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Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Typed words flow
Across the screen.
Cursor blinks
seen, unseen.

Electrons racing
through the wires,
Transporting meaning
as word inspires.

Sensors picking up
the textings.
Users taking in
the sextings.

Social networks
come and go.
Human beings
move so slow.

Time's reduced
to microseconds.
Attention spans
too slow I reckon.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Tramontane concoction
Alien's of different worlds
Consummate's of relations
A sinner boy and angel girl

First class textings
Between the two of them
Pastlife Amour's
Meeting again in love and best friends!!

Maximal feelings
She calleth a dangerous thing
Yet for eachother
Ourn hearts due flutter
Were two bees without the stings

Cryptic strings
Angelic harped
We seek the moon
And rest at parks

We are two
Yet one in spirit
Forgotten the world
Made poems our pearls
As her voice I draw to hear it!

Her *** appeal
So overriding all the rest
Yet the rest has none anyways
For its mine amare
Tis the best!!

She's not the rest
For that I know
I gaveth up the world
Gaveth her mine soul

For I hope she knows
How much for her I adore
She's that spice in ones head
When life's gone dead
She brings happiness to mine door!!!

Ive never felt this before!!!

And tis
I won't!!!
I shalt not leave her
Yes I do believe her
She's mine Spanish rose!
Mine Spanish queen
And Spaniard dream
Where ice creams stacked
And dripping cream
Sensuality means!!
She's high to me
A throne in glee
A song and tease
I seek her tree
To lie under it
To tasteth her spit
And **** her wine lips
To grasp her tones
To feel her hips
To pull her hair
One stroke at a time
To take a dive
Inside her mind
She maketh Me see
When I was blind
She turned back the clock
I forgot all time
For her I shine
For her I love
For her I'd die
Dont cry
Mine amour
Of mine
Thou art so fine
In a life I never knew
Make me thine husband
Please break me through!!!
Divinity from me soul
toots Dec 2016
Shy textings
Nervous flirtings

Clock ticking
Palms sweating

It all seemed too slow
Until you're not a wreck
And told me the fact.

Questions popping
Hearts drumming

You're a wreck all over again.

Because you forgot the question.

But I answered "yes."
"Yes, I do want to go out with you".

Because I like wrecks, just like you.
I got my first boyfriiienddd

I'm finally not single!
Ademar Jr Jan 2020
"Hey, How are you doing"
The textings in our conversation usually
We cared for each other like family
Your sadness, took me into an important model
You said his words pierced like needles
Don't worry, I'll help you in your battles
Little did I knew that true love rattles.
Those Three Months acting like couples,
Now just contacts remembering ripples,
Words of Tackle, turned a metal this little
To a glass so brittle.
Like our hearts when we first giggled,
For our eyes used to buckle
To every words we say when school's over
Moments when I drew closer
Near to you, my dear future.
Of course, the future's far
Can't see it from here till Mars
But we we're believing in that magic
Only to end in the worst tragic.
The sorries and stories are not enough to be the same again
Maybe we're together? But still not happening
A good beginning? A bad ending?
It was special when you were nothing
Because that was your point of starting,
Starting a new life with meaning,
You were reviving, and was now going only
For a surprised ending, to my girl I once loved
Sobering, Drinking in the darkest club
I thought I love you, and so did you
Our treasured promises now for fools
You didn't believed a word of truth
That's why I hate to say I love you too,
For all of these words, left me a heart with no clue, How to love you.

— The End —