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hallee Jan 2018
The law of nature
California poppy
You'll never be mine
Jelisa Jeffery Jul 2010
You have fare-welled and planned on never coming back,
And said you knew your place and mind.
You have come back so intact, and so sure that you will stay,
And tell me you’re sorry. Well, It’s fine.

You have yelled and picked apart parts of me unpickable by others,
And you’ve tied our love into knots.
You have said such sweet things and refuse you’ll ever raise your voice again
And say your tongue was just caught.

You become oblivious to obvious things and lie about it truly,
And clear your throat afterwards to confess.
You sit and sigh and groan and complain when you seem satisfied,
And you tell me I’m much more when I’m much less

You scatter out problems and lay them out flat and you promise,
That you’ll solve them. But I always do.
You forgive and say you’ll forget, but you hold it against me,
And I sit while you hold grudges and feel blue.

You croak and hold things away from me, saying you’ve said everything,
But things in your head have begun collecting dust
You seek new ways out, new roads to follow, but you don’t choose one,
You merely sit in the dew, and rust.
Jelisa Jeffery © 2010
Inside steel bars and concrete blocks
security cameras watched like hawks
Inside these walls,  locked up in a box
locked in the box that’s strong as an ox
Inside the vault with unpickable locks
armed guards protect all ticks & tocks

what is it that consumes all the clocks?
the largest stash of solid Gold stocks
stacks of Gold bricks Inside Fort Knox
the Mystic Poet May 2020
Words uttered
Are like leaves fallen
Left to the wind
To carry their meaning

And what meaning
A dead leaf can have?
What meaning can Death itself have?

Man is made of
layers and layers of thoughts
like the branches and leaves
As if men inside a single man
Yet the shadow remains one
United , unpickable flower it is
In that unity
Is peace
Peace of mind & heart

And I feel the same
In the moments I see you
United, peaceful
Like the shadow
Embracing everything
The leaves & flowers & thorns
In its warm darkness

— The End —