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Felicia C Jul 2014
I’m learning to travel light. A backpack, a mandolin case, and a water bottle. That’s enough. A black skirt, an extra pair of wool tights, and a teeshirt big enough to sleep in. Headphones.

my sister asks me when and where and why I’m coming and going and leaving and staying

I’m packing up

I’m always packing up

but my suitcases are getting smaller, more efficient, less attached.

I can’t keep track myself
October 2012
Moments like this
Are when I wish I had my Polaroid
An infinite moment to make me think
"This would make a beautiful photograph"
(The photographer's curse, darling),

I'm content to just let this moment be, though
Though at the same time, my mind's eye strains to see
What this would be:
We're glossed with sweat and crowned with messy hair
My teeshirt's too big; my legs are bare
My ******* poke taut in the cool, still air
Copper tumbles onto your shoulder as I sit beside
Tilt my head, and lay to rest

The sunlight glances and polishes your halo
Your dark gaze watches out of the window
Dust motes illuminate, suspended around your face;
I fancy that it's fairy-magic
Although you're not the hero of some story - but, maybe mine?
With the roll in your caress that's passed to my palm

I stare into the little gilded world with you
Stealing a little glance at your bare chest,
The elastic of your boxers clinging over tight hips -
Just need to remind myself that it's real
Picture perfect, but this perfection is real
Take the roach to my lips
Take a minute to appreciate this
Inhale, exhale
This moment is infinite

The smoke twists away slowly
My mind's eye sees how beautiful it would be
In gentle-focus monochrome...
Then, I let the notion go
I act so naturally, but in my head I know
This next motion is picture-perfect

My white fingers are slim
Hand not quite steady; I tremble from our workout
Not moving from your shoulder,
I reach around the cocked neck of your guitar:
Just relax, and let time slow
Hear the peaceful tune flow from your skilled hand
I press the roll to your mouth
The crackle of burning embers dances with the string notes
Smoke streams out as I lift it away
And there -

In that split second as I begin to move,
There the Polaroid would have clicked and immobilised;
This moment so high in too hot a day
Picture perfect in my mind's blue eyes
Holly O'Brien Sep 2014
19 years,
4 boys,
2 girls,
Heartache after heartache,
The process doesn’t change,
It doesn’t become less demanding with age,
If anything, it becomes only more methodical,

In the way that a surgeon analyzes and studies his procedure before operating within a breathing, organic creature,
Or how a jazz bassist finger plucks melancholic yet beautiful riffs made of memorized scales,
With practice, I have learned something of a system to heart break, and interestingly enough it always starts with me, it never starts with you,

5pm. You don’t break up with me, I always break up with you. I lay in bed for hours, struggling to match up the phrases “meant to be” and “not this time” in ways that are gracious and kind.

7pm. I communicate my best self to you, I tell you I love you and oh, the potential I saw. I say everything I need to say, it's a courtesy to you and a necessity to me. You’re cold to me, I’m still hot for you; it burns me up inside until I choke on my “maybe some days” and “what ifs”. You’ll find someone new.

8pm. I can’t move my legs and my stomach is weak, my heart fails within me and my eyes are so meek. I search for solitude, this is the moment when the only thing I know how to do is follow my feet.
I retreat to the streets.

9pm. This is the second hardest part. Let the pain spread and seep into every vein. In the words of John Greene, it demands to be felt. I debate myself that no one should feel such pleasure from love without knowing the searing anguish of loss.

10pm. I cry out to God and weep into my friend’s teeshirt as thunder crackles around us. If you don’t let it out, you won’t let it go. My ribs snap open from explosions of emotions.

12am. Feverishly angry, unhinged with pride; I will foolishly convince myself that you meant nothing to me, though in this moment i am anything but dispassionate. Accusations, assumptions, confrontations. Gain perspective, but only the kind that convinces me of myself. Compartmentalize it.

2am. I’ll distract myself with something, anything to pass the time. I’ll go out at night, a little excitement, a little bit of drugs, a lot of adrenaline, might just set my brain chemistry balanced and my crooked jaw straight.

5am. I’ll come home, satisfied with myself. Crawl back into my bed where I began the night and think, oh if only you could see me now, i have definitely won.

6am. This is the hardest part. The sun rises along with my guilt and inhibitions. I could NEVER say those things to you during the day that I spewed out like kerosene during the night.
I want to call you baby, tell you I’m sorry, but I’ve lost that right.
So I will combust from my own words and actions, set fire to my excuses and torch down my pride.

I want to whisper good morning to you, because I’ve learned the mornings are made to fix things, to start fresh, and become new.
My father had an anthem for me that rung “Holly, you’re not a bad person, you just make bad decisions. You can always try again in the morning.”
Well, it is the morning and I want so bad to try again.

In how many different languages can i try to explain that I don’t know how to give it up,
Or how to let someone go that was never mine to begin with?
I’ll just replay you walking through the invisible door in my mind until I take the hint.

Then I’ll sleep the day away so I can wake up, sobered up, numbed up, a few hours later.
Remind myself that my mother taught me to allow only one night for despair and tantrums.
She says life goes on and so should I, she couldn’t bear to see me defeated or crushed.

So I’ll force myself out of bed, shower, shake it off, lock it up.
I’ll move on because love is not without pain, life is not without burden, courage is not without fear,
And people are always worth taking chances on, even though the last chance I took never healed.

I know that there will be other nights when I think about 4 boys and 2 girls,
But those times, I’ll drift to sleep without saying goodnight, and have forgotten about it before the break of morning light.
gabrielle boltz Jun 2013
Will you just let me cry with you?
I just need to let hot tears
wash away
what happened.
Just let me cry.

Let them soak into your
teeshirt and leave salt
stains on your skin -
just let me cry with you.

Don't make me give you a reason,
And don't ask how to "fix it"
just let me sit in your arms
and be the only thing that matters
for a minute.

Because I want to
matter enough to take one
of your minutes
and you not notice its absence.  

Maybe it's not normal
and maybe you won't ever

You would think that
if a woman was made from
a man,
he would be able to
see her fears
and hopes
far better than
reality lets him.

But for now,
I need to cry.
And I need you to
sit quietly and let me.

I need you to listen
to me not saying a word,
because when you can
listen to my quiet
and hear what I'm
trying to say,

then I'll know that
I'm important enough
to take one, two, ten
of your minutes.

I'll realize
then smile softly
in my silence,
and you won't ever notice
the loss of those moments.  

But that's half the point anyway.

So just let me cry,
and mark you with
the lingering crystal
powder of dried tears,
because if I can
be my raw self with you,

then you can be mine.
I've had this one for a while... thoughts?
S Mia Jun 2015
Baby I need you, all alone in this big, empty room.  "I know, I'm just busy but, I promise you I'll be there soon."
     Baby come hold me, I'm getting cold and these windows don't lock like they used to.  "How about you come home to me, my clothes are torn and I am worn but, you know how much you mean to me."
     Baby I want you, closer than we've ever been before.  "I know I don't show you but, I've been around and I know I want you more."
     Baby I smell you, in your teeshirt I've wrapped myself up in.  "I sprayed it three times and laid it down upon your skin."  
     Baby I feel you, you're not here but, I remember just where you were.  "I wish I could pull you in closer, I rolled over and fell asleep to the thought of you breathing."
     Baby I taste you, on my tongue, I lick my lips, I miss the way you used to pout.  "I remember the first time I kissed you on your ear and the top of your skelp."
     Baby I see you, in the mirror, next to me, I close my eyes and you're there.  "I opened my eyes to you.  Last night I dreamt of keeping you safe, holding you tight, feeling you close, listening to you speak, watching your eyes close."
     Baby where are you?  "I'm here alone in this big, empty room. I see you in the corner with your hair ******* in a knot, you're hinting at me, "come lay down with me."
     As we lay down, your head on my chest for the night, I heard you mumble a question, asking me "baby, are we alright?"
     Yes baby, we're alright.  Now close your eyes and please, please, sleep tight.
                        -S. Mia
                  June 28th 2015
LJW Apr 2014
It was Sunday and she rushed around looking for her hair straightening iron and a pair of shoes she knew she'd worn just yesterday.  The day was as sunny as a Sunday could be, June 5th, dry as a desert in her Sierra Nevada town, no rain in sight until October at least, no smell of smoke, no fires in the air, it was a perfect summer day.  Rushing around her quiet, just waking up cottage, she lifted up clothes piled on her over stuffed fireside chairs, riffling through the pile of clothes dropped to the floor of her shower room, hunting, hunting, wracking her brain, walking backwards through time in her mind to find "where oh where" had she left her shoes!!!

A glimpse of something black caught her eye from inside a canvas shoulder bag, "AH!"  She'd changed out of my work clothes before she'd gone to the river!  There were her shoes, waiting for her patiently to find them in her carry bag.

Shoes found, she raced to straighten her curls flat and sleek, straightened her teeshirt and pulled down her skirt a little so it sat just on her hips and down from her waist, allowing her newly grown Buddha belly freedom to breath.  She knew the flea market would be on all day, but there was something special about making it a whole day event.  If she were the first one there, it was like she were one of the vendors. She would be able to feel the bustle of the potential of setting up shop, selling found treasures and wares, collecting dollars from strangers, meeting new people, and possibly stumbling into the most amazing opportunity of your life.  She would be a witness, as the sun shed it's first glimmerings of light and long shadows down over the market, to the twinkling, the eye winking of the sun as it released it's magic over the lot.  That moment of the morning when the unknown was let down from the heavens and all of life's coincidences, synchronicities, and connections were released for us to walk through and make the most of in order to change our lives.  She fluffed the last brush of blush over her cheek, glossed her lips, gave a little tousle to mess up her now straight hair and was ready.  She grabbed her purse, car keys, and a burlap shopping tote, her phone, a cup of coffee, and a book...just in case she wanted to sit in the midst of the market and enjoy the ambiance while she soaked up some wisdom.  Then...she walked out the door.
work in progress c.lisajeaninewinett April 28, 2014
I'm  so happy I'm going to see the band

I have thought about this moment so many times

What it will be like to hear them sing and see them in person

Now the day is here and I'm seeing them tonight live on stage

I am so excited I don't know what to do

I cant decide on the blue shirt or the black one

All my dreams are coming true at last.

I'm at the concert venue with my friends

They are big fans too and we all have posters on our walls

I got a teeshirt of the band and immediately put it on

Wow I'm wearing the band I'm seeing

The band are on and they sound amazing

I'm up dancing and singing to their songs

I don't  care what I look like, I'm  having fun

I'm  so happy and in awe of the band in front of me

— The End —