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Sydney Victoria Feb 2013
A Unique Sight To See Are Summer
Birds Sitting In Winter Trees,
Chilled Winds Whistle--Creating High Voltages Of
Dopamine Which Wriggle Free In My Cells,
Evening Dwellers Soon Awake
Forcing Back The Day--Yet I Stay To
Gaze At The Black Canvas Of The Sky,
How Terribly I Wish To Paint The Stars
Ice White Paint Sits On My Palette; I Am Ready,
Just As I Dip My Brush Dawn Returns
Kinder Blazes On The Horizon--Yet I Create
Lonely Stars Sit--Three To Be Exact--Are
My Creation--And They Greet The Day Dwellers,
Nodding Hello As They Slip Back Into The Blue
Over The Whispy Clouds They Dance,
Politely They Smile And Wave Goodbye And
Quietly They Disappeared,
Rain Rolled Down My Cheeks But I Am Happy,
Silently I Smiled As I Trodded Back To The Trees
The Summer Birds Still Singing,
Uniting With The Bone Chilling Air
Valiant They Weather The Winter On The
Winding River--Their Melody Tingling Under My
Xiphoid Process,
Yielding To Express My Gratitude I Watch As They
Zig-Zag Through The Winter Trees
Sorry It Doesnt Rhyme:( I've Been Seeing A Lot Of Robins All Winter.. I Think This Is Really Weird.. Oh And Your Xiphoid Process Is The Tip Of Your Sternum (Thanks For The X-Word Health:P) Oh And Dopamine Is A Chemical In The Brain Which Creates Happiness.. Sorry I'm A Pschology Buff
Josh Koepp Nov 2012
Slivers of unintended new experiences
Stuck painlessly into our feet
Moving along the same splintered wooden dock
We both have trodded before
Too safely to have carried any scar tissue
But now our earth touchers resemble
Porcupines that when touched
Refuse to release our quills
But offer a story or two to remember we've been here before instead
Of losing the memories we've gained.
And when we finally pick the wood out
it fashions into a fence gate that opens up to
New stories new experiences
New feelings new apprehensions
Just new
New looks on a new face wrapped in gift wrap
So I have to make it Christmas to open them up
without buying anything but just by giving the gift of presence as presents.
And anything more is another present under the tree
It's nice to know that sometimes when you plant trust
It grows into honesty
Honestly it's refreshing
It's a test of moral strength and how far you can carry the torch.
In the Olympic sport of courting
Surviving beneath bypass
Cardboard ripping, some spyglass
Thin covering, protection
Sharpening knife, perfection

Past life professional man
Bad karma, God, dealt sad hand
Panhandling corner right here
Homemade sign makes purpose clear

People ignoring, glower
Certainly love hot shower
Having nothing accept rags
Don't own anything, no bags

Eating something, drugging, *****
What's needed most cannot choose
Spent long hot days begging cash
Got *****, finished dining trash

Trodded back to cardboard home
Peeking out feeling all alone
Rippled outside, and slit open the evening
Like a sword tearing the skin of a badger
Gone upon the arrival of the morning
In peace lingered out of the bedchamber

Out the young maiden walked
An angry light shines on her hand
Bright the green grass thus she trodded
Into the bland scene she blended

Like a piece of wild thunderstorm
She cried and whined and wailed
In all silence and no sounding of a horn
Tore farther afield and waited and waited

Never did her little love appear
All to her doubt and fury and dismay
And smote herself with a shady spear
Whilst the other roses bloomed, lifeless she lay.
In the mountains of old
A sword rests having just been forged
Waiting now for the respectful keep
All bow to revenance of thee

Years will pass before claim is made
One whom has a soul that bleeds
Broken yet still fights
One who loves with all might

The sword shall rest until such time
For the one whom she has in mind
Forged she was off blood, sweat, and tears
Lays in wait for years

One has come who demons have fought
Gallantly trodded the Devils lot
Ripped was the heart of this keep
Only to love again wholeheartedly

Once eyes were set upon this sword
Her beauty seen from the delicate forge
Though covered in dust from years of wait
The keep takes her as is fate
Just some 3am ramblings of middle earth....
Somewhere up yonder
A roll is to be called
One day and on that day
Rest assured
I will be there

I can't help it
I haven't felt it
But I think about it all the time
Whole notes are ghosts
Too often trodded upon
Lost in evolution
Or left behind
In the chase for nausea and bliss
I think about it all the time

You were expecting a circus?
Relax, baby, why you so nervous?
Settle down, babe, here, hit this
It'll redefine the term "circus"
You'll easily catch the blatant innuendo
Poorly hidden between the lines
A sort of circus envy for air-breathing man
Burning and bleeding man
The arrows which pierced Sebastian
Were meant for me and you

Who wants to listen to a little Duran Duran?
Even if it's "Hungry Like the Wolf"?
Especially "Hungry Like the Wolf"!
The white wolf does get hungry
But it does not sit around ******* and moaning
Complaining about trivialities
London's infamous fang
Taught me everything I know
About wolves
This knowledge and understanding,
Almost a transferral of will,
Has saved my *** on many a treachorous occasion

McCartney...Sir McCartney...James Paul McCartney
I would likely have been much more popular in school
Had you chosen to use instead of choosing to be called Paul
You were called, Paul
Paul, you were called
Paul, you were called to a ministry
Of healing
Healing of the soul
Paul, you were called
Many things by a few
Their critical words vanished
****** into the void, infused with pollen
Your majesty's a pretty nice girl
McCartney won't you join me on my death bed
I called out to you as I was dying
I saw it clearly with my own two eyes
A prophecy, true and sure
Psychotic Messiah, Paul McCartney
You live in the future, you live in the past
But you die and are raised every moment by moment
Psychotic Messiah, not GG Allin
Who loseth thy soul long before severing thy mortal coil
Opening his heart to the foulness
Reveling in degradation
Pain blunted by much heavy use
Who drinks down deep the costliest grace
Without knowing
A trumpet will sound and a roll will be called
And if you're breathing the air
You're gonna be there
It doesn't matter what you think
Or what you believe or you do not believe
Justice is and will be served
Love overcomes hate in the moment

I can't pretend you give a rat's ***
For the words that are spurting from my brain
I won't pretend I ain't hurting, I'm not a Superman
My mind has deserted me more often than I remember

It's Dracula at the door, dear
Won't you let him in?
What's that you say?
The paths that Dracula doth trod
Are enshrouded with the fog of decay
None which pass his gaze are safe
From death and damnation
I beseech thee, leave the door open until he leaves.
I say, won't we be considered discourteous to our guest here?
Let the heathen think it if they so please
This visitation must be the portent of some novel evil
Hideous harbinger of an unhappy day
When the roll is called up yonder
When the trumpet is sounded I'll blow my own horn
You'll hear it for miles carried by a north wind
You may not recognize it as the trumpet of heaven
It might sound a lot like Miles Davis to you
Turning that horn into a life force

I can't help it, you know I can't help it
All the singers on Sirius XM's 40s on 4 are dead
I could be wrong but it's hard to imagine anyone living that long
They're dead as doornails and some flat plain forgotten
And it's a super ****** world that'll do that to you
Ride to the top, the top of the charts
Dig your way into a million hearts
Some forgotten, some revered
They sang they're song
Now they're gone
And that's why I'm gonna listen
Gotta  pay my respects to the old crew
They never knew new wave or metal or punk
Brains not contaminated with that horrid boy band junk
They knew a good tune when they heard one
They carried that weight for a short while
Everybody knows the voice of a singer
Is a glimpse into his soul, her beautiful soul
A glimpse most would die for
Even if for a day
A long day and tiring, glad for sleep
With it she shares more than even she knows
Understand that an aeon begins and ends
As surely as the day
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
If I could paint my emotions
On your harsh heart
I'd have pretty done
But I was not an artist
And that was the problem
If I could sprinkle you
With my glistening tears
I'd have pretty pursued
But I was not a gardener
And that was the problem
Since the fork of our ways
Left us unrecognized
And trodded the traces
Leaving us impoverished
I'd done a bit of training
To hide my sufferings
I've been digging weeds out
And portraying your frown...
Based on an incident that strucked me with silence...Why people consider some sections of the society to be the poorest of the poor and treat them just like wild animals or hounds? They have to suffer so much..they're used like toys..hope someone or some day would bring an end to this..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Closer, she embarked
Trodded along the footprints though
Swaddled, she shrieked
No breathe gasped though
Thirst of affection she pursued
Lust of dominance she savored
Devotion, she encompassed
Devoid of esteem though
Roar absconded at all the places
She had been
She marched through with thick skin
Closer, she still embarked
Fueled with the spark of the road ahead
Yet when all their civility, cruelty lost
She was tagged with a reasonable cost
Throwing toxic streams on her colorful palette
She was sold for a tethered cow and carpet
True story
Alexandra Nov 2021
I dream of green isles
Across oceans vast and tumultuous
Of stark cliffs and pastures disordered
I dream of a land unfamiliar and strange
Of hobbit holes and twisted trees
Of desolate cruelty and quiet peace
Of frozen rivers and stark plains
I dream of a land I had known well as a child
For its pages I travelled through
In pursuit of dragon gold and mithril steal
I dreamt of such a land,  I imagined myself sword in hand
I trodded beside dwarven armies
I confronted a dragon gilded in gold,
My heart bled across crumbled pages,
I wept bitterly for friends lost.
I dreamt of a land unfamiliar and strange,
Yet within, I found a home.
As a kid my only form of escape was through the pages of a story. As an adult - this hasn't changed. Books are freedom.
I have sauntered quite a distance
from the known to unknown lands.
I trodded past the steams
and skidded past the rivers.
Children singing and clapping,
women gisting through their washing.

Then blows the wind of tension,
then all becomes faint.
Like the world has
come to a halt.

One road becomes multiple,
then two in opposite directions...
And there I stand in the centre,
looking  to the left and right,
which way to go.
A times confusion sets in and it's hard to make a decision.
Wekesa Moses Oct 2018
Swirls of wind embraced her enviously,
her pink dress to it's tune sung, danced
being raised a little with each whirling eddy
her enchanting, lovely, smooth, chocolate thighs revealing.

Her legs wore sling-less white shoes
so perfect on her, just made for her.
She swung her hands at times,
she enjoyed the evening land breeze.

Her skin radiantly shone as the baby's,
her gazelle-like walk, pleasure in me arousing.
She wasn't eight-figure, her cheek sizeable
slender she was, beautifully made.

I trodded towards her, my heart pounding heavily
I needed a chat with her to share, her voice to hear,
her company to enjoy, one born not of woman.
She was an angel, an angel from above sent.

Her melodic voice held me in my tracks,
as the land went still, her melodies to enjoy
the birds ceased their chirpings, the bees their buzzing
her rendition of 'Despacito' to enjoy.

I strolled by lest I awaken from the dream so dear,
Her lucid smile, her revealing teeth; magical.
Her mamma significant, pointed, sensational.
She closed her beautiful brown eyes, her hands outstretched.
I had met one, one who stole my heart.
grey Apr 2020
exhausted, ill, and young
I trodded along to meet you.
I felt dizzy and tired, yet
still I went to meet you.
Is it because we were young?
That now I realize that sickness
and in health should not be
at my own expense.
We drove in search of scenery
native to our southern California

We trodded down the dirt paths
among plants whose names were lost
and quelled by history
here given back
not by scientific categorization but by
the cathartic heat that whispered
of the past and its abiding

here I snapped the cord
and named the unlisted
parts of me until I
clearly recognized the snapping
of summer's end

soon the leaves
would crisp but
the heat would remain far
into winter I see her eyes twinkle
under the palo verde trees and I know

it never severed the
from my naval, it extends
beyond death, further
than the desert plants
that her and I see on our hike

— The End —