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Mgboafor, my mothers name.
Names of seasons to live and love
Her mate Nkwo the market
Recognizable had no fight for Eke
As Oye lies around the corner.
Season, season and seasons

Seasons of exchange and banter
Exchange to cherish and savour
What is Eke for Afor musses
As Nkwo do no reject entreaties
And Oye mingles with joy
What Afor, Nkwo and Eke shares and offeres.

Mgboafor, Mgboafor Mgbafor
Your mate Nkwo has long gone
As it never done on us
Her sayings and fears lingers:
Monday has replaced her
And Tuesday supplanted Eke
Oye weeps its exit for Wednesday
As Thursday has usurp Afor.

Your children mourns and groans
In the weight of Friday
To celebrate your exist
And  Saturday swallowed  up
Your caked frozen body to
Mother earth, Thanking God on Sunday
As another Monday hovers around.
Exchange in rounds and rounds
Movements in circles and circles in rounds.

Afor, left without notice
To join Nkwo her mate
Turning deaf hear to Ekes entreaties
And Oye exists in  oblivion
Completing   defiance and disappearance
Of ego and a people’s prides
Voiding recognitions for your children.
Who have traveled far and away

They sojourned in lands and places
You only heard and dream of Yesterday.  
Today the children toiled and labor
In ways you never imagined.
The years pass by the days rolls in
Seasons craws in and out
Your children labors in pain and tremor
In fashions and factions  
They toiled in torn cloths
Crowded by not just the people from faraway land
But contents and ideas never known and sold in our market.
They are crowded with wears Eke, Oye, Nkwo and Afor
Never sold and will never sale.

Mgbo-afor, Mgbo-oye, Mgbo-eke and Mgbo-nkwo
The celebrated names of our markets
Depicts our seasons of beauty and time
The beauty of our women and their wares
Admirable wares that flaunts and flatters the men
Wares that puts us on our toes and gaggles our inside:

Okafor,Okoye,Okonkwo and Okeke
Your male version who clogs around
Peeping your substance dreaming
Making joy of  your swinging buttocks as you walk pass
Farting and panting from the labour the night before.
Celebrating their exploits and conquest
Taking pride you belong to them only.

Okonkwo keeps his name not your ideal
For Mgbonkwo long lost her ordeal.
Okafor strives without its full form - Mgboafor.
Speed has overtaken Mgboeke as Okeke now wears torn cloths
Working and walking in torn ideas and concepts.
Mgboye long lost the arguments to Okoye
A mirage of our time
Living life abridge ideas like carcass.

Our men…..?
They no longer have strengths that
Gaggles Mgboafor’s likes and climes.
As no Virtues chides and glitters the face of  Mgbeke
No Tickles to defines Mgboye’s and Mgbonkwo's personalities.
For we now live in season of pity and regrets
Rounds and rounds in formless circles
No fashionable logic in today’s changing sphere.
The truth of  our logicday
Enslaved in the beauty of this Creature,
Your ever welcoming sight of innocency,
With your stainless hairs of flawless,
Like a sparkling Star that lit the darken soul.
As I explore your fur,
Your expression of joy,
Suppresses my crave for companion.

Before you came
In my bored lonely path,
I craved for a companion,
A beast in my kind
Turned me to a waste
A feeling of self pity

Disappointment and betrayal
Became a routine in which
I bathe my flesh
In a scorching hot of regret
Of a frustrating experience

Oh my lovely pet,
You gave a soul of love
To be his priceless harvey
A memory of Hope

Now I write

Dear Harvey my baby pet, I love you to the moon because of the gap you have filled although I know someday someone will fight the position with you but I promised you will always be my baby and sweet dog.

Yours precious
©Kally Okoye
Love from you to me
Chikamso Okoye Jun 2018
Oh! wicked vicious blindness,
pleasant part of darkness,
Softly called sightlessness.
Your symbol is blackness,
Oh! wicked blindness.
Bearing the least resemblance of white,
Stagger and stumble becomes ultimate,
Best friend turns to be the dark night,
Lightlessness's the only thing you await.
Oh! wicked blindness.
The very moment they become blind,
Then, sight declined, death affined.
they begin to see the never seen,
For them, the seeings go no theme.
Oh! wicked blindness.
My only saviour is the Ear,
No ground for delight in ******,
why?. Sorrow is all I hear,
In both physical and spiritual.
Oh! wicked blindness.
Hello! To all the sightless fellow,
Known and Unknown in sorrow.
With you, I do feel the pain,
With Maker, we'll break the chain.
And the lightning sight, we'll regain.
To hell with the wicked, vicious Blindness..
Okoye Chikamso (Mr_Focus)
Ariel Jul 2018
Cap is sad, Bucky's down
Nat is crying, Vision is gone
Bruce is nowhere to be found
Star-Lord is screaming, Wanda's weeping,
Okoye hates everything,
Strange is quaking,
Loki may not be dead, no one can tell what was in that trickster's head
Peter says, Mr. Stark, I don't wanna be dead
T'Challa reached for his general, but he was dusted too
Tony says, I'm coming for you
Gamora laughed, she thought he was heartless
But he was heartless in a different way
Red skull thought it was all for naught, saw the error of his ways
Until Thanos coughed and said,
Thor, you should've aimed for the head.
I'm sorry. But not really.

— The End —