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Katrine Lif Dec 2014
Shreaking their own
Little melodies
A part of the harmony
On the ocean shore
On top of houses
And fishing boats
Making me know
That I'm home
Adam Jones Oct 2014
Our golden world has a twisted spine
It's face is darkened with a shadowed mind
The fault in the stars of human kind
Manipulating each other time after time
Upon our children's corpses with greed we shall dine
When indifference wins, the corporations deny
Like an angered child shreaking "NEIN!"
Here stands the hooded mask of a darkened face
The familiar truth of our beautiful race
Passing slowly, painfully with time
Will go the golden world with the twisted spine
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Within a shell of ice a heart resides all cool and blue and stable of might with constant attention to make it nice, with spit and polish till narry a worry brought forth the inner light.

The people who saw fell about in worry with envy on their lips. They picked and they poked but couldn't land a blow. They thought and they fought to brake apart the yoke.

Eventually landing a strike that broke it from whole. Taking a piece they shaped it from true, reforged it a new, it sparked and spangled but turned all red.

In anger in spite it lost its own head, shreaking it pieced all a head. Falling it fell, down it seemed to hell. Trapped within a body a prisam of lead.

Forever and more it's lost to lore, the voyage that once was will never be any more.
ShamusDeyo Jul 2015
Summer Heat...
It ripples off the Street
Like a Mirage of the Sea
Soccer ***** and the Voice
Of Mexican Children...

All shreaking at the Sound
Of the Ice Cream Vender
With Cold Treats coming around
The hum of thousands of AC's
Like the Swarming buzz of Bees

Working hard to keep their Cool
Hoses like green Snakes Coil
Sprinkler Heads Hissing
Their Message to the Grass
Rumble of a Harley Rolling by

Breaks the stillness of the heat
Its only Summertime........
On an American Street.....
S S Jan 2016
A knock, she hears
Upon the front door
Startled, she drops
It all on the floor

Who could it be?
Why are they here?
The calm moment gone,
Now shattered in fear.

She shuffles, she steps
Towards that front door
Her mind, it spins
Dark thoughts, how they soar

Is it her foe?
Shrouded in hate?
Bubbling revenge, and
Unwrapping harsh fate.

She tips, she toes
Closer the front door
Her throat, a knot
A pit in her core

Is it the ghost?
Haunting her dreams?
Banshee spits fumes
While shreaking hot screams.

She trips, she slumps
Against that front door
Her soul, so drained
Can't take any more

Is it the reaper?
Grim to his depth.
Hooded cloak collecting
On the promise now kept.

She weeps, she opens
Dreaded front door
Mere branch, that knocked
Does so no more

It's just the front tree
But the girl does not see,
She does not feel glee
For the girl, she is lost,
Reliving her nightmares three.

— The End —