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It is over. What is over?
  Nay, how much is over truly!--
Harvest days we toiled to sow for;
  Now the sheaves are gathered newly,
  Now the wheat is garnered duly.

It is finished. What is finished?
  Much is finished known or unknown:
Lives are finished; time diminished;
  Was the fallow field left unsown?
  Will these buds be always unblown?

It suffices. What suffices?
  All suffices reckoned rightly:
Spring shall bloom where now the ice is,
  Roses make the bramble sightly,
  And the quickening sun shine brightly,
  And the latter wind blow lightly,
And my garden teem with spices.
The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

Like the leaves of the forest when summer is green,
That host with their banners at sunset were seen:
Like the leaves of the forest when autumn hath blown,
That host on the morrow lay withered and strown.

For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!

And there lay the steed with his nostrils all wide,
But through it there rolled not the breath of his pride:
And the foam of his gasping lay white on the turf,
And cold as the spray of the rock-beating surf.

And there lay the rider distorted and pale,
With the dew on his brow and the rust on his mail;
And the tents were all silent, the banners alone,
The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown.

And the widows of Ashur are loud in their wail,
And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal;
And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword,
Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord!
Matthew Codd May 2019
Sometimes I forget and the bells are unrung
Prayers unsaid
Hymns unsung

Sometimes I forget and the dirt is unstirred
Sky unrained
Birds unheard

Sometimes I forget and the worms are unfed
Bough unblown
Leaves unshed

Sometimes I forget and your face is unframed
Bed unseen
Stone unnamed

Sometimes I forget and your voice is unstopped
Flowers uncut
Life uncropped

Sometimes I forget and my smile is unfeigned
Nights undark
Days unpained
GfS Sep 2015
It happened
A calamity would strike
September 28
or at least the week
where the date lands
and usually,
people die,
homes get wrecked
the sky turns grey
school gets suspended
I'd be left alone
in the cold dark blackout
just waiting for the day to end
Probably, that's why I don't really
look forward to birthdays
I didn't really wish for anything
every time it's my birthday
cause I've experienced way too many
of those wishes not coming true
wishing for the rain would stop
or the light to come back home
or a birthday where everyone's safe

The few minutes I had before today started
I tried once more, I tried wishing again
Know that I probably used up all my luck
I probably used up all my unused wishes
all the unblown, unlit candles
just for this one wish I wish for today

"I wish we'd all be friends again"
Thank you for making it come true
Sharifah Husna Aug 2016
You've told yourself before,
How the present you're dwelling in doesn't fit in quite right,
How time travelling would be an ideal concept,
Just so you could tilt your head a little bit higher,
It still doesn't make any sense though,
The past won't chase after me,
They'll lay themselves to rest eventually,
It is an interesting story.

Here's an interesting story,
Jealousy doesn't equal to being caring,
It's more like a venom,
You see,
Being dangerous doesn't make you more captivating,
It makes you more intimidating.

Here's the thing,
I know a girl who swallowed her own venom,
I'm not entirely sure if it's a good thing,
You know the void,
And how dark it is?
Her eyes are like that.
I cannot be more precise,
Because there's nothing poetic about the void,
But her eyes speak the language of a poet,
They begged for a quiet gesture.

But you see,
Poets are weird,
They like to say things indirectly,
Like when she begged for a quite gesture,
It's more like a,
"Don't talk to me.",
Kind of thing,
With a hint of,
"But please, I seek for your attention.",
Kind of thing.
It's complicated,
So don't talk to her,
Just lift your hand in mid air,
Must hold back the urge to speak.

You see,
The only time they tried to seal the bonding,
Was when they said "hi",
Her voice still lingers,
Trust me,
She doesn't sound like lullabies,
Or an angel,
She sounds like,
3 insomniac nights,
A packet of cigarette,
And an hourly coffee,
Her lips curled,
Clearly unhappy.

She doesn't drink coffee,
Nor does she look interested,
In suffocating her already contaminated lungs,
With another killing things,
The luggages underneath her eyes,
Are stating a fact that the world,
Is deadly and tiring enough,
That she doesn't have the audacity,
To risk the last most lively concept of hers.

You see,
When the venom kicks in,
Your body is paralysed,
By hearing the voice of a person,
You once loved,
Your mind kept repeating wishes,
Longing your heart to speak out,
But the painful lump in your throat,
Guarding your voice,
Is just another wild dandelions,
Left unblown.

When I mentioned,
"How the past won't chase after me,
And how they'll lay themselves to rest eventually",
I was indicating on how the past buried themselves,
At the back of your head,
Sometimes I think of them like time bombs,
Those that don't go off,
Recently I felt like they exploded,
They sounded very similar to fireworks in broad daylight,
I know that you're glad they went off,
The echo of it blocking the sound of reality,
That you once were too scared to face.

You see,
Sometimes admitting the truth like,
"I miss you",
" I took the candy from your bag when you're not looking",
Can be a lot harder that you expected,
When you're the one isolating yourself,
From the person who deserves your honesty.

So when I tell you,
That owning a second chance is a miracle,
I want you to use it wisely,
Like tilting your head a little bit higher,
Vomiting out the stars from the depth of your eyes,
Deliberately stretching your lips to your cheeks,
Swallowing wild dandelions,
And scurrying to a new soul,
Dressing up as your old, worn out self.

It's fun,
You should try it sometimes.
Here's for the long lasting bond between good friends who have been to hell and back and also to a fresh reawaken.
Have you ever wondered tell me this Why – 9, 10
sometimes the bones of the situation – 11, 10
Are better than the flesh of tepid in- – 14, 10
-security Why daisies weep and sun- – 11, 10
flowers face away – 5

A blue shattered glass floor begging to be – 12, 10
set free Rotten cake with melted candles – 10, 10
unblown Hidden TEN word notes inside pa- – 14, 10
-ges of pre-lusted books The revving of – 11, 10
my brain as it meanders In exact- – 13, 10
-ly TWENTY TWO different directions – 10

Away from white sheets of evenly ruled – 12, 10
paper And skeletons of discarded – 15, 10
unintended promises Unmade beds – 10, 10
and dusty floors of disgrace – 7
Syllable love
Cole Cummings Apr 2018
And I'm sitting in my work parking lot, trying to remember why my headlights don't turn off on their own, I begin to cry.

Not because it's 10 PM in a town that sleeps at 8, or because no one is here to help me, but because I can't remember the last time I laughed.

I'm sitting here, my head low into the steering wheel, crying because I never got to say goodbye to the people who mattered most.

I'm crying because all around me are burnt bridges and broken promises, and my headlights never turn off.

My car is empty, depleted.
We commiserate for a moment, thinking of unblown candles on a death bed birthday. The last whisper of love as it fades behind a crooked smile, her strawberry lips pressed against your neck, you knowing this moment is finite.

The frost on the Windows threaten to give me cold comfort where there is none, I am wrapped in a blanket of empty sorrow and hopeful wishes that will never pan out.

The lights are still on around me, the music, faded in the background, and my broke down car resonates perfectly with the broke down me.
Oh boy, I ******* up last night. Had to get two coworkers to come jump my car in the middle of the night.
V Grahovskaya Mar 2020
All words of yours somehow  
have made a worm-hole inside me  

and after a shower it is like it has been  
raining cats and dogs -  
they peer out carefully.  

yours "honey-sweetie", "****** *******",  
"do u really concern yourself as a poet"  
gnaw the leaves
of unblown lines
prepared for future verse  
so certainly this spring is out of fruitage.  

and honestly  
there is no much to say to them  



SHUT A **** UP  


you are even not here.

— The End —