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Definit Within Feb 2015
Living a dream: My Valentines

I slept on reality,
suddenly her demeanor woke my eyes resting on her sheening tapestry when her art of beauty poisoned my iris with open arms; scoulding colours of appreciation.

Her gesture of silver smiles paralysed the vains of my sanity, invading the pit of doubt till tranquility filled the rest of me with notes of love—as celestial droplets metronomes showered my innocence.

As she made way towards me, lethargy held me still, dead trapped in silence, frozen by her garrulous face that said everything without puking a word in her shadow.

Approaching with the sailing wind in the raging storm of lucucious steps. Every foot taken, slice opened her perfection, incarnation frame whispering her story till I figured something about her.

If her beauty was a sword, she'd struck open the sky till heavens bled angels to kneel before her perfection worshiping the outline of her deity image.

Fell inlove with her, now my heart is soaking swollen, swimming in a paradise of affectionate oceans, emotions sinking—quick sands swallowing my all in.

So rather I gazed at her
Saw her in my future, rising to over-come the mountains of our struggle incase time separates thee hooked fingers on a duck's foot.

Her nails, nailed by God; he must've been in a mood when he created her.
Her arms, armed by her Mother; she must've been in a groove when she mad her.
Her cabinet of curves, curved flawlessly, craftmanship of an African architect.

Love flooding my chest, demanding I tell her 'three words' this demon is attempting to be freed from.

As she came past the threshold of my presence, beyond the potch of my welcoming aura..

Suddenly...knock knock!
My beautiful niece knocked at my door....So I woke up from a dream I was living. Gone is my Valentines with the night.. :(

Expect the unexpected. Hope you enjoyed the poem. Happy Valentines :)
Butch Decatoria Jan 2016
i happened Free-Zone
not to hunt
for coercion or collision
i came to begin
again, without a diet of another
no one to occupy
just myself tonight to slight
yet in the euthenics
of smokers in their alcoholic snares,
in the hotch potch laughter
of girth-guised relics
i notice you
sang-froid solution
against the shriven wall
your own tempered poison in hand
eyes teaching me
how to thaw my disregard
lips in a cruising smile
specific for my purchase
but i was here to forget
the imbrications of lies
the past life
of being bitten

still notice you noticing me
grant no one contours
contiguous to friendship,
not now
on a night of nursing
nut-hatched hurts
when i'm not searching,
i came to drown in drink
with archives of broken vows
new porcelain hearts break
each crack - a lie
each bruise and tear
cut like each cackling
of frozen, deceptive hosts
whom i allowed
my time a home

tonight i'm learned
my turn
to snick and sneer
my turn to steer the wheel...

they all want me, here
yet you are there:
smooth warning, cool leaning
against the shriven wall
solid notions of promise
which warrants a platform
and so i found myself
migrating toward self

i happened to you, then
in your nascent nape
and in my moment of molten need
i genuflect

in prayer
for more than persuasive phantasms
rather overlapping warmth
over joyed
in the beauty of great duration
over that thing most token
defined by trusting
the truths of this emotion
but not too often spoken:
       too early to call it
       a thing
but you happened
to open my wings




betterdays Apr 2014
i rest my hand lightly on your chest,
the crisp grey blond curls tickle my palm.

this is not invitation, not yet.

but a need to feel your essential substance underneath my fingertips.
i move to rest my head, my ear hovering
near your heart's steadying rhythm.
at counterpoint to the waves on from beach below.
you cup my face in your large carpenter's hands
and draw my head away from your drumbeat's base.
gentle calluses graze my cheeks.
your face, now in my curls inhaling me,
my thoughts, my grace.

we lean, into together emeshed, entwined,

we are our foundation pillars and piers.
we assay each other finding
the potch and opal dross and gold.
we accept the measure, allay the fears.

two seperate. two complete.
bound together.
made one.
intricate in design and blueprint.
layer by layer,
baggage and taught lies are lost,
forgotten and sundered.
we revived hearts atrophied, critical and dead. shifted paradigms, opened heads,
rehashed, reworked, rewired.
reawoke the sleeping giants,
found truth and honesty
and love and grace.

took a liking to this unkown place.
created gardens, from thought, tumbled weeds. we sought and saved and watered wilted needs.
our house, our home now, built strong
and stable.

we lean into together emeshed, entwined, ensnared,

your gentle calluses brush my cheeks,
finding salted water.
your deep rumbling resonance,
mumbles into my curly locks
"you ok babe?"
i turn my face to yours,
seek your eyes, smile and reply
"just thinking beautiful thoughts"
and gift my lips to yours,
lovingly lingeringly,

this, now,

is an invitation.
Yenson Jan 2019
The rancid Commoners in contemptible union
On the high orders of Thieves and House burglars
declared go destroy and control innocent in unison
cast life into misery, torment and woe for that fella

Nefarious dumbos spin lies, mis-info 'n fabrication
slander, defamation and distortion in odious mix
go harass, hound and pester, drive him to frustration
Tell the unknowing he's arrogant, he deserves the jinx

United Dumbos, reprobates, degenerate and thieves
spew nonsensical hotch potch as gospel truth and facts
vilifying innocent man because their guilt painfully hives
Know that these gang stalking criminals hunt in packs

When some adhere to the code of silence in communities
It's because they know what will happen if they talk
If you dare stand up to crooks then expect such hostilities
know also that there are those willing to talk 'n face the flak

Good morning Soweto
You still at peace. I can feel
Birds still audible
no police siren
as yet
neighbours still speaking
hush hush
jet plane abuzz
up above
pass the morning moon
I wonder whose leaving or coming
I sit naked on my potch
what next to say about this peaceful morning.
The cat ambles away from its naked owner
and rests under the ***** tree
which like the naked owner
is enchanted about this Soweto mornin.
what a charming life this morning is.
I  hear a woman sweep her grass
we don't say lawn in this part of the world
Her strokes calm
she is no cleaning
she is starting her day, putting her best foot forward.

If I was a god
I would have only created morning time.
Its the most fair time of the day
at most times hopeful
a dramatic difference from the madness
of afternoon
and the uncertainty of evening

If only
I could bottle this Soweto morning
and have a sip of it this afternoon
and another drop this evening
if only.
If only
I could bottle this Soweto morning
I would send it to occupied Gaza
grief stricken Yemen
messy Libya
depressed Finland
If only.

I have to say bye
cause nothing I say
is as glorious as what I see and feel
this morning.
Have a good day whoever you are
wherever you are.
I am off to strut around my Soweto yard unbothered.

— The End —