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absolutely scandalous the way you are..
you treat me mercilessly for feeling cheerful ..

so cruel attitude you are ..
thou silent throughout my sense of my disappointment to smile ..

truly evil your touch ..
you whip my heartbeat pounding and carefree ..

indeed bear your concern ..
you fill up my weak with politely invincible ..

really sneaky way you are ..
you stole my heart a dozen years ago to freeze and harden ..

indeed savage your sincerity ..
you satisfy and pamper me until i could not walk on the mainland ..

because you are the villain of heart of mine..!*

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

san­g penjahat hati..!

sungguh keji caramu..
engkau perlakukan perasaanku tanpa ampun untuk ceria..

sungguh kejam sikapmu..
engkau bungkam seluruh rasaku kecewaku hingga tersenyum..

sungguh jahat sentuhanmu..
engkau cambuk detak jantungku berdegup kencang dan riang..

sungguh tega perhatianmu..
engkau jejali lemahku dengan santunmu hingga tak terkalahkan..

sungguh licik caramu..
engkau curi hatiku belasan tahun lalu hingga membeku dan membatu..

sungguh biadab ketulusanmu..
engkau puasi dan manjakan asaku hingga tak sanggup kupijak daratan..

karena enkau adalah sang penjahat hatiku..!
the best index to a person character is how she/he treats people who can't do her/him any good..
and how she/he treats people who can't fight back...
at the end of the ticking time that rushing ..
i contemplate the expanse of despair that has passed ..
at the junction of desire that embroider serene ...
my hopes are pinned hard petrified ..

as i trudged up the ladder of life ..
you bolster me in order to stay ahead ..
when i am tired to hit hardest desire ..
you wash my sweat with exuberant embrace..
when i get wounded by the sharp of blade  of era ..
you wrapped me with sincerity ..

there's no string of words that look beautiful to me,
i spit all over the rhymester while reading pen script from your conscience ..
there's no shade of voice that sounded good to me,
i throw up the whole commercial hypocritical preacher when  hear advice  from your sincerely ..

if the shape of the grateful is exist,
then i will chisel your figure in a stretch of horizon ..
if a form of sincerity can be visible to the eye,
then i will paint your smile in the court of canvas twilight ..

my polite to my friend my angel,
i ask god,  salvation for you ..
i ask the cause of prime  substance , health for you..
because your happiness is an honor for me ..*

-the poetry is dedicated to a sincere friend of mine, Ha-

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

sahaba­tku malaikatku

dipenghujung waktu yang berdetak laju..
kurenungkan hamparan asa yang telah berlalu..
dipersimpangan keinginan yang menyulam syahdu...
kusematkan harapan yang keras membatu..

saatku tertatih menapaki tangga kehidupan..
engkau papah aku agar selalu terdepan..
saatku lelah menghantam kerasnya keinginan..
engkau basuh peluhku dengan rimbunnya dekapan..
saatku terluka terhunus tajamnya pedang roda jaman..
engkau balur perihku dengan sejuknya ketulusan..

tiada untaian kata yang terlihat  indah bagiku,
kuludahi seluruh pujangga  saat membaca  torehan pena aksara nuranimu..
tiada keteduhan suara yang terdengar merdu bagiku,
kumuntahi seluruh pendakwah komersial nan fasik saat mendengar tausyah tulus darimu..

apabila bentuk dari  bersykur itu ada,
maka akan kupahat figurmu dihamparan cakrawala..
apabila wujud ketulusan itu dapat terlihat mata,
maka akan kulukis senyummu dipelataran kanvas senja..

santunku untuk sahabatku malaikatku,
keselamatan bagimu kupintakan pada Penciptaku ..
kesehatan bagimu kumohonkan pada Dzat penguasaku
karena kebahagianmu merupakan kehormatan bagiku..
there's no sincerity that can be buried by the time and circumstances..
Sharina Saad May 2014
Sukarkah sekeping  hati seorang wanita itu di fahami?
Is it too difficult
To understand a woman's heart?
Just her piece of heart

Hati wanita
A woman's heart

Kadangkala keras membatu
Sometimes too hard

Bak kerikil di jalanan
Just as hard as the stones
in the streets

Sekeuat  ketulan ais di Antartika
as tough as an iceberg in Antartica..

Hati wanita
A woman's heart

Kadangkala dingin membeku
Sometimes as cold as ice

Kadangkala luka  merah berdarah
Sometimes as red as it bleeds

Kadangkala duka bungkam dan lara
Sometimes too sad, almost grieving

Kadangkala tenang putih suci bak salju
Sometimes too calm, too pure
as white as the snow

Kadangkalanya selembut bulu pelepah
Sometimes as soft the feathers

Hati wanita
A woman's heart

Damai yang dicari
Always Searching for a peaceful soul

Langit tinggi ingin di gapai
Searching in the sky so high

Terbang jauh mencecah awan..
Flying up in the blue blue sky

Bahagia yang didamba...
Every woman seeks happiness

Hanya tersemat di dalam hati
Yet locking the desires  at heart

Tersimpan seribu rahsia wanita
A woman's heart like an untold tales
the safest place where secrets and mysteries are sealed..

Selamanya di hati seorang bernama wanita
tightly sealed in a woman's heart forever.....
The poem A Woman's heart is written in Malay languaage by me and I translated it to English for Hello Poetry members to read and understand the meanings... Enjoy reading!!!
afteryourimbaud Sep 2018
kisah silam
kisah hadapan
menjadi resam
dengan harapan
pencarian berterusan
mencari perlindungan

apakah erti
apakah erti

satu batang tubuh
katanya penentu
jaya atau buntu
kekal tunduk patuh
menjarah sesuatu
diam membatu.
White Lily Jul 2019
Telah kutatap langit malam
kutatap pula pasir sungai
kuhitung bintang dilangit
mengahambur pasir
ku t'lah beritahu
kau tak kunjung mengerti
aku rapuh
kau membatu
haruskah aku hilang
agar kau mengerti
betapa besar derita ini
betapa sesak dada ini
betapa kabur perasaan ini
Aku memang kabut,
aku tak terlihat

— The End —