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Nat Lipstadt May 2014
for Maria*

if you have lived with me for more than a day,
you know I hero worship each individual word
in my birthed American English language

as is my style, I oft honor it with a poem,
but begin indubitably with a definition

is such a word that deserves a recitation

for complex it is, a multiplicity of uses,
a word of many characters,
a word so unusual,
to the French I defer,
un mot plein de mystère

see its complexity,

a base is:

your bedrock, your cornerstone,
on firm footing your base must exist
t'is a groundwork word,
a keystone cop,
a root underpinning,
your warp,
your woof

Your children

so when taken,
when the spiritual
is crushingly wrong

sometimes I feel like a motherless child,

tense all wrong,
all wrong perversed,
the words reversed

You understand the nuance of words
so much better, and you
engage it
for now the word, just


my new base
bad, black, evil, foul, immoral, iniquitous,
wrong and cruel

my new base-full state now,
my new base-less state now

this is my base now,
now that my organs,
cut from my body,
cannot be restored

Base is my life
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
A long ways from home
A long ways from home
True believer
A long ways from home
Along ways from home

Sometimes I feel like I’m almos’ gone
Sometimes I feel like I’m almos’ gone
Sometimes I feel like I’m almos’ gone
Way up in de heab’nly land
Way up in de heab’nly land
True believer
Way up in de heab’nly land
Way up in de heab’nly land

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
A long ways from home
There’s praying everywhere

from « American ***** Spirituals»
by J. W. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, 1926
Jasmine Moreno May 2016
You came in and caught me off guard
Connecting with a friend, I was just into my art
I thought a hike in nature is where we should start
Who knew her man at the time and you'd be involved.
I was still going through life as if a problem to solve
You came at my heart with questions that pushed and they shoved
Your vibe Mysterious , smart and kind is what made me fall in love
What you don’t know is my ex was right next to the car, I thought even though we had been there before, where I had parked was really far.
No one would see me I wouldn’t run into him or his car
But that was the end, him seeing us was the draw.
It  was any connection past its last straw.

It must have been the universe it stopped me from a cycled curse.. running back to dirt,
But what doesn’t **** you makes you stronger is what ive learned on how it works.
Self love became more important to me than the bridges that I burnt
I was on a journey to understand im worthy and exactly what im worth.
I told my mind I wouldn’t do this but my hearts perversed.
Its like im in an audition forgetting every line rehearsed

Contemplating linking up after dark
My matches starting burning its that that you sparked
With your funny remarks and invisible scars,
You're a light in the dark
My walk in the park
Thanks for taking a walk through my
Flower filled yard, you know it’s the places where I hide all my scars
Some say its where the wild things are
You admire how im always busy looking at stars
Imagining how to get to a life much different then ours
Where to get to an epic destination you don’t need any cars
No expectations, we're connected,  we are right on a par.


So you can know this is coming from the heart
You've broken open unconditional love's seal
Im pouring out my feelings and that’s the realest of the real.
Sometimes I over think but its balanced with the feel.

I was working on frequencies repairing some parts
Redefined my dna and the diminishing tar.
Meditating frequently feeling closer to mars.
Your love so sacred because you know who you are.
(Your dreams they enlightened me, to understand you.
Your music flowed through my blood I resonate through
Your minds only a part of the missing clue
Your hearts love is where Im in tuned.)

Contemplating linking up after dark
Breaking down our barriers not just trees that are sparked
With your funny remarks and invisible scars,
You're a light in the dark
My walk in the park
Thanks for taking a walk through my
Flower filled yard, you know it’s the places where I hide all my scars
Some say its where the wild things are
You admire how im always busy looking at stars
Imagining how to get to a life much different then ours
Where to get to an epic destination you don’t need any cars
No expectations, we're connected,  we are right on a par.

You pulled me from my dark side of the moon,
You saw me from the other side of the room
Filled with laughter now the thought of you, im consumed.
Im seeing colors like I am on  little more than just shrooms
You may not need another person to be the best you
But you need another soul to reflect all that you do.
dear notone
Tom Shields Jul 2020
Absolutes, they're one way to get through life
people have been asking what is the meaning of life? What are we here for,
for as long as we've been here, since the first burnt end of a stick rubbed a figure on a rock
what's the meaning of the individual's life?
Is it to let the rock come to you, or to bring the charcoal to the rock?

Are you passing time, or is it the other way around?

We can talk all we want, pontificate until a filibuster philosopher considers it grossly verbose, but really, what's it all amount to other than keeping a record of thought

Proof that I thought, therefore I was,

Evidence of my life sentence, punctuated by what you see here, though know no word of mouth transpired in the transfer from what you see, hear?

I daydreamt a scene! Othello! A theater choir quieted a riotous audience with a sour note, a broken string struck from cello, blood dribbled down the composer's ear, a man who had never spoken to a crowd out loud, outside of the curtain of his mental symposium trampled the stagehands from the wings and took over the production, **** near, he had never allowed himself to perform, and an ice cold fist clutched his esophagus, crystals began to form, until he spoke and held a lofty ambition, thus, his voice started with a spark beneath the timbre that got it warm

"Oh! Hello! Pardon the cello, I'm no speaker of spoken word poetry, no rapper, no rhythmic artist, if I stumble and mutter, struggle to catch my breath, that's how those of you who know me, know it's me, to the rest in attendance in time you will see, I have a romantic idea of bardic magics, I love the idea that in time a rhyme can influence masses to act dramatically, you are now pyre logs for the flames of madness, this sacrifice-"

He coughed and cleared his throat, crumpling up a written note

"Was prepared with no small amount of sadness, I will see you rise and throw your chairs high overhead until they reach the ceiling, if you collapse in the coming violence, then rise up and strike yourself down once more with feeling! I will see you screaming, tears of the terrible unknowing streaming, you will glimpse through the trance of verse and cadence a forbidden energy, runic awakening, casting confusion, chaos and grave truths buried latent, witness the blind mind's havens, a pace that hastens as it doubles with valence, you have been taken by the belated, hated and unequated starving meat and ice sculpture carving, hedonistic, sadistic, pelt from the dead animals I offer at worship to my at-odds-ancient-gods, by the welts from my belt, masochistic, sick and twisted, motion sickness from head-spinning, furs I've felt, Bacchanalian Celt, kissed the devil and never got rid of the red stain, those lips stick, it was a burnt liquor and a bit quick, all nonsense or all sense gone, since all run, I sense I'm done."

Around him time rewound and the theater itself retreated from his words brick by brick back into the ground, the world itself dared not try to comprehend
nature knew a curse on the fell aura of his performance flew
as people traversed through matter perversed and minds that scattered and reversed, while ill symbols from his mouth broke the air, turning the fabric of reality into a blanket-fort to play pretend
he sat down on the stage he preserved, with one magic breath he sang his death
an offkey note, breaking a cello string across the flowing waters of time

"Nature be restored,
you have my word,
my grievous wound, I mend
with this I bow to you, Gaia
the end."
please read and enjoy

— The End —