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Vanessa Annalise Sep 2016
I'll paint you a picture.
Imagine tangarine skies
Filled with marshmallow clouds.
How do you feel right now?

I'll paint you a picture.
Imagine cobalt blue seas,
Endless and filled with life.
How do you feel right now?

I'll paint you a picture.
Imagine your own mind.
Peaceful or traumatised?
How do you feel right now?
Breeze-Mist May 2017
The world is not only
The shining right light of white
And the depraved dark depths of black

I won't even go on
About the moral grey shades in between
Mottled like a city pigeon's tail feathers

Because there are
Royal eruditious blues
Mischievous swirled jades
Passionate scarlets
Playful tangarine oranges
Inoccent pastel yellows
Regal deep reds
Mysterious deep purples
Curious robin egg blues
Righteous yellow oranges
Tranquil summer greens
Bubbly social pinks
Patient shades of indigo
Cautious neon colors
Pure-hearted golds
Clear minded silvers
And ultraviolets of feelings yet to be defined

And if I'm looking at the world
I want to see it in full spectrum

— The End —