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Vishvi Aurora Jun 2018
Vishvi Aurora   Poems  
Published 20   Drafts 8

Vishvi Aurora 15s
Some feelings are not to be shared
Just because you are scared,
Temper makes you a bear,
And all those calls you lose ,
Isn't that not fair?
But well I go on and on,
Hiding my sorrow in and making it small,
By often sitting alone in that hall,
That makes me feel secure,
All my feelings just someone tore,
But I :D ,
Thought of writing some More,
My tears touched till the ground,
Giving my face small wound,
And now,
I know
No one's just yours !
Except you when you control yourself and be own and yours,
Not changing according to the world,
Because ,go hell those cruel swords!
Vishvi Aurora Dec 2017
i am scared to be an inferior,
when i am in the crowd of superiors,
and guess what i say,
why is it me to be a weak tear?
why shall i not bear the feelings that the outer world would bear?
Those festive ,joy and mercy,
for those growing up children one of them named Percy,
small children snatching for a chocolate bar named Percy,
i don't feel all that,
is it because i am scared that someday i shall disappear,
this a mere foolishness to think those people say,
but my reply is ,
what for a person who is lost in the bay?
gloomed and colored by people in grey,
that's the thing easy to say,
but only i know how i pay and repay,
because i list my bloods feelings only once in a year that is  in may,
claim that as a diary day,
because i, i am scare to be an inferior.
someday someone appeared like an etch,
and for me became a last bucket to fetch,
made a lighting hope in my respiratory set.
a sight maker  it named,
i bet,
but stayed just till the sunset,
and told better you better remove that word inferior from your brains net,'because i see something in you that i can get,
you are more superior than you can guess,
so don't worry and make your unique brain's mess,
i can guide you as you rest,
and someday you can be the best,
that sight maker came everyday and became like a pet,
and then got in my heart and became a part of that complex set,
helped to remove that word inferior,
and replacing it by superior,
it just explained me that could not appear,
expounded me that get into your heart's depth,
that would make you feel happier.
                                      Vishvi   AURORA
Vishvi Aurora Nov 2017
Today is a new day,
when i can pack my bag and set off away,
excavating new things and height more than the last day,
forgetting all about those days,
where i will pass by new lanes,
where there were neither planes nor plains,
its all because of this day,
where i can enjoy and play,
forgetting all about the summer and pains.
but then its still going to be a painful day,
where i need to work hard,
maybe much more than the last day,
to achieve all the achievements and ****** them away,
from where they stay,
attach my wings and fly away to a new place'
its finally a new day,
i hope to find a path way,
with new wishes a sight like ray,
and result will always pay,
because its a new day.
                                                vishvi aurora
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
The woods are dense dark and green,
Away from the city they stand unseen,
Winter spring and autumn cover them with a sheath,
Pains and summers touching their feet,
Not complaining about this they take them breathes.
The woods are lovely dark and green,
Just the mankind changed the scene,
If the human life’s truth is revealed,
As you enter nature lush and green,
Just killed them all,
Not bothering about their falls,
Cruel nature did not bother,
Made the nature look a little shorter,
Unknown and hidden treasures they had,
But human nature cut their feathers,
After all, I should tell this with a sigh,
We cut them all in the pieces of pie,
Let’s save them all as the time is too high,
Not be so cruel and eat them all in pieces of pie.
                                                          VISHVI .N. AURORA
Vishvi Aurora Nov 2017
Mum and dad your are great,
I don't know how you manage everything at this rate?
Mum and dad you're awesome,
You help me and my sis blossom
Mommy and Daddy you are great
And that I have faith
You will help us to become great
You will always be our mate,
Open all worlds gates,
The love from your side shall always flow,
And all memories you blow.
                    ...    Vishvi aurora
Dedicated to all mothers and fathers
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
I was standing on the ground which was round,
I heard some friction-less sound,
A round bottom flask covered my head like a crown,
That was tension which bent me down,
Everywhere I just found,
The matters not covering the soul’s wound,
Round and round in a mulberry bush town,
Thought then I shouldn’t frown,
Had the vicious mind while traveling through the town,
Much below the great pronouns!
Once I was standing on the round ground,
But now I think I should forget just about the pounds,
And make my brain feel safe and solely found,
Give my heart an overwhelming chocolate mound,
And leave that Falstaff again safe and profound.
                                                                 Vishvi aurora
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
Inspiration stuck my head,
Leaving my brain dead,
The relation of formulae started ahead,
Making my brain weak and afraid,
Though one side I went,
Leaving the unclear end,
But inspiration never told me to bend,
Even during the sand storms or hail beds,
It was inspiration,
That forced told me to stick to one end,
Though that was not much like the fluffy soft beds,
Pushed me through rough mead,
Leaving just a tumbled head,
And told me to fulfil my destination and dreams wide and spread,
That wasn’t much in those tends,
Like a Hopeless fountain kingdom album that Hasley sends,
On you tube my dear friends,
It was all apart from the world writing pens,
Even not ordinary as paying the rents,
The journey that even I threatened.
But finally, it was inspiration who followed me at every footstep,
Making hope in my respiratory set,
Helped me realized that the life’s journey was still left,
To calm down and be still and set,
Not to create the hard-earned destination end again into a threat.
                                                         ­                    -By Vishvi Aurora
in our life we get inspired by some or the other things in our life which later becomes a role model for us and helps us push really hard even in our hardest times.
Vishvi Aurora Jan 2018
A day with my brother and sister
A day with my brother and sister on a new year Eve  was awesome,
It just made my day blossom,
I felt that it was just colossal,
I gained all the smiles that for a span I had forgotten,
Not as bad as eating an egg which was rotten ,
I felt I was down the streets and lanes with them in Boston ,
Took a hault at the hotel named Dawson,
A smooth flow of water just followed my day from the faucet,
Though those fun breaks we took from sweet music playing from the cassette,
I wove those smiles by taking a needle and a croquette,
It was through a straight single need tube and my sister claimed that as clarinet,
And my brother like a disciple recited it all the way like a parrot and I thought I should beat him with a carrot,
With them I travelled almost all around and that too in a chariot ,
The time flew and the day passed as fast as dancing with them in tunes of ballet ,
They made it special to set of for 2018 ,
The year for progress like every year I shall be hoping ,
Giving my siblings morals of their life as the world is just a bit ahead but still is watching,
The joys of gift I will be gifting
Rushing down the time I shall be spending just for bit of this bliss,
And not make make my brain a ram, hardware or software disk,
And waiting for taking those  chances of those risks and ******,
Also travelling on those bricks,
Blood will flow through my throat as I sip,
But no one knows when the life shall rip,
Or blow you off like beep ,
Turn your happiness into a deep sleep,
And for now I shall reap,
With my siblings blessings and  needs,
Leaving. Behind the world that wants me to creep ,
But for now I ain't alone to be a burden or heap
             Vishvi Aurora
Happy new year
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
I was traveling in a bus which struck in and backed,
Filled inside there was a sack,
Kept in the bottom of the rack,
With some magical pixels which seemed much better than the apple book mac,
Behind it there was a map,
Leading though a new way and sounded like wrap…
Though there might be some gap,
Or turn my brains cap,
The possibilities were filled in a zip that sound of zap…
But finally, I touched the destination and gave it a happiness with a clap,
Gave a humble pat,
Like a squeak of a rat,
And meows like a cat,
With adventures and difficulties all wound in that mat,
And that’s how you fulfill your dreams if you think about that!
                                                             Vishvi. aurora
Vishvi Aurora Dec 2017
i am scared to be an inferior,
when i am in the crowd of superiors,
and guess what i say,
why is it me to be a weak tear?
why shall i not bear the feelings that the outer world would bear?
Those festive ,joy and mercy,
for those growing up children one of them named Percy,
small children snatching for a chocolate bar named Percy,
i don't feel all that,
is it because i am scared that someday i shall disappear,
this a mere foolishness to think those people say,
but my reply is ,
what for a person who is lost in the bay?
gloomed and colored by people in grey,
that's the thing easy to say,
but only i know how i pay and repay,
because i list my bloods feelings only once in a year that is  in may,
claim that as a diary day,
because i, i am scare to be an inferior.
someday someone appeared like an etch,
and for me became a last bucket to fetch,
made a lighting hope in my respiratory set.
a sight maker  it named,
i bet,
but stayed just till the sunset,
and told better you better remove that word inferior from your brains net,'because i see something in you that i can get,
you are more superior than you can guess,
so don't worry and make your unique brain's mess,
i can guide you as you rest,
and someday you can be the best,
that sight maker came everyday and became like a pet,
and then got in my heart and became a part of that complex set,
helped to remove that word inferior,
and replacing it by superior,
it just explained me that could not appear,
expounded me that get into your heart's depth,
that would make you feel happier.
                                      Vishvi   AURORA
Vishvi Aurora Jan 2018
A day with my brother and sister
A day with my brother and sister on a new year Eve  was awesome,
It just made my day blossom,
I felt that it was just colossal,
I gained all the smiles that for a span I had forgotten,
Not as bad as eating an egg which was rotten ,
I felt I was down the streets and lanes with them in Boston ,
Took a hault at the hotel named Dawson,
A smooth flow of water just followed my day from the faucet,
Though those fun breaks we took from sweet music playing from the cassette,
I wove those smiles by taking a needle and a croquette,
It was through a straight single need tube and my sister claimed that as clarinet,
And my brother like a disciple recited it all the way like a parrot and I thought I should beat him with a carrot,
With them I travelled almost all around and that too in a chariot ,
The time flew and the day passed as fast as dancing with them in tunes of ballet ,
They made it special to set of for 2018 ,
The year for progress like every year I shall be hoping ,
Giving my siblings morals of their life as the world is just a bit ahead but still is watching,
The joys of gift I will be gifting
Rushing down the time I shall be spending just for bit of this bliss,
And not make make my brain a ram, hardware or software disk,
And waiting for taking those  chances of those risks and ******,
Also travelling on those bricks,
Blood will flow through my throat as I sip,
But no one knows when the life shall rip,
Or blow you off like beep ,
Turn your happiness into a deep sleep,
And for now I shall reap,
With my siblings blessings and  needs,
Leaving. Behind the world that wants me to creep ,
But for now I ain't alone to be a burden or heap
             Vishvi Aurora
Happy new year
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
I was perplexed when I saw them all,
Their confidence hit me when I was too small,
Leaving my future affected and bothering about those falls,
I stood await for someone to call,
Because I had no one at all,
Neither mom nor dad to care when I was all by my self struggling to crawl,
And felt someone just lift me up with friendship starting with a short brawl,
Together we would live like sister and play with a basket ball.
It's okay if it's small,
That will gradually grow up tall,
Just be my friend and we would face the world together w and fly off the dangerous storms..
                                                 vishvi aurora
Vishvi Aurora Oct 2017
Mom, my mom,
Infinite times I will claim this song,
But please, never tell me it’s wrong,
Because till you are with me I shall stay strong,
But promise me you will never leave me and come along,
By just forgetting the human intervention theory, come on!
Threat or danger shall never beat us even on the phone,
Or in the thunder storms,
Promise me you will be strong,
Without you how I will face this world’s outer path way much long?
What if someone hit my ears with a loud sound of a horn?
Or lost my eyes small corns?
What about the feeling that was born?
Which helped me to swim like a swan, and not letting me poison by some prawn,
Oh mom! oh mom!
Where you might be mom,
I used to speak these words when I was small,
My voice just acted for you like a call,
Though I was not much tall,
But at least tried to help you not to fall,
The things you managed were not like a small ball,
The memories together make my memory mall,
Where shall I find them once again when you are gone?
But I hope I never hear these words my dear mom!
Just hoping to hear the words in hundreds or thousands of years come on!
Set that car’s engine which is still not torn,
And once again together have those popcorn,
Watching our favourite movie in the hall,
Last but not the least,
Together have a feast,
Like some mad beast,
But now tell me at least,
Would you help me make our fetch list?
Be your loving daughter’s gift,
Be by her side as she lifts,
And be her inspiration and confidence as she lifts.
                                                                               By Vishvi n. aurora
happy birthday mom

— The End —