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Teresa Jun 2019
I can’t think
Marietta wine
Ran over a killer

Now the town has to deal

Love to drink
Marietta wine

Halloween night we had silence
Killer dead, killer dead, killer dead
Now hear them drummin, hear them coming, yelling, laughter, disaster, sigh

Marietta wine

France, big apple tini’s and in New York
Don’t **** the killer
Filters of silence of sort
Happier they were and doing fine

Marietta wine

Now I have to face the real

Drum drum drum bang bang bang
Screams, yells, yells, screams yells
remington carter Oct 2016
morphine. i found ashes in the pages of the photo albums under
my bed yesterday, leaves turned red pages to the colder chapters
and i thought you could still grow a rose this time of year but then i
remembered when we used to make flower crowns in sixth grade so
i took some morphine;
it helped with the pain

the night is younger than ourselves and we run through breakspears road shattering the lampposts with our bare hands, yes we are the new generation! everybody knows we aren’t scared of losing the pieces in our own, we just want to see the skin pulled off the tips of our fingers! (when you’ve been feeling the blunt edges of scalpels and needles all your life walking on glass starts to feel like heaven)

codeine— hell is getting hotter! she took to the clouds and the glass
shards wrote crimson sonnets on the bottoms of her feet, marietta i
trusted you i really did, i made you promise
that you’d stay; not with me, of course
(some things are more important in the end)
i wanted you to stay here.
but you wanted to see the stars so
i choke down the cough syrup;
one ache distracts me from the other

dear marietta,
the light distorts so strangely here in the water.
this is how i want to leave this place
sorry i use way too many parentheses whOOPS
John MacAyeal Sep 2012
The rock slept
Genghis Khan clamped fingers
Over the edge of a land mass
And peeled freedom away from the East

The rock slept
The mob beheaded a woman who aided the American Revolution
Americans denied it later
But every town called Marietta is named after her

The rock slept
A vegetarian who didn’t drink and smoke
Commandeered information technology and chemical engineering
To commit the biggest ******-robbery
In the history of daylight and star-shine

The rock slept
The vegetarian cowered from justice
Committed suicide like the milksop/milquetoast he was

The rock slept
A fourteen-year-old boy clamped his fingers
Around it
Aimed it at High Strength Lexan riot shields
Protecting flesh, blood, and bone minimally paid
Protecting shields of numbers, theories, interchangeable office holders

Until he realized the futility of it
Dropped the rock
Turned south (or maybe north)
And walked away

The rock slept
Snoring unheard through the next spurt of tyranny
shika Sep 2016
Mountain sunrises burst over mountain tops.
Suburb sunrises slowly rise over rooftops.
Illumination for the masses.
Sweet morning kisses from a 4 year old.  Soft sighs as she snuggles deeper into my arms.
"Yesa, I can make my own cereal."
The 7 year old is trying to find green clothing
Were matching to the aquarium today.
The suburbs and the wilds have similar morning noises.
Crickets still awake, singing their song.
But anytime I have a cuddly sleepy baby in my arms and a headstrong mini fashionista in my room
Is the best.


Sans doute il est trop **** pour parler encor d'elle ;
Depuis qu'elle n'est plus quinze jours sont passés,
Et dans ce pays-ci quinze jours, je le sais,
Font d'une mort récente une vieille nouvelle.
De quelque nom d'ailleurs que le regret s'appelle,
L'homme, par tout pays, en a bien vite assez.


Ô Maria-Felicia ! le peintre et le poète
Laissent, en expirant, d'immortels héritiers ;
Jamais l'affreuse nuit ne les prend tout entiers.
À défaut d'action, leur grande âme inquiète
De la mort et du temps entreprend la conquête,
Et, frappés dans la lutte, ils tombent en guerriers.


Celui-là sur l'airain a gravé sa pensée ;
Dans un rythme doré l'autre l'a cadencée ;
Du moment qu'on l'écoute, on lui devient ami.
Sur sa toile, en mourant, Raphael l'a laissée,
Et, pour que le néant ne touche point à lui,
C'est assez d'un enfant sur sa mère endormi.


Comme dans une lampe une flamme fidèle,
Au fond du Parthénon le marbre inhabité
Garde de Phidias la mémoire éternelle,
Et la jeune Vénus, fille de Praxitèle,
Sourit encor, debout dans sa divinité,
Aux siècles impuissants qu'a vaincus sa beauté.


Recevant d'âge en âge une nouvelle vie,
Ainsi s'en vont à Dieu les gloires d'autrefois ;
Ainsi le vaste écho de la voix du génie
Devient du genre humain l'universelle voix...
Et de toi, morte hier, de toi, pauvre Marie,
Au fond d'une chapelle il nous reste une croix !


Une croix ! et l'oubli, la nuit et le silence !
Écoutez ! c'est le vent, c'est l'Océan immense ;
C'est un pêcheur qui chante au bord du grand chemin.
Et de tant de beauté, de gloire et d'espérance,
De tant d'accords si doux d'un instrument divin,
Pas un faible soupir, pas un écho lointain !


Une croix ! et ton nom écrit sur une pierre,
Non pas même le tien, mais celui d'un époux,
Voilà ce qu'après toi tu laisses sur la terre ;
Et ceux qui t'iront voir à ta maison dernière,
N'y trouvant pas ce nom qui fut aimé de nous,
Ne sauront pour prier où poser les genoux.


Ô Ninette ! où sont-ils, belle muse adorée,
Ces accents pleins d'amour, de charme et de terreur,
Qui voltigeaient le soir sur ta lèvre inspirée,
Comme un parfum léger sur l'aubépine en fleur ?
Où vibre maintenant cette voix éplorée,
Cette harpe vivante attachée à ton coeur ?


N'était-ce pas hier, fille joyeuse et folle,
Que ta verve railleuse animait Corilla,
Et que tu nous lançais avec la Rosina
La roulade amoureuse et l'oeillade espagnole ?
Ces pleurs sur tes bras nus, quand tu chantais le Saule,
N'était-ce pas hier, pâle Desdemona ?


N'était-ce pas hier qu'à la fleur de ton âge
Tu traversais l'Europe, une lyre à la main ;
Dans la mer, en riant, te jetant à la nage,
Chantant la tarentelle au ciel napolitain,
Coeur d'ange et de lion, libre oiseau de passage,
Espiègle enfant ce soir, sainte artiste demain ?


N'était-ce pas hier qu'enivrée et bénie
Tu traînais à ton char un peuple transporté,
Et que Londre et Madrid, la France et l'Italie,
Apportaient à tes pieds cet or tant convoité,
Cet or deux fois sacré qui payait ton génie,
Et qu'à tes pieds souvent laissa ta charité ?


Qu'as-tu fait pour mourir, ô noble créature,
Belle image de Dieu, qui donnais en chemin
Au riche un peu de joie, au malheureux du pain ?
Ah ! qui donc frappe ainsi dans la mère nature,
Et quel faucheur aveugle, affamé de pâture,
Sur les meilleurs de nous ose porter la main ?


Ne suffit-il donc pas à l'ange de ténèbres
Qu'à peine de ce temps il nous reste un grand nom ?
Que Géricault, Cuvier, Schiller, Goethe et Byron
Soient endormis d'hier sous les dalles funèbres,
Et que nous ayons vu tant d'autres morts célèbres
Dans l'abîme entr'ouvert suivre Napoléon ?


Nous faut-il perdre encor nos têtes les plus chères,
Et venir en pleurant leur fermer les paupières,
Dès qu'un rayon d'espoir a brillé dans leurs yeux ?
Le ciel de ses élus devient-il envieux ?
Ou faut-il croire, hélas ! ce que disaient nos pères,
Que lorsqu'on meurt si jeune on est aimé des dieux ?


Ah ! combien, depuis peu, sont partis pleins de vie !
Sous les cyprès anciens que de saules nouveaux !
La cendre de Robert à peine refroidie,
Bellini tombe et meurt ! - Une lente agonie
Traîne Carrel sanglant à l'éternel repos.
Le seuil de notre siècle est pavé de tombeaux.


Que nous restera-t-il si l'ombre insatiable,
Dès que nous bâtissons, vient tout ensevelir ?
Nous qui sentons déjà le sol si variable,
Et, sur tant de débris, marchons vers l'avenir,
Si le vent, sous nos pas, balaye ainsi le sable,
De quel deuil le Seigneur veut-il donc nous vêtir ?


Hélas ! Marietta, tu nous restais encore.
Lorsque, sur le sillon, l'oiseau chante à l'aurore,
Le laboureur s'arrête, et, le front en sueur,
Aspire dans l'air pur un souffle de bonheur.
Ainsi nous consolait ta voix fraîche et sonore,
Et tes chants dans les cieux emportaient la douleur.


Ce qu'il nous faut pleurer sur ta tombe hâtive,
Ce n'est pas l'art divin, ni ses savants secrets :
Quelque autre étudiera cet art que tu créais ;
C'est ton âme, Ninette, et ta grandeur naïve,
C'est cette voix du coeur qui seule au coeur arrive,
Que nul autre, après toi, ne nous rendra jamais.


Ah ! tu vivrais encor sans cette âme indomptable.
Ce fut là ton seul mal, et le secret fardeau
Sous lequel ton beau corps plia comme un roseau.
Il en soutint longtemps la lutte inexorable.
C'est le Dieu tout-puissant, c'est la Muse implacable
Qui dans ses bras en feu t'a portée au tombeau.


Que ne l'étouffais-tu, cette flamme brûlante
Que ton sein palpitant ne pouvait contenir !
Tu vivrais, tu verrais te suivre et t'applaudir
De ce public blasé la foule indifférente,
Qui prodigue aujourd'hui sa faveur inconstante
À des gens dont pas un, certes, n'en doit mourir.


Connaissais-tu si peu l'ingratitude humaine ?
Quel rêve as-tu donc fait de te tuer pour eux ?
Quelques bouquets de fleurs te rendaient-ils si vaine,
Pour venir nous verser de vrais pleurs sur la scène,
Lorsque tant d'histrions et d'artistes fameux,
Couronnés mille fois, n'en ont pas dans les yeux ?


Que ne détournais-tu la tête pour sourire,
Comme on en use ici quand on feint d'être ému ?
Hélas ! on t'aimait tant, qu'on n'en aurait rien vu.
Quand tu chantais le Saule, au lieu de ce délire,
Que ne t'occupais-tu de bien porter ta lyre ?
La Pasta fait ainsi : que ne l'imitais-tu ?


Ne savais-tu donc pas, comédienne imprudente,
Que ces cris insensés qui te sortaient du coeur
De ta joue amaigrie augmentaient la pâleur ?
Ne savais-tu donc pas que, sur ta tempe ardente,
Ta main de jour en jour se posait plus tremblante,
Et que c'est tenter Dieu que d'aimer la douleur ?


Ne sentais-tu donc pas que ta belle jeunesse
De tes yeux fatigués s'écoulait en ruisseaux,
Et de ton noble coeur s'exhalait en sanglots ?
Quand de ceux qui t'aimaient tu voyais la tristesse,
Ne sentais-tu donc pas qu'une fatale ivresse
Berçait ta vie errante à ses derniers rameaux ?


Oui, oui, tu le savais, qu'au sortir du théâtre,
Un soir dans ton linceul il faudrait te coucher.
Lorsqu'on te rapportait plus froide que l'albâtre,
Lorsque le médecin, de ta veine bleuâtre,
Regardait goutte à goutte un sang noir s'épancher,
Tu savais quelle main venait de te toucher.


Oui, oui, tu le savais, et que, dans cette vie,
Rien n'est bon que d'aimer, n'est vrai que de souffrir.
Chaque soir dans tes chants tu te sentais pâlir.
Tu connaissais le monde, et la foule, et l'envie,
Et, dans ce corps brisé concentrant ton génie,
Tu regardais aussi la Malibran mourir.


Meurs donc ! ta mort est douce, et ta tâche est remplie.
Ce que l'homme ici-bas appelle le génie,
C'est le besoin d'aimer ; hors de là tout est vain.
Et, puisque tôt ou **** l'amour humain s'oublie,
Il est d'une grande âme et d'un heureux destin
D'expirer comme toi pour un amour divin !
Dr Peter Lim Nov 2020
Dear Marietta,
Such a poignant and touching piece of lyrical prose which sings like a lied from Schubert's WINTERREISE--he is my favourite composer as he was humble, generous in spirit, full of joie de vivre despite his poverty and illness, had a good heart and overcame his suffering from the effusion of his music...
Relationship is a garden.......    that part is magnificent!

There's a book I read many years ago titled **Philosophy in the Garden? The word itself evokes warm feelings, tenderness, sunshine, calm and restfulness-a perfect place for contemplation and drawing inspiration. Reading in a garden is an endless delight in spring and autumn though I don't do much in this regard.

We keeps a small garden but it is beautiful with several varieties of flowers, some plants and some fruit trees--birds often come by to steal the ripening fruits.My study is to the right of the garden and it's very relaxing to look through the window to see what it offers at each moment. As I write now, there's a white and blue sky in the near horizon---birds are often seen drifting through the air. Spring ends in Australia at the end of this month.

Thanks for sharing your lovely story and I look forward to reading your future postings.  (She dedicated a garden to her grandmother who passed away).

It's 9.45 am in Melb, Sunday.   Writing to her made my day!
Brittany Jackson Oct 2017
It's a saturday evening. I'm sipping a cold redbull and *****, talking with a loved one. When suddenly one sentence, one look, one change in tone, and all the puzzle pieces fall together. But it all lacks one, do I have my father's eyes?

October 21st 2017.
This is the day I found out, I do not know my biological father.

Let's rewind back to June 25th 1993 roughly 7pm, I was born.
This is the story I was told from that day forth.

In September of 1992 my dad met my mother through mutual friends at a party, he said she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He knew he had to pursue her, for weeks she told him no, he wasn't her type, but he gave it one last attempt with two Reba McEntire concert sometime in October. At first she said no, but my grandmother insisted she atleast give the poor boy a shot and go. So days later she reached out to say she would go out with him. Little did she know he had already sold the tickets thinking she wasn't going to go. But, being the persistent ****** he is, he picked her up anyways but took her to a friends house get together instead, they slept together that night and I was concieved. Now this last part was only revealed to me at age 12 when I started to put some pieces together, but in my head I was just busting my mom on Pre-Marital *** which felt great towards a mother who was so over controlling I wasn't allowed to date until 17 years of age, and I mean so much as a Co-Ed birthday party. She knew where I was 24/7/365 and if she didn't all hell broke loose. But to get back on topic. My parents fell in love, mom soon realized what an amazing man he was and then shortly the found out they were pregnant. They decided to get married on December 26th 1992.
That was my story.
Rather, that was the one they delicately fabricated by the people who's sole life lesson to me was, Honesty was the most important thing in the world.

Fast forward to age 14.

I find out my mother is having an affair, physical proof. To be honest, she did not hide it at all. My father worked all over the US, hotel to hotel for up to 3 week at a time. When he was gone, she was gone.
"I'm going to the grocery store and to run an errand and then I'll be home. What do you want for dinner?"
"The boys want sonic and a chocolate milkshake sounds pretty **** good."
"Alright, I'll see y'all in a little bit."

3 days later.
Her car is halfway parked on the curb, halfway slanted in the driveway. It's running and the lights are on, I wake up around 7:30, get the boys breakfast, I've already called dad worried but he assures me she is just probably with a girlfriend and will be home after we're in bed. He ordered us pizza to be delivered with his card. I proceeded to call all jails and hospitals just to check. I know she's most likely ****** up, with another man or worse hurt or dead.
I hear something and go outside to check, I see her. In the car passed out. I pull her out, no response. She's breathing fine but obviously not ******* waking up. I'm scared. I try to pull the car out of the street. It's parked like ****, but out of the road. I couldn't drive stick but it would do.
I put the boys in their room with a movie and some yogurt "Breakfast in bed & Veggietales. Our little secret". I drag her up 2 flights of stairs. Into the bedroom, the bathroom and into a tub of ice water. She comes to but just ask for water and where she is.
I lay her to bed with water, a trash can, warm towel and bell.
I tell dad and he says to just let her hang out, she's just hungover. I think wow, hangovers are gnarly.
2 days later, she's fully coherent, begging for forgiveness. She promises to never do it again. Unsurprisingly, she would break that promise consistently forever the remainder of my life.
She was with a man named Eugene, coked out. At a ******* doing ecstasy. The product, a pregnancy of a mixed child. Which I only add as an important role in, my father being Caucasian, it would be well known. But she leaves him, comes clean to dad and he says he will raise the child. Believing her when she says it's a very small chance, a one night stand. A mistake and most likely the child was indeed his.
She lost the child. A few months later.
She broke.

I don't know if any of that is true now.

Fast forward to 16.

She's openly at it again. For months she's seeing an old high school fling. He lives there when dad is gone. I tell my father everything, text messages, pictures, grotesque even.. all of the evidence and it ends the same as always. He's mad, then she's mad, he apologizes, begging for love and forgiveness. She successfully manipulates him and then the wrath is on me.
She's pregnant again.
This time, she denies it all to him. It's his child. It's his child.
My beautiful little brother is born.
And now I know that not only do I not know mine and everyone else truly knew, he too will not know. And I don't know if I could break his heart. This man is trash.

Fast forward to 24.

We're talking about my parents, my mom. How everyone knows Jacoby's father is not dad. But he is in denial.
I laugh.
"Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if my father isn't my biological father."
He did not laugh.
"Britt.. there's always been a conspiracy but no one really knows. But no one thought you could handle it, or they feared your mother's recoil."

It doesn't sink in. I get home. And I rack my mind over and over. Where do I start? Who do I ask? Why didn't they tell me? Was he bad? Will I ever know?
Could he love me?
Do I have his eyes? I've always wondered why mine were different.
My smile, its huge. Does his radiate the same way?
Is he kind?
Would he want to know?
Do I want to know?..

The hunt begins. I give into impulse and call my Mimi, moms' mother. She sighs long and hard and I know. It's true.
All she can tell me is it was a short lived fling, an attractive young man, a few years older than mom. Tousled blonde curls and the most beautiful blue grey eyes. MY eyes.
His name is Michael. He was from Marietta. And lived in Hughes Springs at the time. No last name. No job known. Not where they met. Mutual friends. Just those three things over and over.
Blonde curly hair.
Blue eyes.

It has to be.
Facebook,, high school records. I drive to Hughes Springs a kind retired teacher keeps the small town library open an hour later for me to review yearbooks. 1987-1994.
Two matches, but it's still not much to go on. I need proof.
I call uncle, grandparents I haven't had a relationship with since childhood. Not one extra bit of information is found.
Except this, the father that raised me. He knew, I was not his.
So what do I do now?
Somehow get DNA from my father and pay hundreds of dollars to test it?
To get proof that he's not?
I can compare blood types..
But who's to say they will tell me the truth?
Will they ever tell me where I get my eyes?
I'll lay in bed all night long, staring into the abyss, trying to find a way to find you. be continued..
overcast morning
the waste basket overflows
with crumpled thoughts

Written by
Marietta Jane Mc Gregor

— The End —