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derick gibbs Apr 2014
i'm up
i'm straight up
because i still can't give my heart away
after all this time
and love ain't even hard
like riding a bike... and once you know how
different wheels now
but i don't let it bother me
use me/use you are the twosomes i'm used to
and i've got more than these entendres to give
i'm still what's happenin
it just so happens
there's no one's here to lie to my face
i need that
it feels good sometimes
no one i can front for right now
like love is genuinely an option in my condition
i've been called a coward
emotions die horrible deaths under my watch
lust is less complicated
try me... surprise me
but my heart is too wide to fit in your handbag
you could strain something vital;
the weight of it all
you may hate that it excites you
waiting to fall, but... no love
just a one-way ticket and a long ride
take my word
i'm still standing
bracing for a crash landing
when you splash down
and i've got more than these entendres to give
i'm up
i'm straight up
because i still can't give my heart away
after all this time
and love ain't even hard
but there's no one else here to lie to me
no one i can front for
try me...
and try me again
just know i meant don't fall for me when i said
don't trip
use me/use you are the twosomes i'm used to
but if you need me to **** with your head
straighten up
and ride my empty promises
i got all night...
medicated via syringes with selfless intentions
i'm still standing
and you've fallen asleep before
to the rhythm of my love notes;
and you've wanted before now
to get to know my ***** mouth
can't explain why you want more... because what for
you were only curious to begin with
don't trip
use me/use you are the twosomes i'm used to
lie to my face
i need that in my life
feels good sometimes
so i'm good if you **** with my head
lust is less complicated this time of morning
i'm up
i'm straight up
i still can't give my heart away
after all this time
and love ain't even hard
like riding a bike... you never forget how
but here i am
and i'm still what's happenin
it just so happens
i'm more vulnerable than recent installments
but i don't let it bother me
use me/use you are the twosomes i'm used to
leave your heart at the door
i would hate to strain something vital
and take it... my word
that i'm up
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love anchor on the shining beams
let it flow through us as a crystal stream
let it stay till the end of time
let it ring within us as a dulcet chime

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love grow eternally in our hearts
let it array in each and every celestial chart
let joy be the wonder we'll get to know
let our affections always show

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let our world be a place of love divine
let the planet's twosomes ever entwine
let love's song of endearing go on endlessly
let it rain its happiness so beautifully

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love anchor on the shining beams
let it flow through us as a crystal stream
let it stay until the end of time
let it ring within us as a dulcet chime

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love grow eternally in our hearts
let it array in each and every celestial chart
let joy be the wonder we'll get to know
let our affections always show

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let our world be a place of love divine
let the planet's twosomes ever entwine
let love's song of endearing go on endlessly
let it rain it happiness so beautifully

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
Richard j Heby Aug 2018
Iodine cannisters, notwithstanding, bear twosomes live within outer units.
Not evry1s meant to last 4vr
Sum come togethr
thy r beautiful,
thy hold da fires of passion widin em
Thy lyt each odr up,
thn thy burn each odr to da ground...
others.. others come together in peace
thy lauf
thy love
thy part ways btr for having met.
Thn thr r some,
Who consume each odr,
Thy destroy each odr,
Thy rebuild each oder,
Bt alas thy go Seperate ways,
Btr for both.
Have u heard of those,
Twosomes who are 2gthr 4vr?
Thy love, thy lauf,
Thy consume, thy lyt fires,
Thy fyt, thy burn,
Thy rebuild, thy remake,
Thy alter, thy stay,
4ever 2gther.
aviisevil Apr 2016
I'll eat you in your own kitchen.
It wasn't a pleasant start was it ?
...Let me start on a different note. 

How about a story on Bratt ?

Bratt was funny maybe a little quirky but man did he deserve his fate ?. Maybe not but again - I'm an animal. A disease that rots you from inside out and slowly devours you until your last moment, where i feed you to the fire and burn you alive. While i dance as you scream and sing as you begin to fade. I am that kind.
The most disgusting sight you'll ever have the pleasure to witness. I wear a heart of different kind but let me sing about bratt first..

He lay on the grass-
Ever so softly he wept,
Eyes watching everywhere,
As he drips in sweat
Anticipating my company
And withering in fear 
Oh, that moment
I can't bear,
I hear a song,
Of a different kind.
A symphony so beautiful,
Playing on my mind.
And then I dance,
Oh, I eat upon his grave,
And I can see god,
As just the light fades.

I thought that was too many emotions on a single page and i can't help myself for being a sappy poet riddle maker.

I strangled that kid. Then I ate him. I ate him. Enough about me though, I'll tell you a story, read very carefully.

Once I met a man
Eyes I couldn't understand
The air 
Ate away all the sand 
But the hourglass
Still pour
And upon his ashes 
A phoenix soar.
His wings mighty 
In its shadow I saw the stranger 
And I heard his whisper 
I was the death angel 
So I pushed him inside
Till I saw my mother 
She was screaming something
But I couldn't no more 
Ask my little brother.

That's rotten, I made no sense there. Did I ?. I mean I can clearly understand what the heck I just wrote but someone reading this might not. Danm he won't. It was my dad, he started all this. Fed my delusion that violence is the key to all happiness. I was smart though, and with a little hygiene, I am in a much better shape. I'm not blaming him, I'm sure those fancy doctors and scientists will all agree with me. Let me write something for them as well.

Ugly duckling never became

That's all I can preach about it. It's complicated. Now, I would present my case to you, so you can judge me better. I once killed a little girl because her mother couldn't take care of her properly. I felt pity. See, I am capable of pity. My point is, I killed a little girl out of pity, then I ate her. That brings us to another glimpse of utter nonsense.

I once killed a man 
Because he was happy 
And I once killed a man 
Because he was sad 
I once killed a man 
Because he was sappy 
Oh, I once killed a man 
And then I killed his dad.

I love twosomes, three is crowd, and I would like to point out, I am a bad man, If you haven't noticed thus far. You can either **** me or I keep on killing. Ask yourself 'what would have god done' ?... nothing. He doesn't gives a **** about you, why would he ?. If he did, why did he make me ?. So, I can **** innocent people. What exactly is mysterious about this plan ?. He enjoys when I **** people or why wouldn't he stop me. I don't believe in god though, just messing with you delusional kind. You can all believe in a man floating in the sky but the truth is, I am your god when I **** you. Trust me on this, god is in everyone. You just have to claim him. 

I ate little birds,
When I was small.
Then I ate a cat,
When I got a little tall.
I have so many creatures,
Hidden inside the walls.
But believe me when I say,
I drank all their tear drops-
Every last of them.

Well, the reason I wrote all this down is because I want someone to know my whole story, right from the start till the very now, But again I can't let them walk away. So, I do this thing. I tell them everything. 

Claim me your king 
Let the metal sing 
Kiss you, and bid you bird
So long, fly.
Now close your eyes 
Stop believing your lies 
You are nothing ever-more 
I am your king,
I whisper and you die.
If you turn around 
you can see
I have an axe,
There's terrible ****** tyranny tarnishing the tenth tannery today, to
theorize takes time, time that twirls teeny threads 'twixt twenty-two
tons toted toward the twisted tinseled town that taxes Tulia Texans.
Tough Tommy Tune teasingly tickled thirty-three toothy twosomes,
tripping through Texas. That's the timely trip-ticket, Tedi Thurman!
Tedi Thurman - › wiki › Tedi_Thurman
Theodora "Tedi" Thurman (born Dorothy Ruth Thurman; June 23, 1923 – September 17, 2012) was a fashion model and actress who found fame in the 1950s as Miss Monitor on NBC's Monitor, a 40-hour weekend radio show developed by Pat Weaver.
There's terrible ****** tyranny tarnishing the tenth tannery today, to
theorize takes time, time that twirls teeny threads 'twixt twenty-two
tons toted toward the twisted tinseled town that taxes Tulia Texans.
Tough Tommy Tune teasingly tickled thirty-three toothy twosomes,
tripping through Texas. That's the timely trip-ticket, Tedi Thurman!
Tedi Thurman - › wiki › Tedi_Thurman
Theodora "Tedi" Thurman (born Dorothy Ruth Thurman; June 23, 1923 – September 17, 2012) was a fashion model and actress who found fame in the 1950s as Miss Monitor on NBC's Monitor, a 40-hour weekend radio show developed by Pat Weaver.
There's terrible ****** tyranny tarnishing the tenth tannery today, to
theorize takes time, time that twirls teeny threads 'twixt twenty-two
tons toted toward the twisted tinseled town that taxes Tulia Texans.
Tough Tommy Tune teasingly tickled thirty-three toothy twosomes,
tripping through Texas. That's the timely trip-ticket, Tedi Thurman!
Tedi Thurman - › wiki › Tedi_Thurman
Theodora "Tedi" Thurman (born Dorothy Ruth Thurman; June 23, 1923 – September 17, 2012) was a fashion model and actress who found fame in the 1950s as Miss Monitor on NBC's Monitor, a 40-hour weekend radio show developed by Pat Weaver.
There's terrible ****** tyranny tarnishing the tenth tannery today, to
theorize takes time, time that twirls teeny threads 'twixt twenty-two
tons toted toward the twisted tinseled town that taxes Tulia Texans.
Tough Tommy Tune teasingly tickled thirty-three toothy twosomes,
tripping through Texas. That's the timely trip-ticket, Tedi Thurman!
Tedi Thurman - › wiki › Tedi_Thurman
Theodora "Tedi" Thurman (born Dorothy Ruth Thurman; June 23, 1923 – September 17, 2012) was a fashion model and actress who found fame in the 1950s as Miss Monitor on NBC's Monitor, a 40-hour weekend radio show developed by Pat Weaver.

— The End —