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softcomponent Nov 2013
IT WAS SOME SORT OF DREAM and for a second time in my life I worked at a McDonald's but this time it was a McDonald's out of a Philip K. **** novel.. a hoveryvibe with this strange baby-blue tint to the walls that sat so quaint and silent reminding the subconscious of aliens or restaurants at the end of the universe... there was a long cyborg tube that spiraled into crafted spritz almost made to look broken and being one of the strangest parts of the dream. working at a McDonald's again made me physically ill and I could taste ***** in my mouth but for some reason it felt like only moments before I had been quietly lying next to a male lover (co-worker with a Colgate smile that tipped his lips to haunt me) and as I leaned in to kiss him, stomach swelling with the lovers melancholic ecstasy, he began to fade, his lips presings softly to mine collision shape-to-one-another as he vomited a little with no loss to his Colgate beauty (I thought him dying or skipping a day of high-school?) fading away slooowwwllyyy to be replaced by that cyborg tube with me standing above it spitting that same kind of spit which forecasts a violent throw-up from the bottom of a wretch gut. I could see the little spritz made to look broken becoming spider-webbed with my saliva until finally the ***** propelled itself from my throat and I collapsed to the ground somehow still looking in only to awake to my alarm clock - - - wheel around in bed to hear music.
David Nelson Nov 2013
Plunk your Magic Twanger

years ago when I was a tike
back when I could barely even ride my bike
there was this silly show I loved and had to see

on Saturday mornings just for kids
they showed short films and had funny skits
so weird it seemed they were just talking to me

films about this kid they called the Jungle Boy
he rode on an elephant and brought me great joy
always tracking down men doing evil things

then there was always this special guest
a doctor, a scientist, someone who impressed
who would try to demo and explain

their special skills but is was to no avail
along came the gremlin with water spritzer and pail
and on the poor speaker he would make it rain

he was called Froggy the Gremlin a puppet at best
he'd dance like a clown and stick out his chest
and he was always introduced with this silly chant

plunk your magic twanger froggy, oh my dear
and boing in a puff of smoke he would appear
and bedlam would ensue he'd go off in a rant

Hiya kids, Hiya, he'd always say as he danced
on the edge of my seat, I was so entranced
what kind of stunt would he now try to pull

squirt the guest with his seltzer bottle he was so bad
the guest would run away, run away so wet and mad
the gremlin always kept his bottle full

zany comedy, mindless laughter every week
couldn't wait to see who would be the next weeks geek
so innocent then so full of vigor and vim

there is another part to this story someday I will tell
later on in high school before the first morning's bell
Froggy is still alive, no cant forget him

Gomer LePoet...
based on a kids TV show from the days of my youth that were more simple
Cristina Dean Jun 2015
you will fade away
you will fade like the others
did too
you will fade, my SOS
and leave me with this island's truth on solitude

i rode as passenger once
in a boy's car
i had named Bessie
Bessie grunted and took naps
like a narcoleptic
we drove together
me and this green-eyed boy
in ol' Bessie
through the construction of the Yards in the summer
with our windows
rolled down
smoking cigarettes
under overpasses
on a highway bridge
the city swelling, heaving
over us
and the wild winds
splashing my face
hair tantalizing
impatiently over to his side,
my downtown apartment waiting like a desert flower at dusk
throbbing to bloom
David Bowie sang heroes and i believed the song
could never mean anything more
than our moment shared

years pass and summer nights choke me again
i'm in love again

thundershowers knock on my window
David Bowie sings
but i don't think of that green-eyed boy anymore
now, it's you
tall, spectacular man
spritzer of mystery magic from your hands
i think of you
but i'm alone in my apartment this time
i climb out of the fire escape
thunder cracks the sky
and i let the rain soak my bones
i want to hold you, but
you will not have me
like how this storm
is finding
its way to the last inch of me

i close my eyes and
myself away

you won't be the last of them
i know
my story of heroes and lovers sits on the doorstep
of a vacant home

you won't be the last of them
i only dreamed you would
like the sight of a ship too far from shore
John R Feb 2012
She seemed like a nice, pretty girl, so I had invited her to dinner in a small Italian restaurant. Over aperitifs (spritzer for her, scotch for me) she told me about herself. She was twenty years old, she came from Baltimore, her name was Lucinda, but her family called her Lulu. She had a passion for poetry, in fact she had just finished writing a poem, that very day: would I like to hear it?

In the circumstances, only one answer was possible.

I tried to look suitably impressed, and when eventually it was over, I applauded. "What imagination," I said, "What talent!" She smiled, reached inside her handbag and brought out a sheaf of dog-eared manuscripts. "Dear God," I thought, "There's more!" Oh well; there was still the possibility that after the liqueurs she might ask me back to her place, for ***. (Or, as she would probably pronounce it, "coffee".)

So on, and on, she went. The little lady had a talent all right: she could recite and eat simultaneously. Neither the pasta puttanesca nor the saltimbocca di vitello could slow down her almost-rhyming couplets. At last, the papers were all returned to the handbag. She looked at me expectantly. "So, do you think I could get my poetry published?" I paused, to consider my answer. But the pause was too long: she looked right into my eyes, sensed my mood, and in that moment knew what the answer had to be.

During the dessert she crumpled; large, heavy tears fell silently into her zabaglione. Poor lamb! I'd never wanted to hurt her. She didn't deserve the destruction of her dreams.

Who does?
This is a work of fiction. There is no Lucinda; there was no restaurant.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Act I

Slowly awareness returns,  eyes flickering open.
Where am I?
What has happened?

"Doctor, the patient is waking."

Who was that?
What is this? I can't move my arms?
Panic rising....

"Doctor, he's stirring......"

Eyes opening wide, taking in the sterile environment.
The shadowy face leaning over me....

looking down,
I see...........

"Unholy Hell, WHY am I wearing a CHICKEN Suit???
with AZZLESS chaps???"

Collapsing back onto this white starched bed,
Slowly bits of memory stitch themselves together....
Remembering vaguely walking by the transvestite bar....

Act II

"So, dude, I was walking by this transvestite bar the other night.  And next thing you know I'm waking up in a hospital."

"No, now listen, I woke up wearing a chicken suit, you know bright yellow fluffy feathers, orange beak, red comb.  And, you will NOT believe this.  I was wearing a pair of Azzless Chaps!"

"I know!  Memories a bit foggy yet.  Can't understand how that happened.  I was on my way to see my girlfriend.......  Where this chicken suit came from, I haven't figured out yet.  Man, I'm glad my mom didn't see me in those Azzless Chaps!  She doesn't know I have that tattoo of Marilyn Monroe on my ***."

"Wow, if only I could....................OH, Oh, oh nooooo............was that my dad in the audience??  ***! There was an audience!!"

"Dude, I have to go.  I'm not feeling very well."

Overheard as he wandered away, "Wow, what was dad doing in a transvestite bar..........?"


"John, do you know what I found in our son's hamper?  They were just stuffed in there.  There's a pair of pants, John, with the backside cut out.  Never seen anything like it, and something bright yellow and feathery, John.  No idea what it could be."

John........Are you listening to me?"

Our friend, John, has gone three shades of green.  Finally, mustering some strength, he asks, "Helen, could that feather thing a chicken suit?"

"Why, John, I think it is!  It's not even Halloween yet.  What is that boy thinking?  John, do you suppose that he will ever graduate from college and strike out on his own??"  Helen continues muttering as she walks away, John catching only intermittent words regarding the pants with the missing backside.

As we watch, John looks about, and nonchalantly pushes a pair of sparkling purple heels, and an interesting pair of lace lavendar underwear deeper under his lazy boy........

Act IV**

At the Transvestite Bar, aka A Lark for the Queens, we watch some of our friends sitting around the smoke filled room, enjoying the atmosphere, and having a few drinks.

"Harrietta, did u catch that performance the other night?  It was inspiring."

"That new guy sure put on a show, after we loosened him up a bit.", said Frank, adjusting his pearls, while touching up his lip gloss.  

"Wonder who he is, I wanted to ask him where he got that fantastic tat, Marilyn is my idol!"

The fellas sip their drinks, reminiscing.........

Suddenly, a flash of purple sequins attracts Frank's attention.

"John!, Come on over. We were just discussing that new guy in our recital last week!"

Our friend John, glides over on glittering purple heels, pulls up a chair and shifts his flowing gown so he can properly seat himself.

"Well, I don't think he was all that good fellas.  Glory, bring me a spritzer, will ya."  The discomfort in John's face, almost tragic.

As our fine troupe of men continue to sip their beverages, we glance over and see our Monroe tattooed actor, timidly glancing in the door......
AprilDawn Sep 2014
a  rainy sort of rain
buckets thrown  
from invisible  
sky hands
a newborn stream splashes
down main street
slicks train tracks  
and  thirsty lawns
with a spritzer
cocktail  of  cool air
no storms that night, just  plain and simple  rain.Living on the edge of tornado alley...this is always  welcome.
Helen Jan 2012
I miss you
We used to have such fun
Was it something I said?
Something I done?
It’s hard to believe
that you made a run…

I’m standing in front
of the open fridge
but it is not Misery
that is piercing my chest
**** useless emotion
would not be so bold
It’s not because I’m hungry
and I welcome the cold

It’s nostalgia that carries me away
as I catch sight of what is sitting
on the back of the shelf
All alone
A can of Harden Up
your favorite drink
but you didn’t know
I used to slip it
into your white wine spritzer
to try and stop your self esteem
like a stone

But now your gone

Right in the middle of planning
our next dinner date
where we sit and shoot daggers
at each other
through candlelight
as we eye
a great big plate



But you'll be late
and as usual
it will be served cold

Why did I ever hope for more?
We were like a complimentary meal
served by the most
lowest of restaurants
Wholly unsatisfactory
more like takeaway

You're not coming back are you?

Obviously you are now finding
your own brand
of fun
I thought we had it all
But I guess I was wrong
and you proved it

You're just a big coward



just digging around in the oldies folder... this one makes me giggle
Olivia Kent Feb 2015
Shiny rooftops struck my eyes.
Ice chewed on my fingertips.
The wind his name was Chilly *****.
My toes aren't coming out to play.
They're hiding under my snuggly cover.
I'm not bitter.
It is a bit.
A spritzer of icicles just where they fit.
This old soul is rather cold and she really doesn't like it much.
Take hold of my hand, unfurl the coming blossoms of forthcoming spring.
I heard a cuckoo call two weeks or so ago.
I guess he got it wrong.
(c) Livvi
The  night flew in like a Kamikaze on patrol and I
the target vehicle lost control and tried to flee, but the pilot
of this flying bomb could not fail to see the terror trail.

before the end.

it's not dark anywhere and the air is light,
the drone of the engine carried away with the night
but the chattering of my nerves serves as its own master.

Two alka seltzer in a white wine spritzer
I might as well feel alive and drunk,
dead drunk is a dead loss.

Weaving slowly a carpet from the day may be the way to keep out of sight, a covering over me to keep the kamikaze from seeing me.

Either way or anyway the day will end.

What man can be and cannot see to see what man can be and are the words that come so free
from the fountain
that spouts inanity?

They send another and another and the night becomes my brother, some time good and times when bad is bad, scuff marks on the overhang and split nails when enough's enough
I'll stand and catch the blast or mix a drink and watch the pills dissolve.

both eyes on the sky which fades to cemetery black
and the night is back.
spooky doopy Jan 2015
become cemented in my clementine indents
comb thru my spritzer peels and feel my scales
cradled back curved with soft hands and knuckles
cover me with darker pigments of blue
I'll swell under the thick, grow mold in my creases
fill in access points so my insides stay ripe
Sapsorrow Feb 2014
Hello, four walled cedar room
encased with dirt and idle worms.
A place for quiet;
the last great march to victory.

The tag on your toe will be the  only remaining mark
of true identity, lest someone you once loved
possibly loved you in return
enough  to claim a vacant version
of yourself.
Most will lament to the former you
a select few will only feel ****** and slather pity
if only only for a moment
over spritzer and finger foods.
They can't possibly comprehend that
the exit was brilliant beyond words; that your chalk
outline was significantly different. Than the others.
No one can fathom what you
must have gone through
to get to this point.
The careful consideration that went into
planning such an exit. How to anticipate their
grief, or the planning that goes in to remedy that.
We can only assume the recently dead
revel in the envisage of how strange it is to watch
the artful way
that others fall apart around you.
a m a n d a Aug 2017
a plane taking off
a green sign
dreary rain
sad songs
blue eyes
lime spritzer
cottage cheese
a ten dollar bill
a penny on the pavement
white pants
a bad smell
weird hair
a magnet
Stop complaining,
it's sunny and hot,
get under a parasol
and get over it,

when it rains complain
when the sun shines
don't whine,

have a spritzer
walk the schnauzer
think yourself lucky
that you can.

I've already been out twice
almost overdosed on gamma
almost but not quite,
did you hear me complaining?
Crazy as a crazy gets
I'm on my david Suzuki tip
Major stupid ****.
Framed by a smooth built script.
Like jews knew hits
Where written in jehovas fists
Know me *****.

Swear I'm naked in figure.
If its dough they want.
I got a bake in mixture.
Fragrant spritzer.
Of a champagne sail away.
Neath skies of give aways.
Trip vacations. Swag bag winners.
project  housing remaking
Villages. With billions made with in
A money system. To feed hungry children.
lobbying dummy politicians.
To drop guns and hit man.
Like gods got nuns and Christians.
We don't slum but the slums
Got big plans
Once this business sharing website
Hits man
Its like witness to a switch stance
Watch it *** either way I'm going to hit man...

— The End —