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Her Feb 2018
My name is Erin
and i was *****
at the age of 7

it has taken me
14 years of my life
for those 13 words to escape
my hollow mouth

the only questions i come to now
is why
why lock me in that room
why take everything from me
my innocence
my purity
my childhood

in that room
where my family trusted you
where i trusted you
the night terrors i have to this day
still haunt my mind

like a never ending
drive in movie that plays
only the moon in the night sky
isnt made to be found here
there is no light in these terrors

i cant sleep this time of year
because every time i do
its you
in that room
locking the door
shutting the windows
******* me
yelling at me
every single night
i close my eyes

it has taken me 14 years
to accept the fact that i was taken by you
i have been numb ever since
left in the dust
rotting away at the core
thinking i was nothing
thinking i deserved nothing
because you took everything

but not anymore
i will recover from this
i am strong enough
i believe in myself
i believe in my own happiness
and i promsie
that when i have children one day
i will never ever let them rot at the core
i will find happiness
the darkness will not take over this time
When I'm looking out the windows of my home  

I could see the stars light up before the dark

No joke here

Love is on the rise

It's no surprise

I know she'll smile through the night

When she's thanking about me at midnight

Those miracles will breeze threw the wind

So therefore I will write again

within my mind the pages turn

by your touch.

And I lick it up and take it in

So beautifully

Within reach

I want you to be all around me compleltly

I want champagne for the love baby

I promise you, we we'll be here again*.
Landon Keys Apr 2022
Is this the end?
The great finale?
If all is quiet and well
I'll believe it then
Though if calamity still lingers
It cannot be so
I'll stay
Until the wrongs have been righted
This is my promise to you
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
Don't be annoyed
at the cute things she does.
Its just her way
to show you her love.

Hold her close to you
Her favorite sound is
the steady beat of your heart

Don't bottle up
break free that dam
and tell her your feelings.
I promsie you wont scare her away.

Love her unconditionally
That is most important!

Show her that you
will always be there for her.
Show her that she can count on you.

That is the way to love a girl!
adam S May 2015
the unyielding flame roars alive, my body consumed
i look forward my resolve born a new once again
i look at this world with fresh hope and fresh zeal
once again i rise for in all of us lays a hero
i feel the call to rise up and to display my might

but alas in a world where people follow foolish ideas
not knowing the harm they cast with an innocent smile
yet again and again i shall rise to any ocassion nothing can repel
these flames i hold dear
i wish to be this worlds ally and in that i may become its greatest enemy

as the battle rages againa nd again in my mind i cannot find a sutiable tactic
and that is fine as long as my resolve stays strong i cannot be defeated
i shall power this world with a zeal unknown and most hidden
for when your darkest day comes call upon the tide of battle and i will show
for a hero is always late to battle

i may be villianised and attacked yet i will not yield i mustnt ever yield!
i will face anything that you cannot, i will not allow my heart to harden.
my heart will be my shield and although it will be beaten again and again
i will not be hisheartened i shall continue to rise to new hights
my path may not be of joy, however i will make it better for others i promsie so

allow me to bear your burdens, leave then behind and proceed i shall clear the way
my armour may be damaged my sword may have become dull but i will not yield
nothing shall place fear within me, nor shall i allow it to you
for those who cast harm upon this world i shall not permit it
for in the end i shall become a hero within this world

for a man like me there is no heaven because challenge is the prize i want
universe as your servant allow me to grow continuiously do not let my journey end
for when the final liberation comes i will return and although my mind may be wiped clear
my heart and my core will not change i am and forever will be a knight
and with that i peldge undying support

so now is the time to rise to take a stand to do what is right
for all things must face the light to grow, so grow with me brothers and sisters
i shall not leave any behind, but i will take the lead
for together we can cast what is right and in my death when it arrives
people will not have the right to say no hero existed
Evai Feb 2019
Some people are from our own blood, and they don't even deserve anything.

Everytime I promsie myself not to give in to them, I do.

In this new year, here to me not doing that.

— The End —