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Climactic Poet Apr 2017
I am a mother.
I am no ordinary mother.
I have an overwhelming number of daughters
they fill as far as your eyes can see.

I have countless sons.
They all came from me.

I am the wealthiest mother, you see.
I have the largest pearls stored somewhere
beneath me.

Gold, diamonds, rubies?
I have them hidden somehere you can't find.

You must think I am the most beautiful woman
to have a billion children.

I can't say the same.

My children have pulled my hair
My once luscious green hair.

My children infiltrated my blood.
My once crystal clear blood.

My children have grown wise.
So they left me to die.

They haven't forgotten me though.
They remember me when they feel like they need to be beautiful
They dig up my diamonds, they collect my pearls.
And after they are done digging,
they will leave me to crumble down

They remember me when they need a house.
They would get my trees, and everything they can find.
After chopping through, they will leave my balding head behind.

Sometimes I wonder if my children will still remember me
when I have nothing left to give.

My name is Earth.
I am a mother.
I am no ordinary mother.
I am no ordinary Mother Earth.
I am no ordinary mother...
I won't be a mother anymore.
Little Lady Apr 2015
Somehere in between black and white
Somewhere in the lows-
In between the light.
I asked you, "where are you going?"
"To make my life." you say.
I think that life is happening I tell you.
But I know better,
I don't fight, I don't cry.
I let you go about your way.
A free spirit is never yours-
Was never intended to be.
Their eyes are as big as Earth.
Their curiosity so wild, and free.

Amid all of the confusion,
I find peace in growth.
I've let this butterfly free
I've Learned to let go
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
I know not where you bestow;
Which ghost has passed the row
Of roses in your charms & deeds?
Each posy-as in our Winter-sleeps.

I know not where your atoms stray;
In bright whits of a Summer's day?
Yet in true piety, Heaven made rare,
Every strand of your lovesome hair.

Where do the stars sit, if not found
In those spheres of blue all round?
I do not pretend to know she's there.
She's somehere, but I know not where.
bliss being sorry

sorry is the word.

being in you made me see,

someone somehere

somewhen somewhere clarity,

my *b
eing in humility

in your eyes.

somenow, i stand tall

I see me, finally.

Sorry being me
Bolts and matches.
No match for bolts and matches.
A star under the burnings of the floor.
Black bold face tea.
Trim the hands.
A boat for small and easy jobs.

Somehere I run and somewhere I move.

Never a knew question.
Or be them known.

On colorful rocks.
Rocks colored with your face.
Rocks before color and these are again.
Rocks believe the promises.

Rocks do not move for Heaven.
Crumbling, a tight holding.

Maybe something stranger and a something much more than this.

This has been your still birth.

You need not be more.

Retry and compute and restore and believe.

Love just won't know.
I've tried the two year old plan.

It is age now.
Time moving and the stillness of completion.

By your cycle and by your side.


My mouth crumbles from heat.
& when I sleep at night, my window opens.

Winter creeps in & steals the warmth of your memory.

Smothering only hope & rewriting my repose,

My hollow form, now torn, twisted.

I am man again.

All the same.

I'm no thread scarring your dreams.

Sensibly I seek strength.

& hover towards that lonesome window.

& bolt it's cold steel latch.

& stumble.

Through the frosted pane.

Into deep liquid night, my eyes close.
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2018
When you lost your way
Look far beyond today
Far from anywhere near here
Tomorrow lives over there.
Tomorrow's non-existence is a sorrow
Therefore Look beyond tomorrow
The future lives somewhere there
It's an unfinished abstract picture...
You have to look far beyond the future
Hope lives somehere far beyond there.
Don't you look beyond hope
Because nothing else lives over there.
So If nothing else lives beyond there,
It certainly means you have arrived.
When this happens, know you're blessed...
Evidence that you've worked and focused,
Which means that you did indeed listened
When told to look beyond Tomorrow.

✍️ #IvanBrookspoetry ©️
Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare...A disturbing contradiction because tomorrow is nonexistent.
Hira malik Mar 2018
Was i in delusion or so dumb to understand the fact
That in these dark long nights
Somehere , when my heart willl ache so bad
So deeply it will feel the pain
And because of its burden my eyes want to clench itself with drenching scream
But i keep them open
For sake of feeling more its ache,
I forgot,
In these hard harsh days
In one of these lonesome starless nights
Where big palm trees are so silent
They fear
Their vibration in wind might not awaken the broken burried dreams
In fear of creating whisper
They just close eyes
And i stay up
Like an owl this whole night
Burning and turning in pain
Feeling it from it birth to teen,
I forgot
That i am alone and will be
In such long nights
Or the next short day!!
These hand you see running towrds you,
Do so in their needs,
In their such aloof moment,
When their glass is empty,
To quench the thirst,
They drink from ur canal,,,...
And you in your foolishness think, the water in your see will stay forever;
In ur neglect!!!!!

— The End —