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Ayeshah Nov 2010
is allowed for I can no longer smile
the sadness away from my heart!

It's a regret I share with you even
if you never speak of us

or think of me anymore...

Well I know deep down you do
and as she sweet  talks you
makes you laugh for a time
its still I (me) on your mind.

Little pleasure of you getting over me  

is  of her  taking my place & sharing

in what once was  my everything ...

If that's the case well Baby the same goes both ways...

In my mind  I'll always  be his (your) lady.

Listening to these words

by Heather Headly

has me once again thinking of you
and wondering~

If you dream of me?

The way we felt together
how you'd work out with me~

doing splits and playing like little kids.

I miss that part
of US
but then my mind turns once more
to the suffering
we both caused...

Pushed hard against walls, slapped,scratching,biting, kicks and punched!

Arguments and accusations reminds me of the times

we made love and ****** so violently, passionately, deeply....

Our breaths the only sound in the room

I cry tears of regret, pain,pleasure,lust and love.

How did I loose my way and let myself become
your SLAVE???

Baby born outta lies,
Feb 2011,

times changing these feeling
I can now understand what I thought never to forgive,

you too have been hurt, abused and misused...

Words cutting you like a knife...

Wrongs done may never make right,
now your singing her the songs you once sang & made for me.

The "marriage vows" which was supposed to be ours comes outta your mouth whispered softly in your head to her!!!

Someone who can never love you like I do,
has & still would of.

My sufferance, my sacrifices, my hurtful kind heart
can't take anymore

Your what I crave yet I know I have to,
I must stay away.

I can never allow us to be again

after the pain and lies you said not only
about me
but about your own flesh & blood...

The seeds been sowed and I'm about to give birth!

Never would I'd of thought after begging me to
breed and give life for you,
you'd walk away

Never to look back or think of us me nor your SON.

But it's for the best,

least I keep telling my self that.

I no longer lie to myself and say:
I don't want you,
I don't crave or need you,
I can do this on my own

But I know as surely as I breath
we could of made it work
least he'd never  of been born outta lies,

then again the fighting
the mistrust
screaming & arguing,

sthe ****** pain and pleasures

of US.

Now I close my eyes and shed
tear after tear  
while listening to Jamie Foxx's
"Wedding VOWS' song...
The one you practiced
& sung just for me,
to me

With tears in your own lovely eyes...

My GOD  this is so hard ...

Suffering for you and letting go,

the memories haunt & hunt me
while awake or while asleep.

Last night I listen to nothing but Luther Vandross.

(Our songs & our favorite This House Is Not  A Home)

O' It took every fiber of my being

not to break down and call you....

Why am I feeling like this for you
when we both know it'll never work?

It hardly did before....

No I don't want you NO more,

I rather tell myself this over and over again

until I start to someday believe it's true.

I'm sure you already feel this way since

it took you less than 3 months to get over me & ya seed
cuz you ask her to marry you.

Haa haa  ha  it took

less then 3 weeks to ******* replace me,

I rather allow this bitterness
to seep in

instead of remember

my daily~    love for you

my~   dying need to be with you....



Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
Nicole Lourette Aug 2010
You said the sweetest words to me…
And I was speechless
(imagine that, a poet lost for words to an artist)

It’s a good thing you weren’t there to see my blush and
Schoolgirl grin painted across my face –

Or maybe you should have been…
Perhaps that was the best response that I could come up with.
Perhaps my Luther Vandross reply to your
Louise Scrymgeour was inadequate
Only because I was not prepared.

That’s it!
I was not prepared…
Not prepared for the unending, uninterrupted,
And unprecedented love you show to me every day

I was not prepared to fall so deeply,
So passionately and irreversibly in love with you…
To crave nothing more than the scent of your skin,
Those breathless, unconscious kisses on my neck in the depths of
The night when  we shift our bodies in our sleep-
The sleep that we succumbed to long after we’ve exhausted the stores of
Physical love and desire
For hours on end…
The soft yet muscular feel of your skin
As I run y fingers lightly over your chest,
My head on your shoulder,
Eyes absorbing your beauty,
Gazing off into warm space
Fantasizing about the future –
Our future
And the happiness that you tirelessly provide.

I was not prepared
To feel my heart ache
When you sobbed in my arms,
My tears mixed with yours,
Fusing our pain, struggle,
But also our understanding of one another.
I wept for you,
For me,
But all the while knowing better days would come

I was not prepared
To feel so lonely after being separated only 7 days…
The phone and computer only allows me to see…
Your face…your words…

I was not prepared to crave your smile,
Your laughter and ability to inspire such humour in me

Your touch
Your feel,
Your taste…
Oh how I yearn to be surrounded by your warmth once again…

And still…
It has only been 10 days…

I was not prepared
To find myself so vulnerable
And yet so incredibly safe at the same time.
You encompass me,
Surround me,
Complete my fantasies of Prince Charming,
My knight,
My lover,
My best friend,
My meant-to-be.

I have found my words,
But cannot wait to lose them again.
Matt Proctor Feb 2014
The flowers: Where have they been?
I've excluded them. The rose is falling,
sogged with too much rain.
You did not need to cry that much.

I'm hiking up the ridge again
this time with a new flame,
a recovering alcoholic who sends me
an unusual amount of text messages.
When she talks she sounds like me.

Her eyes are owls.
They have wide, hooting pupils
constantly asking "Who?"
When I first saw her she was hidden
in her own arms and a rambling purple scarf.
I did love her then.
I don't love her now.

It's a peculiar feeling
not being a fool for a beautiful girl
who's agreed to go on a date with me.
It's not a feeling at all.
The old feelings were rotten.
Was love one of them?
Love was all of them.
Rotten, possessed love.
Downtrodden, obsessed love.
Forgotten, confessed love.
Love song love.
Luther Vandross love.
Bing Crosby love.
The real stuff. The stuff that turns
you into a desperate, hurtin' man.

I try not to feel it anymore.
I am successful and
better off because of it.

The bud spills from the stalk
as blood tumbles from a bullethole.
The sun is high and it is breaking
the wild cucullia into crisp, dry weeds.
The sun is killing the grass.
It does not mean to.

It only wants to watch.
It watches too closely.
The grass dies.
Travis Green Jan 2019
You were the personification of everything
that I held inside my heart, the constellation
of trees standing gloriously in the horizon,
the late-night stars shining upon my heart,
pulling me away into your world of timeless
moments and sunny afternoons eating lunch
at a picnic, our mouths full of delicious seafood
and ice-cold tea.  I remember the days when
we used to slow dance around the fireplace
to Luther Vandross’s song, Here and Now,
sweet dynasty sounds shimmering in the
air, living our best lives and the years ahead  
of us.  We were in love and nothing could
stand in the way of our sparkling passion.
Harmonies soared all around us and painted
the brilliant scenery a dazzling rainbow of
bright hues, a series of trumpets sounding
off in the supreme space, glitzy notes of
autumn attraction amplifying across the
town.  We were two love birds whistling
to each other in the skyline, bursting ballads
breezing in our path, mountain blue eyes
glowing like glaciers over meshed flesh.
We knew we’d always be and rise above
the oceans and clouds, inhaling it all,
from the very beginning when we knew
nothing about love, but could feel the
magical melodies surfacing between us,
to the present where we stand united
in a dimension of greatness, our bodies
an eternity of love rising beyond the
Mongi Nov 2017
Broken Sentiments

Returning from work last night, like all days
To learn that I’m just a piece of work, unlike all days
Brushed me off as I tried working things out
Tried to fill you up with my day and its happenings
Told me your day was just beginning, and mine over
Should’ve known you meant you and I were over
All through our time, didn’t you enjoy listening to my days’ stories?
Arrogantly brushed my shoulder away as I tried to hug
Told me to wrap away, you were going out tonight
Happy I was going to have a good time out, with you
Told me you were leaving me behind, I wasn’t worth you
All through our time, didn’t you take pride in holding my hand into the club?
Couldn’t understand any of it
All I was made to understand was the long easy red dress you were in
The red lipstick that added the flavor, the golden necklace too
The Dunhill Red cologne you had washed and swam in
With certainty, you and I both know that’s no fools’ gear
These were your all time favourites all times when you felt like it
With certainty, we both know you’re not gonna be dancing to no fools’ lullaby
Only difference now, I won’t be there to hold your hand and ask to dance
And oh I envy the one who’ll wrap your bee’s waist with his arms as you dance
For your game tonight is the bee’s knees
All through our time, didn’t you make me a proud man dancing with me?
O, so I stay behind, in the company of my teary wall clock
While my body in solitude, my soul in the company of giants
Kenny G’s all time great jazz, Lionel Richie’s soulful classics in the CD player
Although perfect, they could never leave Luther Vandross’ slows out of the party
They all play my heart, in turns, on repeat, repeatedly
Repeatedly, I keep casting my teary eye over the wall clock
Time, for a perishing heart seems to move very slowly
Although quickly, I realize it’s now time for the slow jams wherever you are
A thought I can’t ******, but that keeps murdering me
Is the storm you’re dancing right now, that used to ****** me
All through our time, didn’t this dance always belong to me?
Time stands still, in the still of the night
I look at the pieces of all the things you’ve broken in me and around
These pieces are so out of shape
I can’t piece them together to solve even one of our puzzles
I realize some we’ve even filed away their natural rugged edges to smooth surfaces
All we thought we were trying to do is run a smooth life
But these smooth edges glide over each other as I try to piece them together
We no longer have a perfect picture together
What breaks the soul of a man in solitude is that you aren’t even here
To work this puzzle together, paint a new piece together
Just you and I
You’re dancing a storm, away from home
And I’m here, home, crying a storm
You and I apart
We always have been
You and I
Now no more
Only with broken sentiments

Mongi C. Nkabindze
Upon realization that things weren't working out right, a soul trying to right their wrongs, but the other soul nowhere to be found. Probably having a nice time a distance away
Allen Robinson Jul 2016
Approaching from the rear
after watching her for what
appeared to be hours
I gather my nerves to
request a slow dance as
Luther Vandross plays
softly in the background
To my surprise I head "sure"
as I take her supple hand
leading her to the dance floor
with a straight spine and
chest fully out for once
I gently press my hips softly
against hers, not to cause
panic or ******* and
she indulges to my relief
No turning in slow circles
we sit in the pocket of a
slow groove trying not to
look into one another's eyes
commence the SLOW GRIND
of heat and well placed passion
designed to effect and affect
Caught in a smooth flow
of timed precision and ******
movement, a connection is
made to kindle a probable
spark to be explored.
Pauline Jun 2015
As I was listening to the song I'd rather by Luther Vandross, I pressed stop before it ends.
Because I find myself staring at a blank space thinking of you
And my mind suddenly thought of the things I would like to say to you but I can't
I wish I could say,
"I'd rather be blind than to never to see you again"
"I'd rather be deaf than to never hear you laugh"
"I'd rather have no hands if I can no longer have the chance to hold yours"
"I'd rather have no heart if you won't let me love you"
But again, I can't.
I want to say "I miss you"
But I can't.
I want to say "Please love me too"
But I can't
I cannot because I'm afraid
Not afraid of the answer
But to myself that I may not be able to let go all my feelings for you
Sorry, but I can't.
Check out the rolling thunder,
Mixed with iced lightning lyrics under,
Pass boy wonder,
Black man looking for my wonder woman,
Storm mentality booking,
Halle Berry reflection baby girl never
Seen rejection,
Check my collection, **** status sitting like High Hefner, *******,
Like Yo, Who the baddest? Your the story the saddest,
Blast like sandstorms transformed, linked with killers unharmed,
Swarmed by the bees, got y'all snorting,
Cuffed to the disease,
Blow trees, windy inhale got me parallel, to sparks for my mental duracell,
Charges is out, the guns is mount, haters always have doubts,
That's when they catch blood to they snout,
Wide open scoping, seasoned king
Got up, from the slopin,
This ain't candy land kid, stretch the band, when testing the rubbers,
Bend a woman over watch the waves of the flubber,
As my body hovers,
Over her, spiritual essence blessed with a
Moon shine got me on a shrine,
Knowledge never been so fine, blaze always
Since the birth of mankind,
Never dodge the cypher, raw and hyper, ****** from the peter piper,
Girls catty me like Michelle Phiffer,
Telling me who's the riper?
Raws with these hit king me ****, plus I took
Shots at the corporate,
Boss like Danza doors open portal stanza,
Stairway to heaven,
More than a letterman, survival of a veteran,
Now I'm a veteran,
Chasing after Franklin's nickname big Ben,
Avoid the Marilyns,
Monroe's with the pretty toes, silky hair to the breast and *** that stare,
Zoned my eyes out, stone from a Medusa,
My flows is flexed like Luther,
Vandross so y'all gather ya loss, this ain't no coin toss,
Wins by default, make competition forfeit,
The show admission,
Stitch every stable, rise through the ranks like Gabriel,
Snorting Cain made me Abel,  never got a dime from a label,
Stoic disciple with an auto matic rifle, hawk eye dead aim, despise the spiteful,  
Critics sitting as spoonful, howlin wolf tactic,
Paranoids react quick, keep the Kangol
Tilted like Slick Rick,
Adventure laid so thick, like my chicks,
Ebonies circumvent,
Around the benevolent brother made intelligent,
Got that mad herbs early, that's what
Gave me sixth sense,
preservationman Jul 2021
Bride and Groom
Love comes together as one in the moment being soon
Bridesmaids forming the Bridal Party
A festival celebration of love to share
The wedding is planned carefully with all the trimmings of care
The Groom and his best man will all stand together
The music will play the enchanted wedding song
My choice would be “Here and Now” by Luther Vandross
The Bride feeling proud
The smile and captivation being allowed
The Bride is thinking, I am actually getting married
The Parents are thinking on both sides, we really paid for this wedding and it is no dream
Later the vows take place
Secrete words to each other having no haste
Then after that moment, the kiss lock making for Mr. and Mrs being the marriage seal
The couples are united being for real
Walking in everlasting bliss
Again following that kiss
The Honeymoon later a waits
This is where Husband and Wife will appreciate
Days of fun and night passion exchange
Husband and Wife create
This is where I will initiate
The Wine glass is raised in the couples honor
Love, reflect and always remember
Love through it all
Travis Green Jan 2022
I want a dose of his dopeness
I need to be in his closeness
Touch down in his town
Make conversation
Become captivated by his gangsta game
He got badass swagger
He’s madly dapper
So passionate and imaginative

His personality is unmatched
I wanna sit in his classroom
And moon over his attractiveness
I have a pash on him
His style is irreproachable
He has a stellar soul
So lit in the streets
He knows how to make magic happen

He’s capable and committed
A magnificent maintenance man
A stellar architect, artist, and business executive
He has irresistible and vigorous power
Tatted-up from his chest to his legs
Rocking high-quality, fashionable J’s on his feet
He’s a loving thriller movie
Got his own crib and **** whip

Riding and gleaming
Leaning with it, so clean with it
So brutally badd with it
So insanely wild
Stay straight hustling
Always at the gym working it out
Getting his guns, pecs, thighs, and legs right
Big baller, hotter than hot weather

His intuition is immaculate
Counting and safeguarding his stacks
Abtastic and chestastic
Liquor loving treasure
Massive savage snake in his pants
Armed with a glock
He got my heart
So overly super sensational
With a red bandana around his head

I wanna approach him
Break the law when I invade his space
Push up on him
Hear a mesmerizing melody in my mind
Telling me that he needs to be the soul in my globe
The one I can hold throughout the seasons
Breathe him in like Mr. Clean
Like extravagantly expensive perfume

Tempt him more with my hypnotizing groove
Move to the beat of my ****** body
Show him how much I dig him
I wanna take him back to my crib
Entice him with intensely immersing kisses
We can slow dance to some Luther Vandross anthems
Get into the zone and take off our clothes
We lose control and make super hot and wild ***

Nothing else matters but what goes down tonight
I wanna make him mine
Freak him all night
Have his **** brick while I taste his lips
He keeps me so electrified
I’m in paradise with his hands on my thighs
He is so dynamite
He has a big ego that I love
**** he is smoke
The way his game is set up
He is a bonafide beast
All I need in this lifetime to get by
Travis Green Oct 2020
I don’t want to be anywhere else
but here with you, to sit down on the sofa
and chat for a little while, relax to the calming
beat of Luther Vandross music, whisper in your ears
about how much I’m really feeling you, how much
I want to kiss you and take you away into ecstasy.

Let my light shine like a fire inside your soul,
let the stars and moonlight rise over us,
all the monumentally green trees swaying
in the wind, synching with our vibrational
frequency, and I will console you throughout the
night and make you shimmer like a blossoming rose,
like a beautiful butterfly flying in harmonious motion.
Mahogany Ree Aug 2021
4:50 PM
You know how when people say things like “music is life” or the type of music you listen to is indicative of how you feel?  You never truly understand the lyrics to a song, or the sentiment behind it until it has become an occurrence in your life.  I mean, that’s the only way you can relate, right?  Well, out of nowhere, as I’m sitting with my consistent thoughts of you, this song by Patti Label came to mind called, “My Love, Sweet Love.”  It goes:
My love Sweet love
With you nothing else matters
You're my heart
And my heart is yours
My love Sweet love
For me there's no one better
Cross my heart I could not love you more
And I swear to you There's no one more important
And I trust you with My life
So I pledge my heart to you
I can think of a million ways to come up with ways to profess my love for you, to tell you how much you mean to me, but these words here . . .   Picture being stranded and abandoned somewhere, anywhere.  All I have is you, and all you have is me.  For me, that’s more than enough.  Together, we could figure out the rest.  In essence, there is no one else that I would rather be stranded with than you.  That’s how much I love you.  That’s how much I value the man that you are.  That’s how much I am pleased to have you in my life.  That’s how much I care. 
Now, I here’s another one that has the same sentiment.  It’s “Always and Forever” by Heatwave, and more recently done by Luther Vandross.    It goes:
Always and Forever
Each moment with you
Is just like a dream to me
That somehow came true . . .
The last line, “that somehow came true.”  We didn’t know the rhyme or the reason behind the atoms that are you and I, yet, somehow, we bonded, and that bond grew into something neither of us ever even anticipated.    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. . . I knew I loved you the very first time I saw you.  I was crushing on your bad bad.  I don’t think you know how heavy you were on my radar.  Thinking back to that time, I just liked to watch you.  I liked talking to you.  You had an heir of “different” about you that was thick in the atmosphere . . . it was consuming and overpowering and daunting.  You were like a moth to a flame.  I was the moth, and you were the flame . . . it was like you were the hot stove and with a warning label that says “do not touch” but I didn’t give a ****.  I touched it anyway, became consumed by your flame, and the burn been slow, steady, and passionate.  You are my fire . . . .
. . . And so, the song continues
And I know tomorrow
Will still be the same
Cause we’ve got a life of love
That won’t ever change and . . .
. . . everyday
Love me your own special way
Melt all my heart away
With a smile
Take time to tell me
You really care
And we’ll share tomorrow
I’ll always love you, forever
Whew chile . . .
“cause we’ve got a life of love, that won’t ever change”
“melt all my heart away with a smile”
“and we’ll share tomorrow together”
“I’ll always love you, forever”
Tattoo this across my chest and I will wear the words on my exposed breast confessing the love, and adoration that I have for you….
It doesn’t get any simpler than this love. . .  Can you agree?
I could go on, but I’ll stop now and let you take this all in. . . .
 . . . as always, I love you, Huzbae
Since been,
Travis Green Sep 2020
You got me addicted to your tall, solidly
glowing body, the way you stand and
command attention, the way your mouth move
in magnificent motion, your arms a great alter
of poetic sexiness.  Your swag simply swims
in my system and clings to every cell in me.
Your hands are so striking, priceless, lickable
thighs, and legs, your physique so powerfully
Attractive, so tremendously sweet and juicy.
You make me want to propose and marry you,
scoop you up, take you into my bedroom
and grove to the heavenly sounds of Luther
Vandross’s music, let the sensuous beat
create amplifying heat in my galaxy.
Your masculinity is such a true beauty,
my grandest obsession and destination,
impeccably gorgeous art to marvel at,
oh, how your light enhances my soul,
how you truly make the poetry grow
uncontrollably in my consciousness.

— The End —