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Danielle Rose Nov 2012
Gavel in hand
and eyes that cast shadows
on my face
Who are you?

The world is full of double standards
holding ever so tightly to
a false image of god

Curse you robots accustomed to dogmatic belief
Your counterfiet
Half assed
Evolve already!
my mind trails....
down different paths
curse me
crucify me

I love to love
built to need another
to feel
to think for myself
to love being a women
and the power that comes with it
My conscience

How's yours?
Guilted into life
Worshipping death
**** off the ones that disagree
and play your role "right"
In the big machine

I am more than rust or grease
a lever a pully a tool to please
and the day I die I'll rest with peace
knowing I operate differently
A Rant.
Cat Gempler Jan 2013
Yeah so *******….

Im tired of your space bound *******

alienate yourself or get a grip

I dont wanna hear your irrate comments

they pass by like comets

unnoticed and unmentioned

pushing harder for the dig

digging harder for that trigger

im not gunna flinch

cuz i got that vigor

You trying to get that dose of jealousy

but let me give you this dose of irony

Your dig’s like a rig

trying to pull me like a pully

im unattached

so when you pull as hard as you do

your gunna crash

in a flash, your smashed, patched and stuck with a past

Speaking of which, ive got a word for you too..

I think you owe me an apology.

This shift in your etymology,

has shifted my idealology.  


that hasnt worked out well for me.

Spitting **** about philosophy..

questioning my theology.

pretending it was all for me…

Im not some experiment

to understand psychology…

Man, **** your methodology.
Ryan Jakes Sep 2014
I'm reading your words in my hospital bed
Either laughing or crying at all that is said
I must look quite crazy as my mind is lead
through a hundred emotions poured out from your head.
The nurses are pretty, they keep me well watered
The plaster is some kind of cruel itching torture
the weights on a pully hoist my broken leg
forbidding escape from my blue sheeted bed.
So I wink at the nurses and turn on the charm
I smile at them sweetly as they take my arm
this won't hurt a bit, just a scratch.. so I tell her
she can hurt what she likes if she kisses it better.
She raises her eyebrows and then starts to laugh
as I discuss my need for another spongebath
the colour it rises and forms in her cheeks
You can't blame me for trying, I'm stuck here for weeks!
Slipped on the rocks yesterday, broken leg, arm and clavicle.....ouch!
Antonyme Mar 2019
Squeaking of a pully
                rips the night in half
  and a rope is hoisted up
                        I watch the dew evaporate
the grass made green
                          and the trees blow in blinding solar wind
Erinn Feb 2020
You are clean white linden
You are fresh, unlit candles
You are white countertops
Tall ceilings
Polo shirts and
Designer cologne

I am ***** old combat boots and
Pully strings unraveling clothing
I am cheap haircuts
No, mental breakdowns and safety scissors  
2am smuged mirrors

Collected...I could never be
Never be white dresses
Can’t be new cars or a sharp witty tongue

Can’t be

God teach me how to stop
Being crumbling crackers
Everytime you try to hold me

Can I ever not fall apart
When shown any human decency

Please dust up my tiny crumbling pieces
And still hold me

— The End —