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jeremy wyatt Mar 2011
Mali the tabby was out for stroll, the evening sun was easing down and her whiskas biscuits were gone from her tummy, at least enough for her to feel like some activity was justified.
The meadow over the big wall smelled good, flowers and warmth and enough life flying around to interest a playful hunter, she mused to herself.
Up! Over the wall in a single fluid action, unaware how perfect she always flowed, like oil on marble.
Into the wee forest, tall flowers, watch the stingy plants, rub her cheeks on the sweet ones to stake her claim, then off to butterflies and fun!
Wait though, what is this smell?
Warm and young, hmm.. her instincts kicking in, she crept belly-flat to the source of the scent. Something like a wee rabbit, those yucky things! This was different,  this was small and alone, and still in a grass hollow.
She quietly put her graceful neck out, and opened her mouth to grasp and taste,
but leapt back as a shadow fell beside her, and she jumped again as a touch was upon her head. She struck quickly, but only got air and grass.
Breathing hard she reversed till she saw her challenger, something like her human, but tiny, with a bright silver thing in her hand and.....wings?...

Mali here I stand with you
in this field beneath the blue
I feel your huntress heart inside
but if you leap I will not hide
Take a mouse or take a rat
chase a rabbit brown and fat
but if you try to hurt my hare
you had better take some care
I guard them with my fairy kind
the young ones here for me to mind
and to you in this pleasent field
I promise you I will not yield
The hares are age old fairy friends
and to the last we will defend
so Mali think on this a while
make a choice and make me smile

Mali thought for a wee while, washing her mouth, watching this wee creature from under her half-closed eyelids. So, this was a fairy...well she smelled nice, and reninded her off her little human children who loved to play. Hmmm...

I'm sorry that I came to fast
with thought of food a sweet repast
now here I see you small and strong
to fight you would be hard and long
so let us make a pact today
in this field you let me play
we can learn to always share
the meadow fairy cat and hare
what duty hares have done for you
I cannot guess but hold it true
that when you claim to hold them dear
I shall repect them always here

Leipsha the wee fairy took her turn to think, she knew the cat was honest, all tabbies tell the truth and this one smelt kind for a cat..

Come then now we have a deal
but think we need something to seal
our words of grace we swapped today
and cats of all the creatures play
So follow me across the hill
we will have a chase and thrill
meet the hares and watch them run
race them and enjoy the fun

So when in the lowland meadow you see
hares and tabby cat running free
squint and look close all around
for a fairy is guarding them on the ground
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
The smile that she bore when he had opened his eyes the first tym in his life,
The way, care she took, understood each word of his silence then.
The hug she gave whenever he felt something creepy flowing through insides.
It was all okay till he knew that she had more hidden in,
somewhere she didnt care, and the roots of the house were broken,
In addition to the adamant over reacting when it comes to cleanliness.
The temper out of control for small reasons, he couldnt stand.
But what would a baby do when its mind comes to be in a fist,
It could do nothing but to live with fate this tryst.
but then he saw what she had done really did have the care.
She wanted him to grow the way she wanted to avoid facing the problems, she did.
But when she saw that he wants a different life,
She let go her wish and gave him a path to his chosen destiny.
Some negatives were in her but couldnt, only that much for her, he bear..??
All these punishments were, even if more than required, wid the good intentions,
And the roots werent broken, but had become hard instead,
His sight was, at first, a bit broken.
Her past wid the family people which she hid from him not letting him to bear the hurt that she took keeping mum,
And being strong to raise him as a man, to bring her repect back, that he would now do by hook or crook.
He's so sorry cause for understanding her, he's so late.
He wishes if she's not angry on him, would she open the gates.?
She then shows him a fact that the gates are always open in a god's heart.
Love she always did but his misunderstanding filled eye's couldnt see.
And the love he had lost to be taken from childhood,
Now while learning to take it, he's becoming a man the way she thinks he should,
Cause she will never guide him wrong he knows,
God couldnt be everywhere to show the way to his childrens,
So a mother is in place of him. The right path to solutions for the problems, she shows..!
Love you Mom.
Erin Jan 2016
Terminally ill and fading away,
But let her live on, day after day
Suffering family, hearts slowly breaking
She is not there, her body grows vacant
But no to a sudden end they still argue
While I'm watching her dying, I question their virtue
She died suffering, my dreams remind me each night
Giving someone the repect to die, should be basic human right
Words cannot bring to life my sorrow
I mourn not only your repect
but also my future
I didnt mean for things to turn out this way
if i could go back to that day
i would .
and I would use my brain and mot my heart
I can only say I am sorry , and one
day i hope you can forgive me
no rush
you have 6 months
i think he can change your mind
change mine .
One man Oct 2017
I wonder now
If I would
travel back 
if you could 

To times gone by 
live them again
see if moments 
feel the same 

But time is like this 
it has its reason's
It has to change 
just like the seasons 

So new can come 
and old can go
just like a river 
it has to flow

And those we've lost 
we have to know
you can't see again
to let them go

cause if we could
in grieving time 
change it all
and redefine

bring them back to
see there face again
yet we'd still know
and feel the pain

We'd still do it and
repect no border
so time it has
to stay in order

© One man
Lefa Mzondi Jun 2017
We know yoga pants were created to be worn during yoga, but so what?  
Blackberry smartphones were created as a business tool, so what?
Timberlands were created to be used as safety working boots, so what?
We know Qwerty keyboard was created 2 elimn8 typin lyk dis, so wat?
Facebook was created to Connect people not Disconnect people from the world, but so what?

We would **** use a knife as a screwdriver if we want to; and take that ****** same knife and make a sandwhich...
We make things work, we make a plan..
We do what we want with what we want where we want to.

So what if we are a little different?
So what if we don't do the same things?
So what if the hair we wear is not ours?
So what if our skin colour is a bit darker
Or soo what if we decide to bleach our skin?

So what if our clothes are a bit much revealing and leave a little to imagination;
Or so what if we walk naked down the road?
So what?...

So what if we party too much
Or drink too much?
So what if i have many ****** partners?
So what if our generation has lost repect?
So what if our generation has no morals?
So what if kids are mothering babies
And boys running from fathering responsibilities?

So what if we lost sight of what's important?
So what if all we care about is a big *****, perfect skin, eyebrows on fleek and attention?
So what if we do strange things to put bread on the table?
So what if the only key to our hearts is money?  
So what?...

We may be a lost generation,
But this is our generation... So what?

But what then would happen if we were to wake up only to realize its too late for our next generations?

What then?...

— The End —