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She spends most of her days in doldrums,
always segregated from the whole crowd.
Everyone uses her acts and games against her.

It seemed like a game and they liked it.
But now it is toture,
she is being bullied
she fears coming to school,
she fails to catch some sleep at now,
their words keep ringing in her ears at night.

Today in the morning it was her shoe lace,
after assisting them
the only thanks they give is by making her feel misrable.
Now this afternoon she is crying,
and it all seems like a joke to them.

"Nomathemba help me with Accounting !"
they call out everyday.
After her help they become ironic,
"she is a distinction student".
They make her feel belittled.

"Dont worry you will be Accountant one day...
Because Accountants are greedy too"
i am not willing to support them,
their games are surely bad.

She fails to laugh,
nor smile,
her heart filled with pain.
She is a victim of emotional abuse,
and am the only one who seems to care.
What happened to the unity amongst us?
i had hoped that they would forgive me

but now my wrist poor out my hearts convictions

and under these sad condisions
i think that they would let me die alone

but thats what i get for thinking because
there hate has grown

please let me go on alone

let me sing this sad song
let go my chains so i can go wrong

please let me be misrable in my own cloud of hate
let me decide my own fate

dont make me heal
now i can feel
let me go home

ill bleed from the bone
ill die alone
ill bleed the deepest crimson
only then will my soul be let go from this prison

ill let all my tears flow
because then you will know

that soon this pain will brake me
and that your god has allready thought to forsake me

and when you wake tomarrow

because you will know that even though you stand here next to me
i am not there
i dont kare

you will come to my grave
you will think your self so brave

i dont kare
because im not there

this is the last time im going to say it
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i feel like every breath i take when i am angry fill with smoke that takes my soul away.
every mistake i have made brings me and you closer. i want answer's that will tell me the truth.  why do i have a demonic life with smoke that fills my lungs! how angry do you have to make me till i lose control and go on a rampage. how long before i can get my own soul back.i am a demonic being that will take a life and rote it to death. i stand alone with anger that spits all your ******* lies out. im going to lose control and show this world what life with out a soul will be like when all you breath smoke in your lungs that destroy you life roting your mind away wiht only


smoke filling my lungs with only anger and *******.
i dont stand along with the crowd i stand alone away from societys ***** triks.

my demonic life has nothing but darkness that writes my life storie of what its like to be in hell.

smoke fills my lungs cause thats whats going to happen when you trade your soul for what ever greed needs

so trace my foot steps ill dissapear like the sun dose every day.

smoke fills my lungs cause i'm just a broken soul that has no where to go exept rain hell onto those whoe made my life misrable enstead
like is so pissy with every one so sufficating when yo have to work on a project for school
DC raw love Dec 2014
this world is out of control
everyones looking for sympathy

with the governments
trying to control

everyone tring to make money
from tragedies and lost souls

the news reports it
so they can find their next job

why do people continue
to feel sorry for themselves

do they not have a life to live
or do they live a misrable life

why doesn't anyone have hope
hope for another life

a life  with love
a life with joy
a life of happiness
raw love impac
karin naude Sep 2017
I hate my life
The lack of meaningful relationships
The lack of connection to people
The lack of fulfillment
I live in pretence
Only way to make it through
I live alone
I eat alone
I sleep alone
I wake alone
I walk alone
I worry alone
I am tired of this emptiness
I hate my life
Oh how i have tried and tested
Gambled and broke
Left misrable heartbroken
Why this winter rose lives
I can't fathom
I fear death
I fear suicide
I fear cutting
But need release
I hate my life
Do you not want a happy ending because it's predictable? Or is your life too misrable? Does everybody else need to feel your intangible? Despair or are you indelible?
Just a thought
Sing me the songs of victory
O Bird of triumphant glory
Though it is night of night
But voices of assurance in the air
Burying workers of iniquity
With the rising sun of glory
In graves of  misrable miseries!
karin naude Oct 2017
Once i lived in darkness
Misrable and alone
Surviving on any possible contact
Blending into other families
As the missing puzzle piece
Never finding home
Suddenly you dropped in my life
I resisted
Fear of olden days creepin
Never realised old wounds still festering
You gracefully with love and tenderness
Skillfully filled and continue to fill
My hidden cracks and spaces
Me becoming whole
My greatest gift
Thank you

— The End —