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Je festine ici et là
Je festine dans l’au delà
Je festine indécemment
Ma sauvage est de retour.

Je m’accouple aux vents boucs
Je m’accouple aux pluies vipères
Je m’accouple diaboliquement
Ma sage-femme est de retour.

Je sodomise les mares crapauds
Je sodomise les fleuves lézards
Je sodomise exécrablement
Ma guérisseuse est de retour.

Je blasphème aux solstices
Je blasphème aux équinoxes
Je blasphème scandaleusement
Mon infirmière est de retour.

Je me venge en la noyant
Je me venge en la brûlant
Je me venge insidieusement
Mon hérétique est de retour

Je cours après tous onguents
Je cours après tous poisons
Je cours brutalement
Ma dénaturée est de retour.

J’aime sa danse surnaturelle
J’aime ses pas diaboliques
J’aime ardemment
Ma forcluse est de retour.

Je caresse le soufre de son âme
Je caresse son pied gauche
Je caresse amoureusement
Ma Maligne est de retour.

Je m’accointe à sa lumière
Je m’accointe à son derrière
Je m’accointe horriblement
Ma pécheresse est de retour.

Je badine avec la lune
Je badine avec les étoiles
Je badine imprudemment
Ma prêtresse est de retour.

Je pèche des poissons capitaux
Je pèche des poissons capiteux
Je pèche lubriquement
Ma catin est de retour.

Je vénère les toisons
Je vénère les vipères
Je vénère précieusement
Mon dragon est de retour.

Je me frictionne l’entre-deux-jambes
Je me frictionne entre deux outre-tombes
Je me frictionne inlassablement
Mon ombre est de retour.

Je tremble de peur
Je tremble de joie
Je tremble frénétiquement
Ma sorcière est de retour.

Je décharge à tous vents
Je décharge à tout va
Je décharge instantanément
Ma bougresse est de retour.

Je danse en bégayant
Je danse en babillant
Je danse ordement jusqu'au chant du coq
Ma muse est de retour
Edna Sweetlove Jan 2015
Number Ten in the terrifying ORLOK series*

A horrid figure is standing on your doorstep,
My mouth spouting freely dread plumes of rancid breath;
Such a noisome stench billows from my rotten maw
As my hate-filled eyes stare at you in the twilight.

You know from my dread expression that I have come,
Come to claim you and to drain your sad poor body
Of all its warm juices from every orifice;
And you can guess just what I intend before you die.

Your soul will scream in terror at what next awaits:
Watch with clammy fear as I removes my cloak
Revealing my scaly nakedness before your eyes
Including the largest **** in eternity.

The bleak evening's feeble rays reflect o'er my face,
As I tear off my Y-Fronts and sodomise you,
With immensely fast and powerful buttock thrusts,
Before you even have a chance to empty your bowels.

And after I have finished with your rear passage,
I shall sink my yellow fangs into your trembling neck,
******* hard enough to empty veins and colon;
O plunge gravewards, ****** in every sense of the word.
Raven Quill Aug 2017
Some days it's seems better my car will keep beeping
Begging to get my key out but I'm wishing I wasn't leaving over-
Scheduled, problems dissolve within the working world
Convinced me to wear a monkey suit, the same teenager who would've
Had their stomach curl at the thought of polished non-slips
Wearing auramatics kissing *** for liquor profits
Talk for tips not walking **** cause I ain't the phyrst just in
Training for the perks of a two job income cause my
Stomach hurts what's worse are expectations from the suburban
Have your family wary and hope they're never learning 'bout the
Last place on earth they'd look to let their dog ****
But **** that sorry for your loss ****
There's no place I'd rather be says my lack of a degree and the
GPA to boot of someone going through a disease
Sickness of their mirrors and symptoms to persevere even
When my tummy's wroght dry form the falling of every failure it's been
Setting for so long my mind is rotting just from hearing
The record breaks in my thoughts I'm beat, 'scuse my behaviour
My mission's not to trouble you, no I am the saviour
Deaf to all my problems cause you probably can't solve em
I wrote that pompous poem do my best not sodomise
My truths speaking out of the 12th grade nothing
No this ain't the walk you weren't lying they were bluffing
Bluff to help you see that the world isn't so rough
Get you through accept abuse as if it wasn't enough
So you don't die as a parents' disappointment
And largest regret in their breath but my thoughts are just disjointed
Don't take what I say seriously anymore
It's not like I do I'm my environment's *****
Hoping to build a series of these for different feelings and thoughts at a certain point of condensed inspiration
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2022
They sodomise my eyes
Penetrating ill content
Sickening imagery—cauterise an African man’s pride
Categorize me in a dark corner of their globe

How so the world spins
But we are to turn our eyes the other way
If not forced to conform to their ways, their ways confirm
We’re shunned from their perfect world

They created diseases to charge their victims of a cure
Stole the wealth of our land, to sell an end product labelled new
If only we knew the threat we pose, as they’ve always known
Placing bonds of pricey chains of, “hey I’ve got the latest iPhone”
Leading us to scorn our own kind; a few softwares behind,
“eek, your version is so old”

****** virgins/versions;
Non experienced in their translation of purpose
If said the future is only possible if we all connect
I guess we’re the ones always out of service
To conform to your ways to guarantee your service
—Are we your servants
Carrying the destruction of your wars like surrogates

To the outer world
That believes I still live outside
Fascinated whenever I see a white
Those of my whites from Africa somewhat more relatable
To my struggles, than an African American
Supposedly my brother from another mother

No, no, my dearest brother, you have Africa in title
But not inside of you. We weren’t taught by the same mother
We didn’t go through the same hardships
We’re more like distant cousins
Who only seem to relate by our skin colours
Even though you’d see me as different,
Though being much darker

To the outer world; altering my nation to your outer works
                  I’m sorry, but I can’t live in your perfect world

— The End —