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Merhaba Şiir May 2014
Ah, küçücük gemi, sulara attın şimdi kendini, delisin
Ah, yakarlar seni, dönmezsin bir daha geri, delisin

Ah, deniz olayım, tuzumu rüzgârda savurayım, deliyim
Ah, ne yelken ne yel, köpüklerde kaybolayım, deliyim

Kime sorsam dönüşüm yok
Nereye gitsem mavi
Yelkenimde deli rüzgâr
Her yanım tuz, deliyim

Ah, peşimde rüzgâr, ne yağmurlar dost ne bir kıyı var,
Ah, düşlerim kaldı, yalnızım düşlerim kaldı, deliyim

Ah, yaralı kalbin, sönüp gidecek yaralı kalbin, delisin
Ah, küçücük gemi, dönmezsin bir daha geri, delisin

Kime sorsam dönüşüm yok
Her gemi biraz deniz
Her yanım mavi, her yanım yel
Her yanım tuz..
I believe in a universe where a sleepy eye opens existence...
a slowly drooping eyelid ushers it away.
I believe in a universe where Indra and the other Gods
churn the cosmic milk...
where Shiva does the eternal dance.
I believe in a universe where light is separate from darkness
and mankind is molded from a ball of divine ****...
a breath, Be and it is.
I believe in a universe where Gaia watches as Cronus
devours her children until she gives him a stone...
and hides Zeus away.
I believe in a universe that expands
from a singularity of infinitely dense potentiality
less than a speck,
to our cosmos immeasurable in scale.
I believe in a universe where Lao Tuz hands a guard
a little book of wisdom
before disappearing into the mountains
where the sages go.
I believe in a universe where Siddhartha contemplates emptiness
and feels the winds of eternity
whistling through his soul.
I believe in a universe where E=Mc2.
I believe in a universe where an old man lights the first holy fire
and describes the war between light and goodness
vs darkness and evil.
I believe in a universe where the earth and moon,
and all the planets go round the sun...
in a galaxy carrying us
dancing a waltz
we can only catch glimpses of.
I believe in a universe where "Know Thyself"
is revered as a deep truth.
I believe in a universe where
an unexamined life is not worth living.
I believe in a universe where the words of a carpenter
are a true path.
I believe in a universe where an illiterate man is commanded
Read!... a burning coal upon the lips.
I believe in a universe where every God and Goddess
exist, each in their own heaven...
each in their own hell.
I believe in a universe where there are no gods or goddesses
only the relentless laws of matter, energy and gravity.
I believe in a universe where everything is mathematics.
I believe in a universe where everything is holy
I believe in a universe where everything in profane.
I believe in a universe where everything is a simulation.
I believe in a universe where everything is ****** in nature.
I believe in a universe where everything is stimulation.
I believe in a universe where the hoochie *******
is what its all about.
I believe in the universe.

— The End —