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Clara Romero Aug 2014
I hate you when you catcall her
I feel the anger rise, tightly coiled in my stomach
Clench my fists and feel my blood pound,
Because I know what you do to her,
Reducing her to her body, just for your pleasure.
To you she is only a body, just another opportunity to prove
your manliness, your superiority.
Just another girl to humiliate.
I know this and my rage roars, a dragon, untamable
ready to tear into you the second you try it with me.

But then as I walk pass, the voices are silent.
No calls, no whistles,
I don't exist.
The dragon within me becomes confused,
am I really so ugly, so unwanted, so plain,
that the **** on the streets, the ******* who harass girls as they walk,
won't even look at me?
What's wrong with me?
The dragon fades and a new type of hate arises.
I hate myself, my stupid hair, my ******* up jaw, my plain appearance.
I should feel lucky for the blessed silence, the peaceful walk,
but instead I feel a nauseating sense of shame and hate for myself,
As I tuck my head down like a good girl and hurry home,
Trying not to cry.

Society has turned being harassed as a goal to reach for.
Keep telling us "it's a compliment"
And sooner or later we'll start to believe it.
But that doesn't make it true.

So I sit sharping my nails, not sure whose throat to rip out,
Yours? Or mine?
Because you've told me,
It's not ladylike for me to hate anyone,
Except myself.
imehsahdehahs Jan 2021

Ohhh Gosh your Lips are So Dead
Add Some of Blood nose on it

I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD

Do what been Done To You

Do Do Do Do Do Do it

Do What Been Done To Me

Do Do Do Do Do Do it

(Sharping Sound)

You are My Sin


I'm Lover with Sword

My Phone Screen is So Red

As I'm Typing Your Death Sentence

There's whole lotta of Blood

on my Hands, on my hands

And You're aStar that's been long Dead


My Phone Screen is So Red

As I'm Typing Your Death Sentence

There's whole lotta of Blood

on my Hands, on my hands

And You're aStar that's been long Dead


I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD
I'm Born Again HARD

Do what been Done To You

Do Do Do Do Do Do it

Do What Been Done To Me

Do Do Do Do Do Do it
a new career opportunity
has come Tom's way
and it shall pay him well
for many a day

some have said he's left
his run too late
but this vocation is of
the right time and date

you may ask what Tom
is going to pursue
if you hang around for a minute
I shall tell you

his tennis coach says
he's got potential
to become an older player
with fine credentials

Tom sharping
his ball tossing skills
and doing a lot of baseline
and net drills

he's been working
on his serving technique
so too on backhand shots
which are so oblique

the over fifties
singles title is his aim
which he hopes to win
with great acclaim

his coach reckons
he perform well in the competition
as he has the right attitude
and volition

Tom's entered tournaments
here and overseas
the ones on grass courts
he'll take out with ease

he's confident the tennis circuit
is where he belongs
his first match will take place
in Hong Kong

Tom has signed
a sponsorship deal with Wilson
all of their racquets
and tennis equipment he proudly don

Tony Roche has offered him
his valuable support
as he embarks on his tour
of world tennis courts
This piece is of my imagination...
Having you,
having me
there is a place
we should be
- wishfully
but, time planned
sharping edges,
leaving you
leaving me
- breathlessly

Rosa Lovetta Jan 2018
She’s crying, how dare she cry.
I hate it when she does that. Hate,Hate,HATE, but her eyes only show sorrow.
How am I suppose to compete with that?
“STOP!” I yell, but it doesn’t work.
She sobs, uncontrollably like a water fall, her eyes an endless pool some how overflowing.
How dare she cry at a time like this.
I’m supose to be scolding her, sharping her like a dagger,
And then she cry’s.
Her silent tears begging me for forgiveness,
No, No, NO!
I can’t give in, not now not ever.
All I yell is met by  innocent  eyes,
She doesn’t understand,
She whimpers” I’m sorry”
I go to the door” actions speak louder than words”.
The door slams shut.
I can hear her crying, but I can’t comfort her,
I don’t care if she hates me.
She needs to to stronger,
She needs to  survive
Svetoslav Mar 2022
A wise guru once said:
"A land with no culture that is relying on finances will fall."

Deeds are deeper to analyze.
Psychotic painter draws two brothers fighting.
He dabs with brush lunacy on the palette.
Signing a virus onto media to frighten us, gain our fortune.

And his flames irradiate from looking boxes.
Hypnotizing, he scourges our perception of Russia.
He foreshadows his evil plan west from across the Atlantic ocean.
Can he operate our responses?

The painter watches from the sky as he sits on a mountain throne.
His Empire of lies he founded in slavery and ******.
He drips blood from his nose and beard.
Silencing his victims, he draws their cries.

He places an eagle on his shoulder with a crooked hand.
Predator's eyes lined up above his black disguise.
Sharping claws to hook into prey.
His cheeky smile hid beneath the falling day.

''Justice'', he says. ''Justice will be directed by my will.''

Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bosnia, Serbia, Haiti, Kuwait, Nicaragua, Libya, Korea, Panama, and Japan left buried beneath the dust of his unleashed hell.
A grieving continuation. Throughout the eradication of old Indians, unfortunate Africans, and Mexicans. Nobody heard then, and nobody prayed. Eyes and prayers are now in Ukraine.

Ukrainians bombed peaceful Russian people in Donbas.
Repeatedly harassing and retaliation came crashing.
In a great mess unclean, rubbing his hands in peace,
America's afraid to intervene.
Awaiting others to fight is in his scheme.
Listen to the Ukrainian president lying to the world,
his soldiers died on Snake Island.
A corrupt government generates hate on the backs of the Russian people.
The Russian bear is awakened, taking care of the invaders of his den. And the Ukrainian president hides behind the living shields of brave civilian men.

He smokes a pipe with a hat hiding his face.
NATO kept provoking, aiming at a new order.
Owning most media that spans Europe- America possess this place.
Russians never spoke against him, while he does and uses NATO to hide. Showing desperation to pay his debts towards Europe,
he made a bid to his mind.

"Russian soldiers have orders not to respond to provocations and protect civilians. They warn the people of Ukraine where they will strike to prevent the casualties. Do not listen to the Ukrainian president. He will do anything to stay in power."
Tuffy Mutombo Feb 2018
It took 5 heart breaks, 178 lonely nights,
late night fights
a river full of tears
for her to realize she was a hopeless romantic
She tried to hold on to men who were emotionally unavailable
but physically attentive
She believed in love
But love seemed to always elude her
Leaving her picking on her old scars
She hid behind this massive wall of pain
Secured by her insecurity, others tried to get over it, while she kept on building it
No one could get over it
As they told her to “just get over it”
Never tending to her scars
But sharping their tongues to dig deeper into
her scars
Until she became scared of being loved
Not knowing what longevity was
so she settled to fantasy
Chasing love
which always turned out to be an illusory
Svetoslav Mar 2022
Irreverent smiles hid beneath the falling day.
Sharping claws to hook into prey.
Predator eyes lurking above a black disguise.
War is a pacifier for the unwise.

Over a dusty river circled under red skies.
Flowing in the wind, it sounds like a thousand cries.
War drips her blood from the nose and mouth.
Drinks azure oceans to usher infernal drought.

Rubbing hands in a great mess of unclean.
War is a smoking pipe numbing all being.
Grey curtains separate infants and a mother's milk.
It forces internal wounds to soak on a scarlet silk.

War flies like an owl in the dark.
It mirrors her eyes in a burning spark.
Machine scourge dispatched the meek.
Youth lies iced on a lambent specters' peak.
Mico Saclot Mar 2021
In one happy morning,  when everyone was lighted with sharping great sun.
and you came from the shore of coolness and I say ahh hmm are you the one?

You smirk and walk away
I felt so dumb but I still
You laugh when I cry
And I'm the voice behind the mourning doll

I wake up in floody tears
In  what is now in my empty sheet
I regret in meeting you .
And I learn to rebel in my own feet

When I stopped in the midst of darkness
I Remembered someone who stole my sleeping heart and breaked into broken pieces

Now,  I made a Promise
you are just no one in me for I cast it into heavens
letting my heart be free and go away from spitting darkness.
And letting my own paws bark with joy
Dr Peter Lim Dec 2024
Dear Irene

This is my third year at the monastery. Excuse me for being tardy in writing--I hardly have any spare time.  Monastic life calls for the utmost discipline as we monks live communally-- prayers, tending to the the garden which provides us with some of the food we need,  listening to the instruction of the elders,  helping to keep the monastery and its compounds clean,  talking to  and advising parishers, visiting the sick, doing charity rounds, educating the novices,  working in the kitchen and cleaning up, praying at vespers and retiring sharping at 9 pm, waking at 5 a.m. the next day.

It was very hard for me to get used to this routine during my first six months here, but with patience, encouragement of the elders and divine grace,  I was able to settle in quite well---it's no longer regimentation but living a life of devotion, obedience sacrifice and selflessness.

You asked me once whether I was happy as I had given up the world. I can honestly say that I have found peace, contentment and joy in my priesthood.  I didn't come here to run away from life but to understand myself and to seek meaning and purpose.  In this state of grace,  I have been able to discard all that which reduces my humanity and  discover that I have drawn closer for the first time to loving my fellow-beings. It is as though I have lost myself in being at one with others and life at large ,  as well as the universe.  It is hard for people who live in the outside world to understand the transcendental dimension of a spiritual life.  Yes, we monks have to die to find the way to live---in giving up our ego liberates us from earthly attachments-- the spirit is infinitely more important than the body.  

Everything of the earthly life perishes---knowledge, wisdom success, fame, wealth, status, influence, even  beauty, love, kinship and friendship.  But the religious life transcends all these as we are lifted to a higher dimension beyond comprehension.

We have loved each other once and my decision to become a monk I know has broken your heart.  I do ask for your forgiveness and will pray that love will somehow come your way.  You must think of yourself and your future happiness and try to erase me from your memory.  You will always have a sacred place in my heart though I cannot share my life with you.

Yours truly


Life outside

— The End —