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neth jones May 2021
When the crime is right
      & the devil wet
             the nocturnal forrest is a skin
                     and ceremony thin dreams broach reason
            they poach me with a caustic blooded rash
approaching as nippy darts  ; visions of shard and coil
a metallic eggy rot
                           and pan to the darkness
                                                     snapping electric

        irregular from that darkness
spaces between the trees comb
                      form a hyper hectic wealth of flushes
a blush burst discharges in the body
           booming pulse
          blooming rabidly
salivating to a ******* savagery
a nature to express
             within permeable forrest

i have energy amazed limbs
             daring a dance
                       screamin' hole The Frenzy
             dog-shaking the head
legs flung and planted
crushing ferns
             this hefty simian sway
                      a broadcast challenge
           a power coward
commanding a matching of kinds
       no longer to be foetal and cowed
             an aching unmend amended
a call is placed
the spell is rendered
                                 - resonate
Companion to ''Spring Gland'
neth jones Jan 2018

Pick teeth in maw
shuttering ;
I imagine you

You mail me voices
you unmend each night
I clothe the window
but you are brighter
you fill

I replenished your alter
re-burdened the sill
new meats from the Butcher
it's quite an arrangement
for a carnival such as yourself

A fortunes soil of gutting
it's the best I'm willing to offer
a meal
a wealth
so here it is
a tilt to your health
I back out of the room
I close the light
                                                  ­         CUT TO :


I dress up my morning
and enter the room
a tiding,
a horror,
a vacuum !

You have scatted and cast
and made gore of my gift ;
made rent and wipings of the curtains
made leavings off of an ill stomach

What can I give you ?
how much more ?
how may I appease you
my Minotaur ?
He picked his piece of heart up from the street
the one who broke it also had once made em feel complete
defeat ;
he swore to god that he would rise again
losing love for women , man , children , and his friends
pretend ;
that he wont overextend -
again ;
satan came close to unmend
his ends..
He sat along the side
piecing back together what was trust ;
his pride ;
the lies ;
they'v come to show you who is king again
life is like a circle
the cycle never ends -
No money is his pockets
he poured in her his soul
Only to be given
abundances of tolls..
They say, to wait for him is the rightful idea to do
So, I wouldn’t think of that since we broke up, because I had
Put an end the thing that we had had by me. I said, that end
Is the closing and I will stand for it no matter what may.

He persist himself stupidly to me but I said no. “Do
You not find it clear that I like you no more? All things we had
I did not put asunder, I will cherished them ‘til the end”
The thing you did not understand, I did, no matter you’d say.

I hurled you devastatingly! Hated all the way you do,
Blamed you alone for the sin we’d shared. That mistake we have had
Was the reason that makes us apart. I tore, left you unmend,
Now tell me, is it rightful to expect you come back one day?

From that time I’ve threw you, all I’ve had was relations that boo,
That made me thinks of consequence. Is this the thing I have had?
Is this the way I’ll suffer from that choice when I made an end?
Or maybe they’re right, wait for you. But I’ll have the final say.
neth jones Oct 2019
thinking ;
un be come i
a ravenous trending
an unmend

distracted ;
to vend and own ideas
at the ungaspable
for suitable gas
diverted from
The Care Signel

foolish ;

out of school
i’d better be

— The End —