer
Birds Sitting In Winter Trees,
Chilled Winds Whistle--Creating High Voltages Of
Dopamine Which Wriggle Free In My Cells,
Evening Dwellers Soon Awake
Forcing Back The Day--Yet I Stay To
Gaze At The Black Canvas Of The Sky,
How Terribly I Wish To Paint The Stars
Ice White Paint Sits On My Palette; I Am Ready,
Just As I Dip My Brush Dawn Returns
Kinder Blazes On The Horizon--Yet I Create
Lonely Stars Sit--Three To Be Exact--Are
My Creation--And They Greet The Day Dwellers,
Nodding Hello As They Slip Back Into The Blue
Over The Whispy Clouds They Dance,
Politely They Smile And Wave Goodbye And
Quietly They Disappeared,
Rain Rolled Down My Cheeks But I Am Happy,
Silently I Smiled As I Trodded Back To The Trees
The Summer Birds Still Singing,
Uniting With The Bone Chilling Air
Valiant They Weather The Winter On The
Winding River--Their Melody Tingling Under My
Xiphoid Process,
Yielding To Express My Gratitude I Watch As They
Zig-Zag Through The Winter Trees
Sorry It Doesnt Rhyme:( I've Been Seeing A Lot Of Robins All Winter.. I Think This Is Really Weird.. Oh And Your Xiphoid Process Is The Tip Of Your Sternum (Thanks For The X-Word Health:P) Oh And Dopamine Is A Chemical In The Brain Which Creates Happiness.. Sorry I'm A Pschology Buff
20612 Dec 2012
A curious thing,
Boat to boat,
Dream to dream,
Leap to leap,
Light bulb to beam,
Spark to spark,
Jump start the cranial arc.
Neuron negotiation team.

Ambulance the ambivalence,
Channel out the Ritalin,
Limited dosages,
One day at a time, focusing,
Wake up, ECT voltages,
Sent them in the mail,
As postage just as,
Goldy-locked as porridges,
Clear the clouded vision, it's a must,
Derail the failure,
Exceed the labor,
Taste success, it's flavor,
Savor it.

Maintain a relationship with the Lord,
Escapin' and deflating ship,
Swallowed by the sea,
With a murderous howl,
Til' thoughts drift away,
Flow into the process womb,
The man that plays instruments,
Holds the key to the control panel of THINK,
Doesn't MIND this tomb,
Destiny and instinct,
Keeping each other in sync,
Putting one and two together,
Every time an internal light switch is flicked,
Not one soul around,
My thoughts mixed,
In this synaptic mail-room,
Unsorted letters,
Swimming through the mound,
Forever searching for their connections,
Til one day they'll meet,
Between then and now,
All that are lost in the end will be found.
Another night of insomnia. The journey of a neurological impulse/message from the body to brain. The man in the womb is conscience. Eventually the perfect harmony of two messages will occur, at the correct timing according to God's plan.
Travis Green Dec 2018
I can feel the static electricity surging
through my veins, raging slashed
voltages running rampant, destructive
beats blazing my escape, dazed and
flayed, crammed thoughts pounding
inside my domain like crazed chaotic
drums.  The world around me is
spinning frantically in scorched
dungeons, savage city slums,
slumped bridges and crumbling
labyrinths, a ravage wrecked
landscape sinking inside a
crimson drenched death, a
splintering tornado unleashing
a gut-wrenching sound of havoc.
Stu Harley Nov 2018
stray voltages of lightning
his head
something happened
Frankenstein really dead
Angel'Lea Mar 2019
Power and energy
looking at you, is what I see
I can feel your aura around me
when we share the same space

Your aroma soothes me
It appeases my senses
makes me crave you
wanting you to make me whole

I am full within my own system
My universe comprised of my own wonders
Yet your light beams bright
even when the darkness is suffocating

I can feel you more than just as a presence
Your existence is dominant
I want to consume its essence

Join beings with me
Allow me to enter your atmosphere
My desires refuse the distraction of your flesh
Your vessel is all but oxygenated atoms
harboring energy
releasing voltages in bounty

Relinquish your electricity within me
Let me feel your currents as they flow

Collide forces with me
Creating a new galaxy

Arriving at our apotheosis
Existing infinitely
carrying out the act of creation
we have reached our highest potential
Our primal grounds for existence

Joining life forces to birth another
Can you even fathom the power we posses?
Surging powers of light
energies passing through space
Manipulating time
Creating life

We are pure in nature
While gravity keeps us grounded
our energy flow is limitless

We must live beyond our exteriors
For sin has contaminated its cells
Creating a dimming effect
Forcing us to see ourselves only as flesh
We are more than that reduction

Power and infinite capabilities are ours to hone
We are made one through our expression
Our artistic creation
Our charging energies
Existing in a universe of our own
madeleine brand Mar 2014
you told me you don’t drink coffee
because it’s a reminder that you are cold in comparison
i laughed and placed my hand on your cheek
i said that you don’t feel cold to me
i’m not sure if i believed you were joking
or just hoped you were
because when you smiled in response
i felt those same insidious currents of warmth
that synapse through every one of my raw nerve endings
            when you mouthed that one line in your favorite song
            when you traced concentric circles on my bare skin with your fingertips
            when you compared my eyes to the color of chocolate chips
            when we sat on that frozen iron bench at the park and you held my hand
were you a fiction that i crafted
to ignore some truth i could not handle
i blame myself for letting my self-indulgence
evolve into an aching addiction

my nerve endings have fizzled and popped like burnt out light bulbs
no electric voltages runs through my filaments
because i am numb and cold again.
your frostbite was inevitable
and for a while, i must have been so cold
i felt white hot.

and *******,
i don’t drink coffee anymore.
idk man haven't written a poem in a long time
nvinn fonia Oct 2017
These allow products and components to be checked for flaws; assess fit and assembly; study ergonomics; and to analyze static and dynamic characteristics of systems such as stresses, temperatures, electromagnetic emissions, electrical currents and voltages, digital logic levels, fluid flows, and kinematics. Access and distribution of all this information is generally organized with the use of product data management software.[29]

There are also many tools to support specific engineering tasks such as computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software to generate CNC machining instructions; manufacturing process management software for production engineering; EDA for printed circuit board (PCB) and circuit schematics for electronic engineers; MRO applications for maintenance management; and AEC software for civil engineering.
About four plus weeks after
frazzling fiasco from friggin fraudsters
white knight still mourns swindled money
Lynne Costello Senior Civil Investigator
(assistant to Philadelphia attorney general)
unable to recoup forfeited funds.

While holed up in castle keep,
(albeit fetchodit fuming father
cursing out blimey scamming creep),
I replay nightmarish scenario
that disallows me to sleep
inconsolable tears yours truly doth weep.

Though secular humanist,
nevertheless yours truly (me)
beseeches a higher power
something in the order of

voltages ranging from
115,000 to 230,000 VAC
Voltage Alternating Current
or Extra-High voltages ranging
from 345,000 to 765,000 VAC.

Courtesy malefactor left me bereft
cyber criminal shrewdly,
meticulously, hucksterish antagonistic
online criminal with deft
once again revisiting series of theft
designed warp and weft
traitor to the cause of honesty
wove webbed, whirled wide net
pounced (visualize yourself analogous
recipient of lionize) de León.

I implicate myself aside from bogeyman
being submissive at financial havoc
fake Macbook Pro wizard
posturing as legitimate
Apple computer technician did wreak
more than laptop malfunction, he did tweak.

Any number of "red flags"
clear as day in retrospect
stand out like a sore thumb
with self reproach
and attendant emasculation
"how could I be so dumb,"
not ready to concede desperation
to scrounge around
for every little monetary crumb
when "Que Sera, Sera
(Whatever Will Be, Will Be)."

Resultant severe emotional grip
courtesy financial fallout
fantasy thought arise
regarding being cursed with
purchasing winning Mega-million
and powerball ticket,
hence the following fantasy.

Lucky lottery winner
…and the super powerball
and mega millions jackpot winner is…
from Schwenksville, Pennsylvania.

No way.

This must be some off-season
April fool and/or Halloween trick or treat.

Yea right.

In my dreams.

A voice inside urges
“take another look.”

Yet upon frenziedly staring
(for what seems like an eternity)
at the matching numbers
(per tickets for both
record breaking sweepstakes)
no denying that every numeral
exactly the same as those randomly drawn.

I don’t know whether to cry or scream.

But, if held at pen point and forced
to splutter out how such winnings
would be managed (from mine mouth
to God's ears) such fantasy will be elaborated
within literary exercise
(just for the purposes of this writing contest),
I now let finger flit to and fro,
hither and yon across qwerty keyboard.

Though a pauper, no ambition
could goad me to live like a king.

The immediate step would be
to seek professional top-notch guidance
from a sterling gold reputable investment banker.

He or she to be a staunch advocate
of wise management
sans such substantial windfall.

Consent to be given for a chunk
to be divested into high yield
money market funds with a modicum of risk.

Other dollops off currency denouement
elected to be doled into
on demand personal funding accounts.

A suitable proportion thence hedged
toward monies for thee spouse and
two darling daughters.

Said wife would be awarded ample chunk
to meet her present
and future financial needs and/or wants.

Since she tends to be tempted
to spend any cash on her purse (son)
plus pose (on bended knee) plaintive pleas
for this husband to drain his meager resources,
a ceiling limit incorporated
within said deposited arrangement.

Each progeny (both charming young women)
established with academic, catastrophic, exotic…
healthy portfolios.

Upon reaching age of twenty-one
release of full access to aforementioned bonds,
dormant fiduciary interest bearing,
known, noteworthy
Yankee Doodle dandy legal tender.

Even though total claim to do as they wish
with apportioned denominational millions.

A caveat will include disallowing banal,
flagrantly haphazardly spent (even though
exercising a spending spree not illegal),
the contractual obligation affixing
each offspring will witness the forfeiture
from fathers’ instantaneous famed fortune.

Self imposed restrictions viz electronic mechanisms
(probably at least one computer software application
(probably dashed off by kindergartner during recess)
will bar this fanciful papa
to blithely act frivolously,
yet a predetermined
monthly allotment made accessible.

No spending spree will occur sans yours truly
until bulwark of allocation, dedication, gratification…
securely settled analogous
to digital electronic gatekeepers,
which strategy (affording truckload of dollars
to appease capitalistic cravings)
still replete with common cents paid out
to select charities and non-profit organizations.

These agencies to focus on animal welfare
of genus and species besides **** sapiens,

Environmental utilities, educationally
non-discriminatory colleges/universities,
and other copasetic, democratic, ecologic,
holistic, non-partisan opportunistic
politically welcome think tanks.
James M Vines Mar 2020
What some call torture I call Nirvana. What others see as depraved, I see as enlightening. With each lash of the whip, I am more sober. With each turn of a ***** I am better for it. As the voltages is cranked, my focus becomes ever clearer. What to some is agony, to me it is ecstasy. I make no apologizes for what I need to feel. I do not make known what keeps me alive. In secret places and in seclusion I seek solace. With whom I share my desires is of no ones concern. Just know that to be what others call normal, I need pain to set me free of my demons.

— The End —