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Aery Nov 2009
Dear you. Calm down
Take the drama lay it down
Sit yourself find the truth
Find out what’s wrong with you
I’m pretty sure that its not me
But hey who can be sure these days?
I take it back you’re being crazy
Cause just maybe … maybe …
Its you that’s causing problems
Think your smart with all your quandaries
Philosophies and history
Or maybe your just repeating
The facts with hyper-meaning
Cause if you say it nice and boldly
Suddenly its new and golden?
You talk around in circles
When you stop you leave me hurdles
Should I respond? Is it rhetorical?
A silence meant for an oracle.
Cause if I say and disagree
Suddenly the tricks on me
If I lie and say your right …
I think I’d rather fight
Cause either way I lose respect for you
But If I lie I lose respect for me
I love you (god knows why)
But I just can’t tell a lie.

I think I’m stuck. I didn’t want to say it.
After years I can’t speak truth to you
I’m crying. What’s it worth to you?
Cause you say that you love me.
And that you want to know whats on my mind.
Oh If only you knew what you’d find.
Well it doesn’t seem you’d care …

If only you’d stop time like you used to do
Open up to whats confusing you.
These days nothing is confusing you
What true human lives that way?
Cause if everything so black and white
That means that you have solved this life.
And if you’re done then why do you need
The comfort of another.
You have no space for new life it seems.
I do not expect everyone to live like me
But I thought you understood
That no day starts with the doors all closed.
I’m trying to find simplicity
You seemed to me to disagree
And (of course!) I’m fine with that.
No humans are the same until they are dead
Soulmates are two, not attached at the head
I do not want to argue whats clear to me.
Stop now please before we bleed.

I mourn the loss of loosened seams.
Ready for the world to tighten.
Or relaxed to blow and live unfrightened.
I’m alone again, stuck in my head
Perhaps to loose to live unsaid
Without you the wind is lifting
And we our separate ways, thoughts adrifting
These are all the words that don’t describe who I am as a person

Words that I wished that described who I am.

Words that other people say that describe who I am.

Words that describe who I am.
Now ask yourself
Who am I?
copyright Randy Wiafe 2010
Varsha K Dec 2019
An uncanny glare from a distance
Where the crowd fell in eerie silence,
Like the predator doing the huntsman’s dance
Unfrightened of the inhuman penance.

Slowly, she sinked in with angst
Hoping the wolves won’t jump her fence,
Frantic, panicked she stole a glance
Only to lose him, amongst the audience.

Searched for him in his wicked stance
To guard herself, from his evil offence,
Felt alone even in the middle of thousands
Like she was trapped behind the stage curtains.
She's sensed evil, with the way a stranger stared at her. She found no one, to whom she could describe her fear. Even when she was surrounded by a huge crowded, she felt alone. She wondered, who would stop to help her if evil knocks at her door.
Derek Leavitt Jul 2015
What is a demon if not but another monster to go boo in the night?
Why am I to fear if I stand broken and unfrightened?
How is man to protect those he loves from the monsters if he cannot contain the monster from within himself?
What is the beast without beauty? some would say chaos.. I would say vulnerable.
mysteries and stories told in simple rhymes.
wordvango Dec 2015
aside me nay inside a vision
this sight  I might realize outright

but i do feel i know this feel of sight I hear
and one day right may i if i write

hold up before the  whole world correctly
with poetic diction proud  unfrightened

by what overtook me, channel
Frost or Whitman or by sure determination

placed a word with emphasis  as the world spins
round my fingers happen to grow more accurate
say it then.
Dennis Willis Aug 2019
I want to skin in and I don't know
to what may not even care
disappear amongst something
be one of

if it has a burr or a thorn
ta ache against always
Then we've the constant taste
repairing blood

We ensue loudly at ourselves
Ringing Bells of being
As if loud does not
attract the unfrightened

Knowing better
Knowing of

— The End —