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Her downcast eyes demure & shy, hide many a tide  
bliss welling from the wellspring of inner divinity
She coyly welcomes wave after wave of joy
To submerge and drown in the eternal celebration of the feminine
She dances with complete abandon
One with tempest that blows within
She is insanely in love with love..
Eyes ©seemakjayaraman

I look up into the vast endless skies
Deep azure in endless white
whenever I remember you
and your engimatic eyes
I could never tell
where exactly the amber gems
dipped in laughter
And ringed with copper
seamlessly faded into a tapestry
of endless serenity

They say eyes are the window to the soul
but I say yours are gateway
to heaven and beyond
They are portals to divinity
Dynamic and fluid
I see imprinted within the tawny iris
The code to the point of your origins
On a yet unnamed star
In a far of galaxy
But such finely tuned homing devices
They will unfailingly take me home
Only I don't have any memories
Or recall of the interstellar experience
Within your eye

Eyes on a flight into endless space
to discover the reason for my creation
They carry the spark of God
And the intent for this creation
Within liquid honey
many a floating flints of gold
Seem to melt into an unmapped horizon
On unchartered journeys
expanding into infinity

Eyes Invitingly, let me dive in
They convey many a sign and revelations
Thesaurus of love
Codified in language of eloquence
With speeches devoid of sound
Energy emerges telepathically
And detail insights of great adventures
And immense learnings

What are we without
Our distinct eyes
They mark us as higher beings
On the path of spiritual evolution
Distinct from land locked vegetation
Each pair of eyes hold that
special spark of recognition
They set of pyrotechnics
Sparkling within dilated eyes
Oscillating to predefined vibrations
In the vicinity of a soul twin

Of lotus blossoms
A limpid pool of bottomless dimensions  with 'mrignayani' shape
Neither oval nor oblong
They don't exactly match any shape or description
And no matter how deep I dive
And how far I swim within them
I never could set my feet at the bottom or  find the end

I found tawny eyes
lit with love inside
showing me the way
lest i stumble and retreat
But i know the journey
to discover this truth
Is a one way dive
into the intensity burning bright

A star soul
you have the imprints of all the dimensions
and divinity in those copper ringed eyes
brimming laughter of golden sunrise
And many a spectacular sunsets
Into the indigo of unending space
a beacon for me to strive and unravel
unlimited possibilities of you and me
oscillating on the spindle of love
till we funnel someday into
the 'bindu' of unity
replete and complete
as a potential, potent

Eyes eloquent sweep me away
On a tsunami of unspoken needs
They speak in many a tongue
Conveying in silence
many a complex meanings
Pouring forth from the oceanic eyes
Are verses, love poems and reams of paeans
As spring tides and tidal bore
They frighten me with their fierceness
Declaring their undying love for me

Eyes they  lead me on
To gamble on an adventure I did otherwise have never dared or known
Someday I will find my moorings at their bottom
dock and end my explorations
Till then the fragrance of paradise
pulls me on
I had expected darkness and shadows
Many a hidden passages of grief
But alchemist eyes work miracles
Holding only joy and peace
©Seema Jayaraman , Mumbai , 6 Feb 2018
I love the way the Sea comes rolling in
Towards me
And all I can do is lower my arms
To gather these cherubic expressions
Toddlers and young ones so full
Of spontaneity
And I take them to my breast
Grateful for the unfailing love of their greetings
They know me
I am them, of them, for them
Born on this land of golden sand & sun
Naura of the ancient,
Kannur in present times
And here I am with these watery rings
Waltzing around me
In great camaraderie
Tempting to go deeper, further in
To feel the water boulders slam
The shores shoulder
And the wet soggy sand
Hauled like sheets of golden veils
With each ebb of the waves
Caving into large hideouts
Known only to my curling toes
I love the way the Sea comes
Wave after wave elbowing their way
Towards me
Cornering me from all sides
They are so full of glee
Like pups of Portugues water dogs
They want to play games of frisbee
With me thrown about in the air
Riding the highs to the sky
As though on a giant trampoline
Full of exuberance of the teens
Wave after wave wearing high on their crowns
curly filigreed milky white veils
Finally they settle down
To shy bridal countenance
All the while twirling about
In coquettish stance
From the corner of my eyes
I see them drawing near
Echoing the turbulence inside
And I stretch my arms to gather
the varying cadence of tiny wavelets
Ushering in whispered nothing's
Beneath the crash of the giants
At the threshold of this blessed land
Seema Kj
2 Jun 2022
Kannur Payyambalam
All I need is a whiff
Of You
And I expound a million poems
On bare tree limbs
innumerable theories of multi-dimensional possibilities
I explode into the wind surfing with countless wings
And I sing in languages
I had never heard or learnt before
All I need is a whiff
Of You
And suddenly it's spring
The stark days of empty eyes and
void within
The dark days of drought upon my heart
And blue necrosis of my pen
Are things of the past
All I need is a whiff
Of you
And Like unfinished paintings on a
Rain washed golden coast
Washed clean, shining,
I am a plush new page
aflush with spring
Easily forgotten the eons of glacial silence
I am ready to somersault and sing
A whiff of you
And I spin parallel universes
Always You my emperor & I the empress
Repeats in each world I create
And here I am espousing paeans
Of what's turning out to be of epic proportions
Of orginally my two para hymns
All I need is a whiff
And I know not where and how or even why
these Thoughts come flooding in
And I am rolling out an endless red carpet
of ceaseless verses
To soften your footfall
in my dreams
All I need is a whiff
And I am in eternal spring
I am a tender shoot racing to embrace the sky
A vein of gold - lode, created in an instant
And I go wild I am on a rampage
Waking ravenous
I am a dictionary of hungry cravings
Despite last night's sumptuous fare
All I need is a whiff
of you
And I am a turmoil
All my theories stand de-constructed
My defences dismantled
My spiritual pursuit mis-directed
My lofty claims in dust
I am a muddy urn of unfulfilled desires
A whiff
All I need is a whiff..
17 Mar 2020

— The End —